I can understand the frustration for BC not more on the ball with things....but take a look around at the process of other small and even big schools. It is not unusual for these things to drag on past the Final Four, and would probably be a smaller percentage of a coach actually being hired before the DI Final Four because of the National Coaching Convention that takes place. Like I said before I hav enot been from the area but wasn't Milikin still looking for a head coach. At a school with rolling admissions there is always a chance to fill a our a recruitng class even with the May 1 national enrollment deadline.......
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Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
March 19, 2007, 03:10:29 PM
Any more word on the BC opening? I used to be from the area but have been out of touch. It is good to see all the posts and interest in the MWC.
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Capital Athletic Conference
February 09, 2007, 11:17:42 PM
and mazuchi should be there instead of gray for marymount for the 6th man
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Capital Athletic Conference
February 09, 2007, 11:14:47 PM
My fault on Goucher leaving out Jones, that is who was suppose to be there but I made a mistake and put Robine in there twice.
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Capital Athletic Conference
February 09, 2007, 06:24:30 PM
This may be a better format to read.
shooting guard power forward
Lesense- SMC Wise- SMC
Olivero- CUA Dwyer- CUA
White- Gally Jackson- Gally
Russo- GOU Robine- GOU
Diamond- MMT Stanback- MMT
Zerfing- YCP Kelly- YCP
Lee- UMW Pierce- UMW
Junghans- Hood Robine- Hood
Williams- SAL Gerald- SAL
small forward center
Valdez- SMC Irmir- SMC
Fumai- CUA Wheeler- CUA
Farias- Gally Babatunde- Gally
Brown- GOU Merritt- GOU
Parker- MMT Gray- MMT
Lankford- YCP McGowan- YCP
Baker- UMW Whitworth- UMW
Abercrombie- Hood Gutekunst- Hood
Odumero- SAL Menekaya- SAL
Coach center 6th man
Harney Irmir- SMC Engelstad- SMC
Howes Wheeler- CUA Papageorge- CUA
Destefano Babatunde- Gally Valencia- Gally
Trevino Merritt- GOU Ian Brown-GOU
McClary Gray- MMT Gray- MMT
Gambler McGowan- YCP Brady- YCP
Wood Whitworth- UMW Hale- UMW
Dickman Gutekunst- Hood Anthony Bennett
Holmes Menekaya- SAL Ward- SAL
shooting guard power forward
Lesense- SMC Wise- SMC
Olivero- CUA Dwyer- CUA
White- Gally Jackson- Gally
Russo- GOU Robine- GOU
Diamond- MMT Stanback- MMT
Zerfing- YCP Kelly- YCP
Lee- UMW Pierce- UMW
Junghans- Hood Robine- Hood
Williams- SAL Gerald- SAL
small forward center
Valdez- SMC Irmir- SMC
Fumai- CUA Wheeler- CUA
Farias- Gally Babatunde- Gally
Brown- GOU Merritt- GOU
Parker- MMT Gray- MMT
Lankford- YCP McGowan- YCP
Baker- UMW Whitworth- UMW
Abercrombie- Hood Gutekunst- Hood
Odumero- SAL Menekaya- SAL
Coach center 6th man
Harney Irmir- SMC Engelstad- SMC
Howes Wheeler- CUA Papageorge- CUA
Destefano Babatunde- Gally Valencia- Gally
Trevino Merritt- GOU Ian Brown-GOU
McClary Gray- MMT Gray- MMT
Gambler McGowan- YCP Brady- YCP
Wood Whitworth- UMW Hale- UMW
Dickman Gutekunst- Hood Anthony Bennett
Holmes Menekaya- SAL Ward- SAL
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Capital Athletic Conference
February 09, 2007, 06:20:55 PM
I didn't have anything better finishing up at work so I thought I would list the starting position players for each team and ask the board to rank them. There may be an argument for different positions but they should be just about right. I tried to pick the six man by minutes and who seems to be the most valuable when I have seen them.
Point Guard shooting guard small forward
Smelkinson SMC Lesense- SMC Valdez- SMC
Wasalinko- CUA Olivero- CUA Fumai- CUA
Mowl- Gally White- Gally Farias- Gally
Stanford- GOU Russo- GOU Brown- GOU
Majors- MMT Diamond- MMT Parker- MMT
Yeck- YCP Zerfing- YCP Lankford- YCP
Fitzgerald- UMW Lee- UMW Baker- UMW
Jones- Hood Junghans- Hood Abercrombie- Hood
Edmunds- SAL Williams- SAL Odumero- SAL
power forward center 6th man Coach
Wise- SMC Irmir- SMC Engelstad- SMC Harney
Dwyer- CUA Wheeler- CUA Papageorge- CUA Howes
Jackson- Gally Babatunde- Gally Valencia- Gally Destefano
Robine- GOU Merritt- GOU Ian Brown-GOU Trevino
Stanback- MMT Gray- MMT Gray- MMT McClary
Kelly- YCP McGowan- YCP Brady- YCP Gambler
Pierce- UMW Whitworth- UMW Hale- UMW Wood
Robine- Hood Gutekunst- Hood Anthony Bennett Dickman
Gerald- SAL Menekaya- SAL Ward- SAL Holmes
Point Guard shooting guard small forward
Smelkinson SMC Lesense- SMC Valdez- SMC
Wasalinko- CUA Olivero- CUA Fumai- CUA
Mowl- Gally White- Gally Farias- Gally
Stanford- GOU Russo- GOU Brown- GOU
Majors- MMT Diamond- MMT Parker- MMT
Yeck- YCP Zerfing- YCP Lankford- YCP
Fitzgerald- UMW Lee- UMW Baker- UMW
Jones- Hood Junghans- Hood Abercrombie- Hood
Edmunds- SAL Williams- SAL Odumero- SAL
power forward center 6th man Coach
Wise- SMC Irmir- SMC Engelstad- SMC Harney
Dwyer- CUA Wheeler- CUA Papageorge- CUA Howes
Jackson- Gally Babatunde- Gally Valencia- Gally Destefano
Robine- GOU Merritt- GOU Ian Brown-GOU Trevino
Stanback- MMT Gray- MMT Gray- MMT McClary
Kelly- YCP McGowan- YCP Brady- YCP Gambler
Pierce- UMW Whitworth- UMW Hale- UMW Wood
Robine- Hood Gutekunst- Hood Anthony Bennett Dickman
Gerald- SAL Menekaya- SAL Ward- SAL Holmes
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Capital Athletic Conference
February 09, 2007, 12:36:06 AM
I have always been a loyal DI guy and never paid much attention to DIII until a couple of years ago. Since then it has just snowballed. People don't realize what great entertainment DIII and particular the CAC is, especially this year....and its cheap! It's great to see so many people take an interest by posting on this board. I look forward continuing to watch the action and posting well into the tourney......
but for my first post I must say something worth mentioning. I looked at the box score and saw a couple of technicals called throughout the league. In particular 2 against Goucher. In a four point game that's tough....what happened there?
but for my first post I must say something worth mentioning. I looked at the box score and saw a couple of technicals called throughout the league. In particular 2 against Goucher. In a four point game that's tough....what happened there?