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Messages - benoitwi

While I know this is the Men's board I just heard that Deanna Richard will be leaving OC to take a GLIAC Job in Pennsylvania.....Looks like OC gets to look for a second head Basketball Coach.
With the coaching opening at OC I was wondering if there are any Miaa assistants that will be a candidate for that job.  Does anyone know of anyone that would be a great fit for that job?
Has anyone heard of any openings for coaches in the league for next fall?  Will there be any changes in assistants for any of the league schools?
Tonight Calvin got cheated of an opportunity to prove they were ready to play and take on the last place team in the league.  There is no one who really understands Basketball that will be able to be happy with how things transpired.  Calvin has a great team and a tremendous coach and that should not be lost in this.  The sad part is they will never know if they could have won the game on their own.  When you clearly have the benefit of an official that has an agenda during a contest you are never able to truly appreciate what you have accomplished.  The Calvin players and coaches will have to wonder for the rest of their lives if they could have won this game tonight without the help.

The Miaa prides itself on having so much class and being the leader in sportsmanship that it bothers me to no end how a game like this can ever happen.  How can Joe Cooper assign an official with such a blatant level of disrespect for the league, schools, players, and coaches involved.  The Bald headed guy wasn't biased as much as he was just plain bad but at least he was bad moderately fair.  The tall younger guy is a very good official that got caught carrying and protecting the other two.  I Promise you that if you asked him and got an honest answer from him he too would say what happened tonight was a disgrace and he is embarrassed to be a part of it

The only way this problem is going to be fixed in this league is if the big three coaches that have been here for a long time step up and say the MIAA will have the best quality officiating in the country and we as a league will no longer accept officials like tonight.  When great officiating happens in this league the games are amazing and everyone involved gets to enjoy a part of life that they will never forget. 

Tonight all the two teams that played and the 850 or so fans that were there can talk about is the officiating.  Isn't it sad that all the possible good things that could be talked about are lost and gone forever because Joe Cooper failed to do as quality of a job as this league deserves and two officials decided the game was about them and not the schools or the players.
I have heard that Mark is having academic issues....dont know for sure...just what I have heard
Well Folks it seems that you all assumed that I had not checked out all of the other websites when the reality is that I had.  I asked a very open ended question to see if I could learn something that wasn't easy to find. 

After looking at the box score it seems that our loyal WIAC zebras where the reason we did not have a lot of stress in this game.  I do know from looking at the season stats this team had not committed 27 foul against anyone else they played so I am going to have to assume that we had a fair bit of help tonight.
I see that UWW Plays some school from Michigan on Wednesday night.  Does anyone know anything about these guys. 
To those of you that made preseason rankings I am curious what was your reasonings for putting teams where you did.  Do all of you really think tri state is the worst team in the league?

Yes I wanted my post on this board.  I just don't know how to delete it from the previous page.
It seems that two of the Miaa's finest will be joining the Olivet Staff for a coaches clinic. 

Here is the Link

Do you think these coaches are there to give out their good stuff or just to get a look at what Olivet is doing with the new coach
Olivet has posted their Men's Basketball Roster.  It seems they have some new big kids.  Has anyone seen any of these kids play?