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Messages - Cadillac

Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
December 29, 2007, 04:06:47 PM
Smalt's back for Fisher this weekend.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 30, 2007, 05:02:28 PM
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 30, 2007, 10:39:06 AM
Enough about me.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 30, 2007, 10:25:10 AM

A couple of things I am NOT:
1) someone who feels the need to defend Smalt at every perceived slight
2) a Fisher homer

I'm just a guy who's watched a lot of E8 basketball in the last 4 years, and a guy that hears a lot of information about the team (and not necessarily from Isaiah).
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 30, 2007, 02:00:56 AM
Quote from: bamm on November 29, 2007, 01:49:07 PM
Quote from: Cadillac on November 29, 2007, 01:10:45 AM
His rehab's progressing better than normal, according to doctors.  No exact timeframe has been given.

That post really does it for me, too.  I like to imagine Kornaker holding a press conference, surrounded by some orthopedic specialist, the team doctor, and a couple of trainers, answering questions about the status of a slightly above average division three baller.  You Fisher guys are really rich sometimes.

Excuse me.  It was the answer to a question posed.

If reading too much into statements amuses you... well... I'm sure this post will somehow put you in stitches too.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 29, 2007, 01:10:45 AM
Quote from: gobombers15 on November 28, 2007, 01:26:59 PM(I have no knowledge re: his expected return...Fisher guys, know anything?).

His rehab's progressing better than normal, according to doctors.  No exact timeframe has been given.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 23, 2007, 02:06:55 PM
This Smalt pissing contest is retarded.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 17, 2007, 09:51:23 PM
They would have started without their starting center.

Smalt broke his hand.  Probably out 4-6 weeks.  JBeigal's now at the 5.

Wonder if Mike Seiberg's regretting his decision to quit earlier in the week.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 03, 2007, 10:51:08 PM
Fisher exhibition notes:

- McKeever was the key in the second half.  Nice passes and timely buckets.  He played the final 18 minutes in the second half while all the other guards subbed in.  He needs starter minutes.

- Baltz was off - way off - and when he's off, Fisher's going to struggle offensively.

- Ozell Franklin was in a shirt and tie.  He'll need to get to class if he ever wants to wear a uniform again.

- Isaiah handles tall guys better than the wide loads... he just needs to FINISH.

- Waterloo didn't have much.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 01, 2007, 12:54:08 PM
Quote from: Caz Bombers on November 01, 2007, 11:03:17 AM
Yeah, I'm sure your invincible warrior-kings would have no use at all for Bryant, Herring, Cichon, McAdam, Burton, Bostic, Schulz, Cocoapuffs, Stein, any of RIT's 50 guys named Fran, etc.


I'll add Canori, Bacon, Lighthall (he of the most automatic baseline jumper I've ever seen in person).
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 01, 2007, 12:41:59 PM
Quote from: bamm on October 31, 2007, 02:54:20 PM
Quote from: Cadillac on October 27, 2007, 06:46:44 PM

I'd say 150 turned out at Campbell-Savona to watch.  All 5 alums played extensively.  Nice crowd.  Very polite.

Was there an admission charge?  If so, I assume this was a fund-raiser for CS basketball?  I know the team was a casualty of the local school budget deficit issues.

Anyway, nice gesture by Kornaker and whoever the heck the coach for Houghton is.

No charge, but they were taking donations for the athletic club, and filled the jar quite rightly.
Fisher's starters jumped all over Houghton's starters in the first 20 minutes.
In the second, Houghton's second/third team buried Fisher's third/fourth guys.
The third game was mostly starters the entire way and was very close with Fisher winning by about 6.

For Fisher:
- Baltz is, and should be, offensive option A, B, and C.  He was shooting lights out.
- McKeever was the first guy off the bench.  Wopperer was #2.  McKeever hit 2 out of 2 threes in about 4 minutes before making way for the younger guys.  In game 3, he ran the point for some time.
- Ozell Franklin is going to be more impressive than frustrating.  He played great within the offense, and looked good cutting to the basket.  The only negative - he was way off on his outside shooting.
- JBeigel & Smalt were both very rusty on offense.  JBeigs got his points, but put up a lot of shots.  They looked okay on D.
-Brandon Beigel is much improved.  He'll still probably only get in during blowouts, but he put in a lot of work, and deserves kudos.
-Brian Kern is very skinny.
-Freshman Will Cornett played over Coyne, but that may just be because the scrimmage was at his high school.

I'd say 150 turned out at Campbell-Savona to watch.  All 5 alums played extensively.  Nice crowd.  Very polite.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
October 27, 2007, 02:35:23 AM
Quote from: sjfcards on October 24, 2007, 08:18:45 PM
Thanks for the info boys...It looks like Fisher will have a lot of work to do with the loss of McSweeny and Mueller.

No more work than replacing O'Brien, McGee, and Bennett, who scored about 85% of the points two years ago.

Who at this point last year thought Mueller, who averaged 1.9 the year before, would be All-Conference?

This year we're looking at:

  • 4 to 5 seniors/juniors that have plenty of game experience (yep, some of that's purely from sticking around, getting relief or mop up duty through sheer number of games)
  • a couple sophomores that have played really well
  • freshmen that will be forced minutes to bring psyche up to speed with their talent

What's the point?
It looks like a typical Kornaker team, and I mean that as the highest compliment.  It's a winning formula, and its served Fisher well in the 3 years I've been watching them.  There's another Dan Mueller on the roster somewhere, and there are enough options that one will emerge to go along with the younger talent.

More after tomorrow's first scrimmage.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
October 22, 2007, 12:35:02 AM
Quote from: ICbombers06 on October 21, 2007, 07:13:02 PM
Kern is a really good athlete, but physically wasn't ready for the college level...I think he transferred to Fredonia State after his frosh year and then transferred again to SJF.  Definitely wouldn't expect him to be an impact player right away, but should get minutes.

I heard he's rusty, but looking good enough to challenge Matt Haley for first big off the bench.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
October 22, 2007, 12:33:36 AM
Quote from: sjfcards on October 21, 2007, 02:04:42 PM
Any word out there about the team that Fisher will put on the floor?


McKeever, Coyne, Lidell off the bench... with plenty of opportunities for others to step up.

Quote from: sjfcards on October 21, 2007, 02:04:42 PMIs there any standout Freshman?  Or any other surprises out there?

Ozell Franklin's going to get some run.  Very athletic, could play 2-4.  Needs to work on court sense and playing within the team.
Will Cornett will get a look alongside HS teammate Newman.
Other than that, lots of ?'s.

Quote from: sjfcards on October 21, 2007, 02:04:42 PMis there a true big man that will get minutes?

No real surprises here.