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Messages - redbird5

South Region / Re: Old Dominion Athletic Conference
April 16, 2007, 01:43:29 PM
Quote from: h-sc bball on April 16, 2007, 01:04:34 PM
I'm not sure who we plan to throw against Methodist this Wed since we have a conference doubleheader against W&L on Thur and E. Mennonite on Sat. I wouldn't be surprised if Coach K pitched a couple of the positional players who used to pitch during their HS years.

If that were the case (HSC throwing a positional player), it shouldn't help Methodist if MU was to win.  I know it will but it shouldn't.
South Region / Re: USA South
April 08, 2007, 11:13:51 PM
Quote from: narch on April 06, 2007, 02:48:23 PM
Quote from: redbird5 on April 06, 2007, 02:30:36 PM
Methodist got the timely hits and VWC did not.  Congrats to Methodist.

timely hits = winning baseball

You are correct.  (That's why I mentioned it) ;-)
South Region / Re: USA South
April 06, 2007, 02:30:36 PM
Quote from: narch on April 03, 2007, 08:35:41 PM
the monarchs improve to 22-8 with a 6-2 win over vwc - bisplinghoff goes 7 giving up 1 er - game story and box score - in vwc's defense, they threw a kid making just his 2nd start of the season since they have a conference game vs. rmc on wednesday then 2 against piedmont following that game...see what happens when you throw your #5 vs. another team's #3 :)

Methodist got the timely hits and VWC did not.  Congrats to Methodist.
South Region / Re: Old Dominion Athletic Conference
March 22, 2007, 12:12:32 PM
Quote from: George Foster on March 22, 2007, 12:54:32 AM

To me, even comparing D-1 pitching to D-3 is ridiclious. There is no comparison. were the one who started the comparison.  All I said was velocity-wise...there aren't many staffs who have 4-5 kids who throw 85+.

And no....our pitchers did not have a lot of armside run...they had command of their 2nd pitch and could pitch backwards to any hitter in any count.  The guy with the dirtiest stuff (90+ mph FB & nasty slider) was a 1st round draft pick.

There is a difference between DI and DIII...let's just leave it at that.  I am sorry I even mentioned it.

To recap, VWC will get shelled and their staff sucks with flat FBs and no secondary pitches.  Good luck hitting them.
South Region / Re: Old Dominion Athletic Conference
March 21, 2007, 11:46:46 AM
Quote from: George Foster on March 21, 2007, 02:43:17 AM
Quote from: redbird5 on March 20, 2007, 12:04:48 PM need to lighten up.  I am not giving anyone an award, just pointing out that VWC has several kids throwing 85-90.  That's pretty impressive.  There really aren't that many who do it in D1...check out the CWS.

There's a difference with D-III 85-90 and D-I 85-90.

In D-I they usually have 2-3 more pitches that are just as effective and that they can throw for strikes. Good velocity doesn't translate into good pitching. If that was the case Neighoorgal from Georgia Tech would be the best pitcher on earth.

Neighborgall can't locate a FB, much less a secondary pitch.

2-3 more pitches?  Let's see...that would mean they have a FB, CU, CB and a slider...I've played the game and most DI pitchers have 2 pitches and work on a 3rd (meaning they don't have command of it).  Our staff was pretty good (Top 10 in country ERA) and our #1 (LHP) had FB, CU and flat CB; #2 (RHP) had FB, CU, CB; #3 (RHP) had FB, slider.
South Region / Re: Old Dominion Athletic Conference
March 20, 2007, 12:04:48 PM
Quote from: NCWC on March 15, 2007, 12:38:32 PM
Put your money where your mouth is Tom House need to lighten up.  I am not giving anyone an award, just pointing out that VWC has several kids throwing 85-90.  That's pretty impressive.  There really aren't that many who do it in D1...check out the CWS.

As for the coaching staff, yup...I will put them up against anyone.

Anyway, good luck to you NCWC.  God forbid that someone says something that goes against NCWC.
South Region / Re: Old Dominion Athletic Conference
March 14, 2007, 12:47:09 PM
Quote from: NCWC on March 13, 2007, 05:34:00 PM
Watch what happens to the VWC staff in the regionals...that will be the true test... my guess is your arms will wear out and get beat around the yard... VWC beat NCWC twice but who did they play the next day or the day before that? Just because the win once doesn't mean they can do it 6 times against constant good comp. JV pitcher.. no it was ben moore that started twice I believe, the kid had off season surgery on a knee.               
I like the style those pitchers throw with, their swagger. He is a real good pitching coach, but dont get to far ahead of yourself...they had the same 1 and 2 last year right?  Unless they made drastic improvements they are average compared to the arms in last years series, VWC has some serious potential, but as far as the best staff/coach I wouldn't go that far, maybe in the ODAC.

So we have to wait until Regionals for a NCWC fan to pass judgement on VWC's staff?  And you are predicting they get shelled?  Is this your "expert" opinion based on 2 games this year and a handful in the past?

They have the same #1 as last year (Rivera) and but #2 (Whigham) is a transfer.

As for Francis...I am not ahead of myself.  I have been around the game for a while and I am as impressed with him as I was my own pitching coach (made it to Omaha as a head coach).  I have been around many D1 and a handful of D3 pitching coaches and would place him with any of them.  I couldn't care less if you believe me or not. the 2nd VWC win over NCWC, VWC started a Frosh (DeLauri) and pitched Orgavan (transfer Sr), Polke (limited use Jr), Horowitz (same limited use Soph) and Nguyen (Sr).  I guess that blows your theory of them jamming #1 and #2 down your throat out of the water. 

I will say it again...VWC's staff is as deep as anyone's in the country.
South Region / Re: Old Dominion Athletic Conference
March 13, 2007, 03:20:24 PM
Quote from: h-sc bball on March 12, 2007, 07:29:32 PM

It looks like they didn't hit ahainst E&H....but I suspect they were looking ahead to Sundays DH contest with D1 Niagara...they lost both of those games...11-9 & I expected with most teams when you play 6 games in a week you expose your pitching depth. Nguyen started the 2nd game against Niagara? I guess he needed some innings. They went 2-4 this past week.

Go Tigers.

I have lurked for a while but had to comment on VWC.

Expose their pitching depth?  If there is a D3 staff that is deeper than VWC, I would love to see it.  Chris Francis has done a phenominal job of assembling his staff.  From moving Deanes exclusively to the mound to bringing in Whigham and others, he is head a shoulders above any D3 pitching coach I have seen in many years.  As a matter off fact, he is better than many D1 pitching coaches I have seen or know.  FWIW, VWC's arms were better than Niagra's.

Also, if you were to look at VWC's approach to out of conference games, you would see they throw 4-5 pitchers per game.  I read after the first NCWC win that VWC threw their 1 & 2 while NCWC threw JV pitchers.  What a joke!  While VWC did throw 1 & 2 a couple of innings (which NCWC didn't smell), they also threw a Frosh (Delauri) and a Soph with little to no (Horowitz) experience.

As for Nguyen starting against Niagra...yup...he needed work.  Also, in most save situations, he doesn't have/need to throw his secondary pitches to the extent a starter does.  He threw well against Niagra.