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Messages - Jimmy Mad

Quote from: algernon on March 06, 2006, 09:02:02 AM
The NCAA box score on the RMC web site says that the attendance was 1200.  Very large discrepancy between Rhoades comment and the stat sheet.  Not sure what to make of it. 

Usually they do a combined attendance for a session.  So you could have very easily had 200 for the RMC game and then 1000 additional people come for the second game and RMC-Wooster would still count as 1200 attendance.
Quote from: eh ... just call me 'kid' on February 23, 2006, 12:37:53 AM
I'm most surprised by Hanson earning 1st team and Mathews only getting honorable mention.  I guess the coaches and SIDs put emphasis on shooting a lot (which Mathews clearly doesn't).

Point of clarification, SIDs do not vote on any of the awards except Scholar-Athlete.  The rest are solely decided by the coaches.
Broadcast is up now.  Apologies for the difficulty.
I think the following are the only two scenarios where EMU can be #7:

a) beat VWC AND BC loses to RMC


b) beat VWC AND BC wins AND RC wins AND LC wins

Any other combination of results on Tuesday means EMU is #8 if I've done the math right.  If the Royals lose to VWC, they can tie BC on the point tiebreaker if RC wins and if LC wins, but the Royals cannot pass the Eagles in points and BC holds the lottery tiebreaker.
Quote from: stillfamily on January 30, 2006, 11:49:34 PM
EMU and BC may have the toughest schedule, but as for EMU they play 4 games at home in the final 5... That has to help. They play EH GC RC WL all at home while going on the road to face VW where emu with a record of 6-19 beat the marlins in who knows, all i can say is i am pretty confident that EMU will play in a 3-6 seed...

EMU only has 3 of 5 at home.  The next three (EHC, GC, RMC) are at home and then the Royals close the season at W&L & at VWC.  W&L played at EMU way back on 1/11.
Quote from: algernon on January 30, 2006, 10:08:32 PM

The real fight is for #5 through #8.  Four teams that have 5 wins apiece.  And, if Lynchburg can pick up a win at home vs. Roanoke on Saturday and another in Lexington on Sunday, the Hornets could finish the week with 5 wins, probably putting them in a tie with another team or two.  I think the Hornets still have a chance at the tournament (as does W&L if they can get hot).

Among Roanoke, E&H, Bridgewater, EMU, and Lynchburg, the teams with the toughest schedule are Bridgewater and EMU, as each still has a game to play against Virginia Wesleyan and Randolph-Macon.

The conference standings are usually delayed to update.  EMU actually has six conference wins while RC, BC, & EHC have five.
Hanson took a pretty bad spill in the first half.  After a collision she landed on the floor head first, I believe on her forehead.  They were considering taking her to the hospital but don't know for sure if they did.  Needless to say she didn't re-enter the game after that.
Quote from: > on January 05, 2006, 08:57:33 AM
How in the hell does EMU lose to Greensboro?! Sager didn't get the start, played only 20 minutes, and just 1-10 from the field with 4 points?? WHats up with that??

Greensboro had a transfer who just started playing in the last three games and has led them in scoring in all three games.  They are an improved team with him.  Granted, EMU didn't play its best basketball, but GC is an improved team with Steve Berg.  Sager was clearly off his game and battled through a nagging ankle injury.  He pulled a few defensive boards but did not bang around in the paint like he normally would.  Execution on offense just wasn't there for the Royals.
Quote from: jdubyadubya on December 06, 2005, 09:42:18 AM
I hope EMU is in really good shape to play speedy transition basketball.

That's exactly the style that EMU plays.
EMU will hold Midnight Madness, largely because it falls over Homecoming Weekend.

EMU Homecoming Info
1) I don't think she is enrolled at EMU

2) The players told me they don't anticipate her returning
Quote from: emufan on September 06, 2005, 06:04:24 PM
I would think that his biggest task would be to make sure Laura Ludholtz is in school and healthy.

I wouldn't get your hopes up.