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Messages - Billy 40

New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
April 30, 2009, 12:40:57 AM
lol, when tehy told me that, I was wondering what the heck could be protested myself. Never assume the coaches know what they are doing. IT wasn't like it was a small protest, I heard he carried on about it the entire game.  It's s shame that there are coaches on teh collegiate level which dont' have a clue.

AS a side note, Yeshiva beat John Jay. Not only that, they beat their best pitcher by scoring 3 runs in top of the final inning, with 2 outs. A double, 2 singles, and 2 HBP's. D1 pitcher lost to Yeshiva in one of his final appearances in his career. Not good.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
April 29, 2009, 09:26:44 AM
It's not trash talking between teams, rather between current and ex-players. Give it some time, it'll eventually spill over to other teams trash talking. Those who talk trash seem to end up kicking themselves in teh behind, as far too often they don't understand the term "let a sleeping dog lie". Bulletin board material exists at teh pro level, the same as it does at teh D3 level, the Baruch coach found this out the hard way this past weekend.

I left out the part where a CSI player hit a dinger, which clanked off a vehicle over teh fence, then came back onto teh field. Baruch's coach threw a tantrum and played teh game under protest.

In a must win series yesterday, Lehman swept CCNY to put themselves in a tie for 4th place in teh conference with Mitchell. Lehman & Mitchell split the regular season series 1-1, so I assume there will be a tiebraker game played betewen teh 2 teams.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
April 28, 2009, 10:17:09 AM
I think CSI is going to win the tourney as they have a deeper pitching staff than the other 3 teams. Especially after the coach of Baruch spoke with the coach of CSI last week bfore a weekend series, basically asking: "if CSI was supposed to be so, why do they suck?". CSI went on to sweep Baruch. As CSI was beating Baruch, all the head coach did was scream and yell at his players. Hat's off to teh Baruch players, who were pretty much given an unltimatum that if they dont' win 15 games this season, Baruch was going to cancel the Baseball program. In spite of the team's dislike fr the head coach, they have played really well, and tehy seem to really like the assistant who actually knows what he is doing.

I've been harsh with teh CCNY coach as well, and for good reason. Thier pitching is pretty awful, but thre is one bright spot in Kemil Nunez. On a team that is 4-31, with an ERA of 8.04 & an opposing team batting average of .341 - KEmil has managed a 2-0 record with a .93 ERA, and an opposing BA of .192. He would have been 3-0 had teh coach not taken him out of a game he started, which they were winning 7-4 when he was taken out in teh 7th, and they went onto lose 10-8. He's only appeared in 4 games all season, which is a shame since it is his senior season.

The internet has brought trash talking to a whole new level, with some players talking trash and issuing challenges via Facebook.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
April 16, 2009, 07:27:40 AM
THe battle for the final Playoff spot for teh CUNY Playoffs is heating up, sort of. This spot will be taken over by the best of the worst. CCNY headed up to Mitchell yesterday and earned a split, primarily because Mr. Coach finally realized his best pitcher was 4 year starter KEmil Nunez. KEmil is teh only pitcher who is able to get guys out on a consistant basis, yesterday tossing 7 innings and only allowing 1 run. Right now in the conference standings Mitchell is at 2-4, CCNY at 1-3, and Lehman at 1-5.

If Mr. Coach is reading, you need to use Kemil in teh 7 inning DH games, since he has a shot at throwing a complete game. YOu do not have anyone to close a game, so just chalk up the 9 inning games as a loss. Focus on winnign 1 game in each COnference match up, even if that means using one of your starters to close a game started by KEmil. PRoblem is the starters are abysmall...maybe just use your 3B or LF to close.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
April 09, 2009, 08:34:39 AM
CSI - lost to KEan 5-1, which is pretty impressive considering they threw a Freshman who will be very good as his career progresses (Mulligan). THEy also split aDH with Mt St. vincent, lost to NJCU, and swept Lehman in COnference play over teh weekend. BIg games this weekend against John Jay

Baruch - continue their winning ways (I can't believe it), and are firmly seated at teh top of the CUNY conference with a 6-0 record. They absolutely demolished Mitchel, and took care of biz handily beating CCNY in 2 games, including a 1 hit 2-0 shut out by possible CUNYAC pitcher of the Year David Chestnut.

CCNY - hammered 14-2 at Keyspan Park against Mt St. Vincent. The highlight of the career was Pavel Cruz hitting his 3rd HR of the season in "the stadium". Their team batting averaged is sitting at an appaling .201. The only savign grace is they have only played 2 COnference games, and if tehy figure out how to win a couple of key games, tehy can surpass Mitchell & LEhman for a berth in teh Playoffs.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
April 05, 2009, 09:04:26 AM
Not the same at all. This EWebb never played Baseball, he just started coaching 4 years ago and really has no knowledge of the game whatsoever and is a big part of why they have been unable to gel together as a team after the departure of the previous coach.

After being shut down for almost 10 years, CCNY fired up their Baseball program in 2005. That first team was puttogether by walking around teh halls of the school asking kids if they wanted to play Baseball.  ZERO recruits, their record was a respectable 5-11 with a 279 batting average, and a 9.19 ERA. In 2006, a few recruits were brought in, and they were able to play a few more games, their record = 11-25 (the 11 wins was teh highest total number of wins in school history, which dated back I think to teh 1940's or 50's).  Their team BA was .307, ERA 6.76. More recruiting resulted in the first winning record in team history, and the second year in a row with teh most wins in school history, as tehy went 16-13, led teh nation in hitting with a .368 average, and their ERA was 7.

Coaching change in 2008 but the team still had new recruits that came in, and many returning players including an All American In Rich Gomez. Their record was an appalling 3-31, a team battign average of .268 (Gomez batted .505), and an ERA of 10.92. THis season they are 3-18, batting .213, with an ERA of 9.09.

The same thing is happening in other sports at CCNY. The basketball team won like 2 games the past 2 seasons. Teh AD that they hired in 2007 is running the program into the ground, and it's not teh first time that she is doing it. SHe's caused nothing but problems with staff everywhere she goes.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
April 03, 2009, 09:48:09 AM
I must admit to being totally wrong about Baruch, tehy are actually winning a lot of games this year, adn are currently on a 4 game winning streak and at teh top of the conference.

CSI is where they were expected to be, right at the top. THey face KEan this coming week, should be interestign since CSI beat them last year (or year before) with a knuckleballer.

John JAy - overall record fo 4-17 is no surpise. I am surprised that Baruch beat them twice in conference play - probably the first time that happneed in 15 yeras.

Lehman - theyve lost a lot of games, but at least some of the scores were close. Big cnference games against John Jay this weekend, tehy need to win.

CCNY - the downward spiral continues, hitting an all time low with a 3-2 loss to Yeshiva. I guess I was wrong when I dubbed teh 'Bees teh worst team in teh country, because they actually picked up a W, maybe the first in school history. Tehre is no way you can lose to a team who has been outscored 152 - 35 in 10 games. CCNY followed up that abysmal performance by losing to 3-14 SUNY  New Paltz in the last inning. 

Under second year hitting coach Eric Weber, teh team is batting .213, which is down from a National best .374 teh year before Ewebb took over. At least tehy are 3 points higher than Yeshiva who is at .210. LEd by Barnum & Bailey, tehy face Baruch this weekend in conference play. This is a grudge match, since CCNT's only wins lat year were against Baruch, so there should be some added incentive when thy face off tomorrow.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
March 22, 2009, 08:05:25 PM
COnfernece games started this weekend, with Mitchell going 1-3 after being swept by JOhn JAy, then splitting wiht Lehman. Second game featured a no hitter from Mitchell/
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
March 20, 2009, 09:23:32 PM
I have to eat my words. Baruch only lost 7-3 to Stockton St. I can't believe Stockton didn't score any more TD's, and let up a FG. They followed that up by beat Hilbert College - I don't care how bad hilbert is (they went 1-7 and were outscored  124-40 during their week long Florida trip), Baruch still picked up a W. They then split with New England College, bringing them to a 4-3 record. They might actually have a shot at winning another game or 2 down there, facing Nichols and Franciscan. I can't believe it.

Onthe other hand, CSI split with St. joe's of Brooklyn. Granted, CSI threw a  kid who dind't make his HS team and cranks it up to about 75, I think it was his first start of his college career. St Joe's of Bk shuld be decent in another year or 2 as well, they picked up a few quality players from Xaverian, I honestly expected them to be better than they are...time will tell.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
March 19, 2009, 04:02:04 PM
Bob, there comes a point where why bother playing? Yeah, it's great to go out and compete, while hopefully working towrds graduating. Butwhen you have kids who think they are goingto get signed, and put athletics ahead of academics - its' just a shame. Especially at this level.

Two of the teams CUNY barely practice, and when tehy do it's a hang out session more than anything. Tehy dont' recruit at all, and are pretty much going through the motions. It really has impacted teh conference negatively, if youseen some of these teams play you'd be apalled.

It's only a matter of time before Mitchell leaves teh conference, and I'm sure if CSI was able to, they'd get out of there as well.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
March 19, 2009, 10:33:12 AM
Impressed that Jay only lost 8-7 to Drew. I didn't realize Drew wasn't part of the NJAC, and that they weren't very good the way they used to be. But still, good job by JJ keeping it close.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
March 18, 2009, 11:17:43 AM
John Jay faced off with Manhattanville, actually hung in there for half the game, losing by a respectable 9-1 score. They face Drew today, they're gonna be saving their "Aces" for their match up against Mitchell this weekend. Massoni & Colleta - tehy have to be at teh top of their game to have a shot to win any games.

CCNY was part of an impromptu HR Derby this weekend at Stevens Tech. Problem was, they weren't allowed to take any swings, they only got to throw BP. 6HR's in a double header, outscored 27-5...they didn't score as many runs as Stevens hit HR's. Lots of dissention amongst team members already, rumors that players are about to quit, what a shame. Just 2 years ago CCNY led the nation in batting, last year they were one of teh worst. From first to worst, even though there were several returning players from teh 2007 season and an All American in Richie Gomez. Major difference was a change in teh coaching staff.

Baruch picked up their first of a 9 game losing streak, in an 18-12 slugfest at NJ City.  Riofrio continues his torrid start to his Soph season going 4-5, working his way towards the All Conference team. Chestnut finally got himself back ot his freshman season's form going 3-4. They are down in Florida now, hopefully they enjoy the weather, as tehy're going to get hammered every game. LAst year their head coach wisely used his ace Polius to toss 140 pitches in his first outing of teh season, which affected him for the enitre season. LEt's see who he tries to ruin this year.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
March 18, 2009, 08:10:15 AM
CSI is going to pound the conference this year. THey split with Manhattanville, who has been pretty good hte past couple of seasons, and tehy split with FArmingdale whic I honestly know nothing about. Tehy threwa  couple of Frosh pitchers, in teh first game that didn't work out too well, as he was shelled. The second game featured a kid who will be very good his 4 yearsin school, and he pretty much shut them down for 6 innings.

Tehy also lost to SAlisbury when they were #1 in teh nation, but semi-close scores. Impressive since it ws their first time playing outdoors this season.

YOung team, if everyone stays eligible and they actually go out and recruit, they have a bright future ahead which will hopefully give them a shot at some post season tourney victories.
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
March 16, 2009, 10:12:49 PM
Bob - you are absolutely correct. My original point wasn't to disparage either of these 2 schools - niether which athletics is their primary focus. MAny of the teams in the CUNY conference have this inflated sense of where they stand in teh overal D3 Baseball picture. It's a shame how low the conference has sunk.

On a bright side, I think CSI might be an above average team, which might be competitive when they play their out of conference schedule against the NJAC. It's going to be embarassing when any of the other teams play either the NJAC or even the SKyline teams...excluding Yeshiva
New York Region / Re: BB: CUNYAC
March 16, 2009, 11:35:37 AM
CAn't argue that, lol. FWIW, Yeshiva was outscored 370-67 last year in 28 games, which averages out to being outscrored 13.2 - 2.4 per game.

Last season Cal Tech was outscored 389 - 67....15.6 - 2.7

What's REALLY odd.... in 2007 Cal Tech was outscored 390 - 67 in 24 games.  HOw can both of these teams score the same amount of runs? Who is Dodgertown West, and how can you count a win in an alumni game in your final record. lmao!! If you take out the runs scored in Alumni games, it's not even close, Cal Tech is by far worse than Yeshiva, my apologies.

These teams should coordinate a spring training quintuple header on the same day against each other, so they can both at least hopefully scratch out one win out of the 5 games. I'm impressed that CAl Tech only used 4 pitchers last year.