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Messages - Dunkmachine

Halleluliah Hollaback!

I wanna hear news on Augsburg recruiting!!!  You know those boys are slipping into the playoffs with baby faced JC at the wheel.  Add in a side of Femi and were talking playoffs!

p.s. As a reply to the discussion many pages back.  My favorite summer sport back in the day...... no brainer.......Spin the Bottle.
St Johns wins!! 

Hello foot, meet mouth. ::)
It should be 1st Team, 2nd Team, and 5 honorable mentions.  15 All Conference players is stupid.
columbianmaffia, I would say this even if you said you would give
me -1000 K

Kyle Foster = Not good at basketball

(also, in person, bears small resemblence to big Frank) ;)

How does SJU4life have that many karma pts???  This dude comes up with the most hilarious and ludicris statements over and over again.  His logic when defending  SJU and their players is looney!!!  Many people have commented about his ramblings on his basketball knowledge, or lack there of, yet his karma is large and in charge.  If I would say crazy things like "Hamline has a stable confident basketball progrm."  Would I get karma pts??  Just wondering how the system works. :)

Halleluiah Hallaback
Schnettler is the best shooter in D3 basketball, arguably in any division.  Westman is a very good shooter in the MIAC.  The two shouldn't be compared.  Its like comparing Larry Bird's shooting to Bo Outlaw's.

Halleluiah Hallaback
I like your style Old School.  As you can see I am "The Godfather" and you must be my boy  "Frank the Tank". 8)

Brant Bailey was the man for that old school point team you spoke of!!  That boy could get UP

I really don't have anything against SJU and I don't have an axe to grind.  In my opinion UW Oshkosh and UW Lacrosse deserved to be in the tourney more than SJU.  Being a basketball purist, I just wish the best teams were in period.  I know that doesn't always happen.  I feel the need to talk about SJU because people on here brag them up and I just don't believe they are for real.  I mean come on, someone compared Westman to Schnettler.  That is a joke. 

If you want someone who hates on SJU check with MIG not I.  Read the post he wrote tearing everyone on SJU a new one after they got spanked by the Tommies the second time.  SJU will be one and done but congrats on a good season.  There VOJ, I said something nice about them.   ::)
miacmaniac your name suits you well.  SJU will not beat Loras.  Im going to go ahead and not agree with your "(Probable)" statement there.  If they somehow hit the lotto and do win, they have 0000000000 % chance of beating UWSP!!  If they play UWSP they will lose by 20 plus points, no doubt about it.

I am a MIAC fan.  Any way we can out do the WIAC the better, BUT, how can D3 Hoops act like a real ranking system when St. Johns gets in before two nationally ranked WIAC schools??  I dont want to hear about regional rankings or anything.  I want pure logic.  How can UW Oshkosh 7# in the nation not make the national tourney??  UW Lacrosse 18# didnt make it either but SJU did???  St. Thomas #6 in the nation makes it and gets a bye.  The next best team in America according to D3 is UW Oshkosh and they dont even get in??   Reguardless of anything, those two WIAC teams are head and shoulders better than SJU.  The tournament should have the best teams in the nation in first, then the auto bids, then the at large teams.  Who ever wins this tournament had a very tough field BUT NOT the toughest field D3 basketball had to offer and I think that is a shame.

If SJU somehow miracles a win in the 1st round (which they wont!!!), Stevens Point basically has two byes in a row.  UW Stevens Point will do SJU hard, and raw dog too!
Someone please tell me why D3 Hoops does this.  I want answers in the big picture, NOT "their reginal ranking is good crap"  Real basketball minds and hearts would want the best teams in the national tourney.

PTPer- Loved your Dickie V awards :)
Well I was correct about the championship tonight.  What a route by the Tommies.  Not even a close game.  St. Thomas will use this as momentum and do some damage in the Little Dance.  SJU should be thankful for a good season where they probably over achieved.  Now they will get in the tourney and get murdered again.  Too bad so sad.

Westman box score OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  0-11       0-5     0-3     0    1     1   4    0    0   1   0   1  28

good players step up in big games  ;D

1 steal and 1 rebound, HE DIDNT EVEN GET A TRIPLE SINGLE
SJU4LIFE = Not a very well informed basketball mind. 

Sorry homey but I agree with Russian Mig 100%.  The Shoe is NOT a hard gym to shoot at.  If there could be difficult gyms, Mig was right saying Concordia and Gac.

funbballer, you are way off. Tommies win it all tomorrow.
Quote from: miacwatchmen on February 23, 2007, 03:19:04 PM
Regadless, tomorrow will be a fun game. I see no way either team blows the other unless it gets out of hand at the end with free throws. UST's big three must play well along with some reserve help. SJU needs to shoot the ball better obviously but they also need to contain Schnettler. He can change the game in just three trips. Rosefelt and Keating also have the ability to change the game but Schnettler in my mind is the biggest threat. I think it will be tough for SJU to win but it wont take the perfect game to do it. Its not like SJU comes in at 11-11. They are 20-6 with a legitimate shot to win the title.

Miacwatchmen I thought this was a family board.  There is no room for inappropriate innuendos.  You are sick :)
I have a very very very hard time believing Ike is the strongest on the team.  I would be willing to wager a lot of cash on that one.  Some people just can't put on muscle, that is a fact, BUT Ive watched him play a lot and may or may not have played against him and I have to tell you he is weak.  He is very easy to push around.  I don't think there is any way Keating and probably several other tommies aren't stronger than Ike in the weight room.  Im not saying he isnt a good baller.  He was the best player the last two years in my opinion by far.  Im just saying there are guys who are skinny yet strong as crap.....but Ike aint one of them.

Snowman, I do agree with you that his syle of play is not a banger by any means.  He likes the turn around and he is gifted enough to jump over everyone.  The article did show that he has good qualities and he gave his teammates shoutouts, but based on what I have seen, he was a  $%*# head on the court.  I think Ike is more annoying than Schnettler.
Snowman, Im going under two techs.  The Johnnies may get salty as they are getting murdered but I think 2 would be the limit. 

p.s. Nice article on Ike but, the kid talks trash and has an arrogant attitude on the court the whole time.  If he ever decided to hit the weights ever, he would have been First Team All-American every year for the Tommies.  Kind of funny that he and Bain are boys though hehehe.