How about some basketball talk...
What is the game plan for Carroll? What weaknesses are out there that they can exploit against Hope? Anyone who has seen them any info would be appreciated.
Diehard and roop you guys are like forcing the same ends of magnets together right now...lighten up. diehard lets see if the board handle lives up and roop, well, roop rhymes with hoop, so lets continue to talk about hoops.
pat coleman,
excellent if you didn't already know that?
What is the game plan for Carroll? What weaknesses are out there that they can exploit against Hope? Anyone who has seen them any info would be appreciated.
Diehard and roop you guys are like forcing the same ends of magnets together right now...lighten up. diehard lets see if the board handle lives up and roop, well, roop rhymes with hoop, so lets continue to talk about hoops.
pat coleman,
excellent if you didn't already know that?