Well I think that this whole topic has been blown out of proportion. If you guys want to assume that the assistant coach has bas sportsmanship go right ahead. I think you need to mind your own business and quit passing judgement on others. You don't know anything about the McMurry program, everything is based on your own perception, no facts. She has done nothing to you or your program. So if the head coach choses not to shake the opposing starters hands when they are being introduced is that bad sportsmanship? If that's the case then the last 12 years McMmurry has had bad sportsmanship in your eyes. Is it bad sportsmanship to not pray before the game publicly? Well, there are schools within the conference that chose not to pray before games! Dballa, you have your beliefs and views, it's America and it is your right, but don't pass judgement on others unless you know the facts. Coach Snow and Coach D. run a first class program with first class young ladies. Most of the conference has those type of women's programs.
BBenthusiast, I think you more than anybody know what a flop is!!!!!! It runs in your family I am pretty sure
Maybe you should re-watch the game film and figure out what "kicking" is.
BBenthusiast, I think you more than anybody know what a flop is!!!!!! It runs in your family I am pretty sure