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Messages - TRhit

New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 22, 2010, 08:14:52 PM

No need to apologize--I have known both coaches a few years longer than you have and I can tell that they are both fine gentlemen on top of being great baseball men--- when I saw the first "sour grapes" post regarding the situation I said there had to be some mistake because that is not the men I know.

That being said my son can play for either of them anytime---they will leave the program as a better young man

Congratulations to both Coach Reina and Coach Plourde on a fine season and special congrats to Coach Plourde on his Coach of the Year Award

By the way congrats to  Andy on his fine career at Univ of Rochester

It get tiring to hear all the "what if" regarding injuries---in fact nobody knows what would happen if all rosters were 100% healthy---you play with the cards that you are dealt and go with it---no excuses

I agree that we have some great baseball in the region but lets not cheapen it with the "what ifs". 
At the present time I do not see him leaving Trinity---he is from the area and has a son in HS , I believe he is a soph---thru history in this region we have not seen many guys move around
To those speaking on Coach Decker

I have known Coach for a number of years and a number of our kids have played for him, Kent Graham is there now, and I have to tell you he is one of the finest gentlemen I have ever met---he is no different in person that what you saw in the interview--I am proud to say I know him

He will be one of our speakers at our seminat this summer
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 15, 2009, 07:49:51 PM

Don't beat yourself up---it is just a game
New England Region / Re: BB: LEC: Little East Conference
February 01, 2009, 09:09:38 PM
RE: the  RUSTLERS ROOST note above----been there twice and sat with the Old Miner---try the snake---it is unreal-- great experience for all who go there--steaks are also awesome---atmosphere is total fun

I do not see it as a stigma playing at non scholarship schools---the majority of players are not going pro anyway, not to say that a non scholarship players cannot be drafted because it does happen, so why not go to a school where they get academic money . grants etc play great baseball and get a great education.

With the new Division I rules I think we will see more and more good players going to the D-II and D-III levels

Incidently Pat Steffee  JHU RHP who started the title game had Division I opportunities but chose JHU

Kent Graham , Trinity, also had Division I situations but chose Trinity and I do not think he is sorry with his choice

Both of these fine young men played with us on our travel team
And maybe, just maybe, some of you need to open your eyes and minds and give credit where credit is due---40-0 in any league is a bit awesome

And no I am not a Trinity grad--I just appreciate great baseball
New England Region / Re: BB: Harwich MA Regional
May 17, 2008, 06:59:42 PM

Graham played with us on our travel team in HS and our infielders truly appreciated his glove at firstbase---he was also a good hitter then but his bat has improved tremendously

The Wheaton/Southern Maine game tonite should be a great one
New England Region / Re: BB: Harwich MA Regional
May 17, 2008, 11:58:42 AM
I have been watching the entire tournament--Trinity is 4 deep in #1 arms and they now get a day off--when things are going right they continue to go right

The team hits, fields and pitches as well as any I have seen not only at the D-III level but any level--not even Diviion 1 teams have arms 4 deep like this team

Yes they are that good and in talking with many college coaches in the area they agree
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
February 20, 2008, 06:48:58 PM
Another thing to keep in mind is the player pool various schools have to pull from--all the programs do not have the same academic standards ---I am not saying this is a good or bad, unfair or fair  thing , just that it is a fact of life---nor do all schools have the same yearly costs----all of this has to be factored into the picture
New York Region / Re: SUNYAC
February 24, 2007, 06:15:36 PM
For those wondering about the Bilyk boy-- he is out for the semester due to a bout with pneumonia last fall which kept him out of class and has left him weak and still recovering

Hope this helps you