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Messages - snail

Like most things related to NCAA, they have to wake up and smell the coffee. D3 schools do not for the most part have the millions DI schools have. Most D3 schools do not have a 12 million dollar facility or a guy waiting to die or stay alive and donate the $$$$.
So smaller schools ahve to go get local business to help them have anything at all above basics. We had a local business step up big time and renovate where we play basketball. D3 mnd ya....the NCAA wizzards made rthem cover up the scoreboard like that's gonna create some unfair advantage, pull the labels off the water because they(NCAA) must have a contract with some other water company.
With million dollar deals at DUKE and thousands upon thousands watching every game I sort understand their fear of not getting "thier" cut. but to come on down to D3 and prostitute the smaller schools is really sort of pathetic!   
The night HPU lost to Trinity was a see saw battle with HPU looking to win and the Trinity throws up a prayer at the buzzer, a real fluke shot as she was falling down after riding a players back to get a rebound. and as is the case all the time an official did not want to make a call to decide a game at the end of a game, which is precisely when they are needed most.
The NCAA, National Communist Athletic Alliance will always do what ever it can......D-1 or D-3 to mess around Texas teams. They (NCAA) have a long history of not respecting teams from Texas. While Schools from around this great country come to Texas and sign players, the NCAA and its east coast inbreds have really just done what they always do.

Any D-1 schools ever had the "death penalty" for violations...just one, SMU.
Now there are many schools that have been on probation several times. Several "storied" thug programs stay in the lime light with help from the NCAA.