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Messages - Bob

Here's some food for discussion.

I have created UAA first and second teams based solely on the final individual statistics.  First, I used only UAA stats as these reflect performance against common opponents and, quite frankly, some of the teams had fairly weak pre-UAA opponents.  Second I biased things towards scoring as this is typically what is valued in this kind of voting.  What I did was to take the top 15 scorers and order them top to bottom.  Then for each scorer, I gave them points for their ranking in assists and rebounding from 1-15.  If someone was not in the top 15, I arbitrarily assigned them a score of 16.  I then took the average ranks for the 3 categories and ordered everyone from lowest to highest rank.  So here goes:

First Team                                      Second Team

Federigos EU                                   Nading WU
Boone NYU                                       DeLuca Br
Ruths WU                                         DeCorso NYU
Hainje UC                                         Young Case
Wallis WU                                         Sosa EU
Woodhead UC                                  Conrad Case
Onyiriuka UR                                     Einwag CMU
                                                         Meyer UC