Thanks pat for the intellectual and stimulating response--- I simply meant that in my "limited/inexperienced" wisdom felt that this MAY not fit the people that have been collected at this time.... Of course there is no time left to get/recruit others into this school for our immed. future...... thus taking your cue/and insults galore-- my football playing roommate and I will be visiting Bridgewater tomorrow and UMD sat. and hopefully enrolling asap. Name calling ,I had thought, was only for those who cannot grasp large portions of the english language and express themselves successfully. I'm out.
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Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
April 12, 2007, 10:56:16 AM #2
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
April 11, 2007, 10:25:30 PM
granted ,but this is NEFC not always the cream of crop,but very hard working people ! my cousin plays for an opponent of Bentley and says the m.o. is wristbands for plays and no huddle, tons of passing-- this will not work all the time with my team. Is one setback going to be good with a team that has lots of returning backs ?? nice friendly meeting/ but practice hasn't started, 1 coach, vague ideas and not as many as expected showed up ! I want to start now as I only have 2 years left and not a season to learn all new things that MAY or MAY NOT work-- I know all the other teams in the league are almost finished with spring practice........ I'm getting very nervous.
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
April 11, 2007, 12:41:22 PM
maybe-- I guess/hope that we'll know after todays meeting----but right now there are NO remaining coaches-- 0 of 9- no one has been invited back. Hope lots of them come back BUT
I honestly don't believe this schools players can handle the "no huddle" thing all the time. There are huge differences between who plays at 2 and 3, not just size/speed.

Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
April 09, 2007, 05:27:13 PM
am a anonymous current/returning player who is there !
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
April 09, 2007, 02:49:55 PM
Fitchburg SC has just chosen someone who doesn't know the players, doesn't know any of the reqruits, who doesn't know the school, doesn't know the admissions dept., doesn't know the league, doesn't know the opposing coaches, wasn't the choice of very many people who were asked, and is probably using this as a stepping stone. I predict that he will be gone in 2 years as soon as Yetten/Bentley retires. Makes sense as his bio reads that he's been at 4 schools in 6 years. Wow nice surprise for the kids/players getting back from their easter holiday......good luck with that !!!!