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Messages - CoachInTheSouth

Not that I've heard...of course knowing that will still be awhile since football isn't a year round sport.....hah!!!  She is clueless.
Any word on a new coach at Fitchburg???
What it would mean is that most likely the overpaid AD's would have to loose some of thier this....AD's typically make somewhere near the 100,000 mark yet "partime coaches" (no such thing in all reality) make less then 20,000....I don't want to hear the argument that because its a state school all the coaches have to make the same...this is not a socialist economy, pay should be based on performance/time actually put into your program.  Just doesn't seem right
coachzilly, you are right on track!  I played for both Coach Haverty and the other guy and let me tell you, the only reason Fitchburg has reached the level that it has is because of Coach Haverty.  This is a black period for all Fitchburg Alumni and current players, matter-of-fact this is a time for all alumni and players to speak up and find out what is going on with the people that make the decisions around there.  Do they really have the best intentions for their student athletes in mind? Or is it all about the money?  Why wasn't Haverty a full time coach anyway?  I guess he didn't win enough games.....oh yeah he won more games then all of the previous coaches combined...wierd