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Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
March 02, 2008, 12:48:48 AM #2
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
March 03, 2006, 12:47:43 PM
i recommend that you stay out of Tacoma in general except for the game

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
March 03, 2006, 01:03:50 AM
i wonder if i should make the trip down to UPS from Seattle this weekend...what time is the game?
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
March 02, 2006, 05:01:38 PM
^^somebody needs to re-watch the classic that is "major league"
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 28, 2006, 10:15:29 AMQuote from: OxyFan21 on February 28, 2006, 07:42:44 AM
they did not steamroll through the schedule as they did in '02-'03.
again, I have to point out that if I remember right, Oxy won 2 games over PP that year by a combined 3 points or something miniscule like that. Someone check the record books if they remember differently...I could be wrong...but they definitely didn't "steamroll," which I've seen mentioned here a few times.
and someone explain to me how having Oxy host instead of CMS is a money issue....I would assume that, despite being completely idiotic, the committee had Oxy host cause they deemed them the higher seed
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 27, 2006, 07:44:28 PM
I hope they don't feel sorry for themselves and still come to play. Oxy's gym is better than CMS', but it's still well, I'd probably root for Oxy to take out my rivals anyway...
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 27, 2006, 10:17:36 AM
I'm glad the SCIAC got 2 teams in, although too bad my PP boys dropped a few too many to get that bid. But congrats to CMS and Oxy...although like Sager mentioned, the likely match up between the two should be pretty damn annoying for all of us. I understand all the reasons though, so it makes sense...but our first year with 2 teams will really feel like 1 after that game

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 21, 2006, 12:33:07 PMQuote from: OxyBob on February 21, 2006, 12:06:43 PM
>>And tossing in the fact that maceira put two tigers on a poster means absolutely nothing in terms of the overall abilities of the team...that's something that a middle schooler would say<<
The best shot of the night was one by Taylor. He drove the baseline righthanded, but was too far under the basket to shoot, so while in the air he switched hands and spun the ball in lefthanded.
sounds awesome, i'll give him 10 points for that one
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 21, 2006, 02:56:08 AMQuote from: Lord Chaos on February 21, 2006, 01:31:19 AM
Additionally, consider this: the stags beat the sagehens twice, the first being with a fairly large margin. they lost to oxy the first timeby four points, that is true. but then they came back the next game and beat them by seven points, with mani maceira dunking in sam betty's and another defender's face.

"we only one by 7, but we had huge DUNKS! yaaaaaay! that should be worth more points!"
perhaps I read that part wrong, but that's the general vibe i got from it

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 21, 2006, 12:56:16 AM
i don't think Fosheezie is arguing that...CMS is clearly the class of the SCIAC this year...but to say they're head and shoulders ahead of Oxy or PP isn't really accurate. Granted, they blew out the Hens in the first match up, but if PP doesn't drop that horrible choke job at Whittier and Parsons doesn't get that loose ball and dunk it at Pomona, you never know man
with that said, congrats to the Stags...begrudgingly
with that said, congrats to the Stags...begrudgingly

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 19, 2006, 01:06:36 AM
so CMS wraps up league right? it was pretty much a forgone conclusion after beating PP last week anyway. congrats to them, hopefully Oxy can still make the tourney as an at large
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 17, 2006, 04:37:01 PM
great's another recent one...from someone slightly above the Sciac level:
edit: aw it won't let me hotlink, nevermind...
edit: aw it won't let me hotlink, nevermind...
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 17, 2006, 11:50:29 AM
^^true, it's like when Villanova knocked off UCONN a few days ago and their fans rushed the court...i know it's a big win, but yall were #4 in the country and actually ranked higher than the Huskies in RPI...settle down and don't look so surprised
anyway, of course Oxy can win. CMS is good, but they're nowhere near some legendary 72-10 Bulls type squad...Oxy needs to keep Maceira off the boards and Parsons from having a big game. Taylor's really good, but he won't beat you by himself. Betty obviously has to have a monster game as well.
that said, after the CMS/PP game, I had CMS winning out and taking league...and that was before Oxy/Redlands
anyway, of course Oxy can win. CMS is good, but they're nowhere near some legendary 72-10 Bulls type squad...Oxy needs to keep Maceira off the boards and Parsons from having a big game. Taylor's really good, but he won't beat you by himself. Betty obviously has to have a monster game as well.
that said, after the CMS/PP game, I had CMS winning out and taking league...and that was before Oxy/Redlands
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 17, 2006, 12:11:07 AMQuote from: sciacguru on February 16, 2006, 07:35:39 PM
>>The only player/team I can remember actually willing to settle for 3's against them and do reasonably well with it was La Verne and Greenlee in particular lighting them up from deep. So you NEVER need to shoot from outside to beat Redlands...<<
If this is true then you didnt see the Whittier vs Redlands stat line....

oh, and pardon me for not checking the box of a Redlands/Whittier game

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
February 16, 2006, 06:58:16 PM
^^the best shooter thing doesn't really make any difference...the rules go out the window when you play Redlands and each team normally has a designated 'deep' guy to rack up all the points against them. The only player/team I can remember actually willing to settle for 3's against them and do reasonably well with it was La Verne and Greenlee in particular lighting them up from deep. So you NEVER need to shoot from outside to beat Redlands...that doesn't seem to be any sort of problem with Oxy's outcome. The FT shooting however, sounds directly responsible. But still, remember that even against Redlands, 120 points is PLENTY...they lost because they gave up about 20 more than Redlands should score cause Mazerei pulled a Kobe