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Messages - iKNOWstuff

another recruit for adrian college is QB Mike McGee,Brookhaven (Columbus, Ohio)
google him you should be able to find him
from what i heard coach embry may get the defensive coord. job at adrian.  coach deere would be able to get it but he is in the same position as klotz (a full time job).  i heard he has a interview sometime this week
so with klotz leaving who will most likely take his position...
and what do they tell the recruits that klotz recruited....
...ummm i guess we probably have to call the school for information now
Quote from: ADAWGISADAWG4LIFE on June 03, 2007, 10:08:12 PM

Adrian College Defensive Coordinator/Assistant Head Coach has resigned his position with the college.  He made his announcment to Head Coach Jim Lyall on Friday and announced it to members of the team today.  Not making money and a new job opportunity led him to leave and take a new position with a company in Adrian.  I dont know for certain but having been inside the Adrian Staff and seeing how the new administration so "subtly" applied pressure to win and win now on the program did not lend itself to nearly as cordial of a working environment as had been present in the past.  Couple this with the fact that with win and win now pressure job security doesnt seem as secure at Adrian as it used to be.  I can only hope that now with only one Adrian guy left on the staff with Coach Lyall that he still has the loyality and understanding of what Adrian College Football is and always has been about.

This also lends even more pressure to a team that is filling holes for next season.  Unless they hire from within which could be doubtful they will be looking at installing a new defense and a new D coordinator for the season opener in early August.  I hope that they are able to find a solid and qualified replacment in the time that is available and the best of luck for next season.

where did you get your information....i dont believe it...tell me your just joking
I'm new to this website and I've been reading some questions but i do have an answer to the recruiting class, I m a recruit myself but we will get to me later.

Have you ever heard of Lumen Christi, the 2,3,4, i dont know time defending state champs, but there quarterback, a d1 prospect will be joing the class of 2011 in the fall.  I guess he's the one someone was saying will probably start next year but I dont know.  oh yeah his name is Jeff Watjusik (dont know if i spelled his last name right.

plus a hard hitting Inside Linebacker-Jason White of jackson high school

He is the Jackson Area Defensive player of the year
here are some stats from max preps...but he's a pretty nice solid linebacker...
edited to shorten link

oh yeah he is gonna wear #49,,,WINK WINK
there are some articles of him i will try to post them some time but you have to give me some time....

we have a solid i mean solid recruiting class this year, i was up there for recruit day and Klotz was telling us how they were focusing on the best recruits possible they aren't bringin that much in probably around 30--35 its some nice players look foward to see these players on the field