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Messages - doubledribble

13 minutes remaining is more towards the end than the beginning and 12 seconds is not a long conversation.  I did not say that the refs should have swallowed their whistles.  I did imply that, depending on what #5 actually said, lame techinals shouldn't be called in this situation.  It's the case in every sport at every level.  The players dshould decide the crucial games.

What do you think Coach K. would do if this happened to him against Kansas in 2 weeks????  Wooster made an impressive come back and is very deserving, but those errors cost BP a trip to Salem.
Pointing out the actions of these referees does not take away from Wooster's win.  They need to be accountable for their egos and incompetence in such an important game.  You simply CANNOT overlook the order of FT shooters in a techinal foul situation in an ELITE 8 GAME.  Not one of those three refs saw what was going on.  It was the referee at the scorers table who finally stepped in.  Their blunder allowed #34 to retake and convert the game winning basket. 

Like PC said, who knows what was actually said down there, but in my opinion, it better have been really really bad to call a techinal foul towards the end of an ELITE 8 GAME.  The players should decide the game and not some official who feelings were hurt because he was smiled at.

This was a crucial part of the game and was even mentioned by D3Hoops coverage.