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Messages - The_end_of_overlook

Section 13,
I played that day against MHB, let me first start by answering your questions... I don't think it was any big half time adjustment by MHB (give their coaches credit they beat us), did we as players think we had won it all? Not even close, one thing Coach Kerhes teaches you is to respect every opponent and all the time. As an offensive player never once did I or our team mates think it was Coach Monty or the defensives fault. We won as a team and we lost as a team. BY no means did LK go conservative with the offense.

I may get blasted for my beliefs, but here goes. First things first, when you don't perform, look in the mirror. Offensively we struggled the entire third quarter. You can't win big games like that. At one point I personally snapped the ball on the wrong count and hit a receiver who was in motion, the ball bounced past the O-line and the defense recovered, that was a critical moment to make a mistake. I remember an interception and a TD catch that MHB players made that the ball bounced off of Mount players into the hands of a MHB player laying on the ground. MHB didn't beat us by luck, they beat us on the field. For 55 straight games before that the ball bounced our way, on that day it didn't, we didn't' get many breaks, and we shot ourselves in the foot. As a group of players we were heart broken, we felt as though we had let the program, the school, and the purple raiders of the past down. At the same time when I look back at it, that group over achieved. we graduated a lot of starters from the year before, for a mount team we were very undersized, but we did what all Mount teams had done, we worked hard and we played as a team. That day we just didn't come out on top. When we get together we still don't like to talk about it. It hurts, and some of us left the field that day feeling like many Purple Raiders before hadn't felt, like we had let Coach Kerhes and our teammates down.
You right it was a vent on my part, it just bothers me to see the actions of people involved with the program change.

Beenhit2hard, yeah in the middle is where I used to roam, however now my physique would only allow me on the end lol, andc i think you hit the nail on the head about first year of coaching and being sensative it can drive you nuts lol
To the Mount Faithful,
     I have held this post off for a couple weeks now. And I did so knowing it will upset some and bother others. However over my (and some others who I played with) past trip to Salem I encountered something I never thought I would at a Mount game. This is simply an observatgion and opinion of myself and many others may disagree, and I hope this is the case I hope I just happened to sit in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Well here goes...
     It appears that the entitlement age is among us at UMU. For many years many complained about the fans at Mount because they didn't cheer, they were old, or expected the success. As a player that can be hard because only the coaches and players truely know the hard work and sacrifce that go into the success that the Raiders have had. During the game in section A of the UMU side of the stadium, I got to sit near the players who traveled and didn't dress, some injured players, and their families. For a hot minute I thought I was at a high school game. It didn't take long for the parents and the fans to second guess the coaches and their play calling, screaming and yelling about how dumb each call was and what they should had done. Mahybe I am a sheltered UMU fan but when in the world did it become ok to second guess a coach and staff like Coach Kerhes. Honestly it makes me sick to here comments like " it seems like the coaches are giving up", or "why do we keep running up the middle when the outside is open". I understand people will have their own opinion but I never thought the fans and the parents of players would turn ingto these fans. It almost makes me wish for the days of the old fans sitting on their hands just expecting a win every game.  Some of these parents even wore clothing with their players names and numbers on it. At one point we actually had to confront several fans around us about their arrogance and ignorance.  I know this may have become a ramble but this is not High School or Little League football. These coaches know what they are doing.
     Rant # 2, Now for the injured player(s) and those players who traveled but didn't dress. As a player for Mount Union I can assure you that you have heard Coach Kerhes say "act like you have been there, and if you're not sure how that is, then watch the older players who have been there". Well some of the injured players, and undressed players that were acting like clowns were upper classman, and you set a poor example for those younger players. At one point one of the players on crutches threw them down and began to pace up and down the bleachers yelling "this is the national f*cking Champiosnhip game, are we are trying to f*cking lose", it was bad enough their were young children around, but lets look at it this way, you represent your team and the school attend, you should act like it.  And now on the the players who were in the stands, you should have learned one thing from the past couple Stagg Bowls,IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO PUBLICLY CRITICIZE YOUR TEAM MATES!!!!!!!!!! As players you should know that every player out there on that field and those who didn't get to dress want to win that game. The last thing they need to hear from the stands is one of their team mates belittling them and their play. For God's sake support your team, you played with a team who was expected to win this game with out much of a challenge. However the players on the field gave it their all and played hard. Did they win no, but they played hard, there are somethings you can not control but your effort is one, and as a players you shouldn't question the want and will to win of other players on your team.
     I know many of you who read this will assume I am some old guy in my 70's who never played. Well for those of you who know me, know that isn't the case. I am not one of those ex-players who thinks things are different just because my days are over. The only thing that I think has changed is the attitude of entitlement that has some how transferred to our players and parents (not all) that I got to sit by. Now that my rant is officially over I will leave you with this, Mount Union football has always been the centerfold for class, win or lose as a player you are respresenting your TEAM and your SCHOOL. Every action you make will be criticized whether you are on the field or in the bleachers.
This is the type of attitude I see alot coaching high school football... It's the idea that parents feel their kid should play just because he is on the team and he comes to practice. It is college football, it is competitive and the best will play. Believe it or not the freshman, and 2nd and 3rd teams get better by playing scout team and JV games. That is what really prepares them to play on saturdays. It is an honor to get to play on a saturday afternoon even if it is just a play or two doing scrub time. I can remember being a red shirt sophomore and the last game of the year before I got my first time on the varsity field. It was in a game that we probably score 50 in the first half. But there was nothing more memorable then sharing that moment with 2 or 3 other guys in my class who get their first reps that day. It made it all worth it. I have always thought it takes a special person to play and graduate at mount. Not because you win a lot or playing in the National Championship games, but the fact that you go there knowing there is a chance you could bust your butt for four years and never see the field. But to be satisfied knowing that you played your roll on the team, running scout team getting the team ready ever week and got to be part of something truely special. Now thats what its about, not whining about not getting to play. 
While going through the recruiting process at the end of high school, i visited several schools. From those schools Mount was the only one that didn't promise anything. The told me you need to find a place you can call home, a place that you can see yourself fitting into, they also said there is a chance you could come here and never see the field and be on the scout team for four years or maybe get some special teams action. Because of their honesty i felt like that would be a great home.
I could be wrong here, but i have read several different place that students who attend schools on a full scholarship do get several hundreds of additional money per month for living purposes (not housing or meal plan)
what kind of disenchantment?
It is a TV show about a high school glee club. Very entertaining. UMUplayerdad was using it in an attempt to clown on me, turns out h was right, I am actually a fan.  Probably because I went to Mount a liberal arts school who works on creating a well rounded person. lol
We might be speaking the same terms here, with that location came years of tradition within the football family. Many a Mountie lived and enjoyed life there. SO we may be confused with time periods, I was one of the lasts to enjoy it... RIP 84 Overlook!!!!! LOL PM me and let us converse.

P.S. - I still love Glee...
Enough of the banter lol, either way enjoy the fact that your son is part of something great, and quit being so bitter about everything.  :-*
Half a fa@? I am going to assume you meant fag. I can promise you that I am confortable enough with my own sexuality that I can have a bromance and still be happily married. lol  :D
From LS100 to Bromance, doesn't get any better than that, and to think I lived down the street from you while in college and we never realised how much we had in common until now.  ;)
Formerd3db: I can't argue with you. This has been the most exciting the board has been for a while. However I will continue to stick to my guns about the whole Glee thing and the fact that UMUdad needs to lay off the booze lol... but I do relate, sadly enough, I have a family member who has an alcohol problem and I know they don't mean what they say under the influence.  :D

PS I do LOVE  two and a half men. now that's funny.
It appears we may have a bromance growing, maybe we could make a date of it lol, I'll bring the PBR to your place and we can watch some Glee and discuss how much we adore the Mount program.  ;D
And for what it's worth I do enjoy watching the show Glee.. :o