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Messages - old_lion

Quote from: coachwgh on May 23, 2011, 12:18:31 PM
I think during this next season we should start compiling a best of the GSAC list.  You know maybe 8 items because 10 would be too many...

Nice sarcasm, Coach.    :o  You are picking at an old sore spot ...     :(

I will give the gsac credit for one thing.  In picking their post season honors, they worked awfully hard at appearing to be a Mickey Mouse, half-assed conference.  In that, they were consistently successful. 

I had high hopes, an optimistic outlook, after the 04-05 season ... but sadly, in many ways, a lot of potential just never came to fruition.  Oh well, just count your blessings, right?  There were plenty of those too.   8-)
Hmm ... who have you ticked off now?

Nice limerick, BTW.
Coach Haynes,

Sorry to see you go.  I agree with Phil Williamson's remark ... you could always count on your teams playing with max effort.  The gsac just got less interesting.

Good luck with your new career.
Quote from: coachwgh on February 11, 2011, 09:54:29 AM
I guess everybody has a chance...

Coach H,

You were almost prophetic!  Nice run ...
Coach Haynes,

I liked your Dumb and Dumber link.

Piedmont's last 5 games ...

1/29/2011  # Huntingdon College  Montgomery, AL L 72-83 
2/2/2011    Berry College  Demorest, GA L 93-100 (OT) 
2/5/2011    Warren Wilson College  Asheville, NC L 62-75 
2/9/2011  # LaGrange College  LaGrange, GA L 94-87 (OT) 
2/13/2011  # Maryville College  Maryville, TN W 82-77   
Damn, Coach H! Well played, Sir!

Are you sitting on a GSAC title team down there in LaGrange?
Killer, Grubby One ... you guys are too kind.  I miss our D3 days ... those where special years.  I never missed a game in 4 years.  I'd like to do it all over again if we could.

But as long as we are wishing and dreaming ... next time around we'd have a little more help inside.  Jake threw some nice ally-oop passes in high school.
Quote from: Ralph Turner on July 06, 2010, 07:24:03 PM
  Enjoy the journey.  It is over before most realize it.

Well said, Ralph.  Never were truer words spoken ...
Quote from: colincondi on March 19, 2010, 12:45:00 PM
feel that calling someone a racist is a serious charge that shouldn't be thrown around lightly.

Agreed.  I have felt for quite sometime now, that all too often, the charge of racism is thrown around way too casually and inappropriately.  (And, I feel it is often used disingenuously by some unscrupulous people who seem to have a vested interest in keeping the racism issue alive.  I am NOT referring to Wilburt here.)

That has many negative ramifications ...
* It weakens the credibility of the "race card player".
* It diminishes the impact of real cases of racism, in that it raises the skepticism of the average person when the "race card' is over-played.
* I think it unnecessarily "picks at old scabs" that, IMHO, should have healed long ago.
* Etc. , etc. ...

Moreover, I think it often tends to shift the focus away from the real underlying issues.

We have an awful lot of "crap" going on in this country that we should all be greatly concerned about.  Maybe racism is one of them ... but how high on the priority list should it be? Pointlessly yapping at each other about racial issues is (not always, but many times)  counter productive.  That's my opinion ...

With all due respect to my friend, Wilburt ... I really don't believe race had much ,if any, to do with Fisk's problems in the gsac.

Personally, I hated to see Fisk go.   I always enjoyed playing them in bball and I always enjoyed my trips to Nashville.  I wish they had had more resources to devote to their athletic programs.

I wish them well in their new affiliation.

Also, congrats to Greg for his post season honors.  They are well-deserved.
Quote from: THE jackroberts on February 24, 2010, 04:03:14 PM
Not only does Piedmont get 3 guys on the all conference team, old lion wants coach of the year also!? Unless another team can either sweep maryville, win the gsac championship, or earn 20+ wins then Coach Lambert should and deservingly so win COY! Its starting to get reeaaal deep in here.

Heck, Jack ... in light of Murvul's historical dominance, if any other coach can beat RDL once, don't you think he deserves COY?   ;D

QuoteAnd congratulations Greg on earning POY! You deserve every bit of it!
I'm with you on that one.

QuotePiedmont get 3 guys on the all conference team
Not that I think that, considered individually, any of the 3 were undeserving ... but that the gsac would actually put 3 from PC and only 2 from MC on there ... well, I'm probably as shocked as you are.

Quote from: old_lion on February 24, 2010, 11:05:40 AM
That's progress, I guess ...

More kudos for the gsac brain trust ... in the past, I think they have put too much emphasis on the teams' W/L records when selecting all-gsac.  They seemed to have adhered to the formula of ...
  Best record - 3 guys
  Next two - 2 guys each
  Worst record - 1 guy

Had they done that again this year, either Whitfield or Cromwell would have been left off ... and they both were clearly deserving.  So, on that point, way to go guys.

However, I do think they missed an opportunity to award the COY to someone other than Lambert.  I think a strong case can made for Coach Glenn.  His 07-08 class was the backbone of PC's program for 4 years ... and PC struggled greatly without them in 08-09.  Seems to me, Glenn deserved some recognition for the substantial progress PC made this season.  I also think you would have seen a much stronger finish to their season, had they not lost Gardner 6 games ago.
Quote from: old_lion on February 17, 2010, 12:20:11 PM
But, none of the above will really matter, when it comes to all-gsac selections.  We both know the gsac brain trust has never given the issue that much thoughtful consideration. Here is my prediction as to what they will come up with ...

All-Conference Team
Greg Hernandez, Maryville, SR, C, Miami, Fla., 19.9 ppg, 9.6 rpg.
Eryk Watson, Maryville, JR, G, Powder Springs, Ga., 16.6 ppg., 4.0 rpg.
Nic Whitfield, LaGrange, JR, F, Stockbridge, Ga., 16.2 ppg., 8.0 rpg.
J.C. Herebia, Piedmont, SR, F, Pharr, Texas, 14.2 ppg, 5.6 rpg.
Michael Rubio, Piedmont, SR, G, Cumming, Ga., 13.7 ppg., 2.3 rpg.
Reggie Sprouse, Huntingdon, SR, G, Montgomery, Ala., 13.6 ppg., 5.2 rpg.
Joe Cromwell, LaGrange, SR, G, Atlanta, Ga., 13.6 ppg., 4.9 rpg.
Ephriam Hudson, Huntingdon, JR, G, Montgomery, Ala., 11.0 ppg., 3.2 rpg.

Of course, this is subject to change should someone else break into the top 8 in scoring ... sigh ...

QuoteSam doesn't have all gsac numbers at PC.  But, a lot more than just numbers, should be considered.

Well, I'm amazed ... the gsac brain trust didn't just pick the top 8 scorers.  It's a shame that it's taken them this long to recognize that a guy can be one of the league's best, most valuable, without being one of the top scorers.  That's progress, I guess ...

Now I can't wait for that 5th team to join, so I can quit looking at these silly, 8 man teams.

The recently announced gsac All-Conference Team:
Samuel Coppage, Piedmont, SR, G, Ringgold, Ga.
Joe Cromwell, LaGrange, SR, G, Atlanta, Ga.
J.C. Herebia, Piedmont, SR, F, Pharr, Texas,
Greg Hernandez, Maryville, SR, C, Miami, Fla.
Michael Rubio, Piedmont, JR, G, Cumming, Ga.
Reggie Sprouse, Huntingdon, SR, G, Montgomery, Ala.
Eryk Watson, Maryville, JR, G, Powder Springs, Ga.
Nic Whitfield, LaGrange, JR, F, Stockbridge, Ga.

Top Scorers:
SCORING                      GP FG 3FG FT Points Avg/G
1. Greg Hernandez-MCM  24 183 1 113 480 20.0
2. Eryk Watson-MCM  25 133 36 115 417 16.7
3. Nic Whitfield-LCM  25 151 0 102 404 16.2
4. Herebia, J.C.-PCM  25 146 9 58 359 14.4
5. Joe Cromwell-LCM  25 144 23 33 344 13.8
6. Rubio, Michael-PCM  25 90 42 115 337 13.5
7. Reggie Sprouse-HCM  21 104 14 59 281 13.4
8. Ephraim Hudson-HCM  23 91 52 24 258 11.2
9. Wes Lambert-MCM  25 89 56 16 250 10.0
10. Coppage, Samuel-PCM  23 53 25 91 222 9.7

Quote from: old_lion on February 16, 2010, 09:57:43 AM
And a special shout out to Tracy Gardner. He is not the type of guy that is going to make an all-gsac team ... but he is a winner.  If I'm not mistaken, he is the guy that made 2 FTs to send the Murvul game into OT.  He is a solid synergy guy (PC's leading rebounder and a top defender) who does all the little things that help you win.  PC is 2 and 2 (0 and 2 in the gsac) since they lost him.

I'm afraid it appears I was on to something re Gardner's synergistic value to the team.

Lions were 13 - 6 with Gardner ... and are now 2 - 3 since losing him.  And to be honest, those two wins were not against the toughest competition.  (Not to overstate the case, but the Lion's would have won those two with me taking Tracy's place in the starting lineup.  Hey, I can still move the ball and hit the open jumper ... sometimes.  And ... I could take it to the hole while my defender was on the floor laughing. :D )

But, I digress.  Good luck Lions ... in bouncing back and finishing a good season on a strong note.
Quote from: old_lion on February 17, 2010, 12:08:12 PM
OK coach H, you bring up some points worthy of discussion ... I'll bite.

Coach H,

My bad.  I read carelessly this morning ... or maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. After all, I am an old Lion. 

But anyway, I mistakenly thought Grubbs comments were yours ...  Now that I reread them, I see that they were a little "plain spoken" for you.  I now recognize Grubb's distinctive style.   :D