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Messages - rimshot

You are right this is a big opportunity for PLU and the NWC to show(off) a bit if you will.  Once again---i think this might be 5 years in a row that the NWC is the lone west region team standing---could be wrong----where's Parkland--- when you need him.

best of luck to PLU!
3. My favorite moment of the season occurred last week during the closing seconds of the UPS vs. PLU conference play-off game. With UPS trailing by about 15 points, the ball went out of bounds, the whistle blew, and the clock showed 8 seconds left. Realizing that the scorekeeper had let an extra second run off the clock, the UPS coach screamed at the refs and demanded another second be put back on the clock. They gave her the extra tick. It was priceless.
(I was at the game---and it wasn't 1 second it was 3 seconds but congrats on getting one last dig in on the UPS coach---job well done!!)

4. Any chance we could take up a collection among the 9 or 10 folks who read this board to buy the UPS coach a crying towel? I think a buck a piece would cover it. 
(maybe-one from the final four---maybe they will have that instead of a T-shirt---I am sure she will appreciate the humor in that.)

Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 28, 2006, 12:28:26 PM
arforbes-Logic has nothing to do with the tournament.  I think some very good west region teams once again got overlooked and those bids went out to the EAST.  (everyone can drive to those game$$$$)-no flights.

swiss-The only team playing at home is PLU--which will  have fans out.  If UPS was at home without a doubt I would give them the win---but they are playing in PLU's gym against a talented Cal-Lu team.  The loggers haven't shot the ball well--just look at the team's recent box scores.  Maybe they can get hot from the outside?

As for PLU---they are driven by M.M, turner and nikki and seem to be focused on bigger and better things.
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 27, 2006, 10:53:54 AM
As if there needed to be anymore firewood thrown on the fire---is that how that saying goes?

The cross-town-rival doesn't need anymore fuel---what a shame for the NWC.  But, I guess I should say that both teams need to get by their first round opponents in order to have this 4th match-up.

Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 26, 2006, 11:39:09 AM
Plea$e note--
money will and the map will come into play when the NCAA announce$ who i$ going to match-up and where.  but then again hi$tory ha$ proven good team$ get left out and are $hipped off.

PLU will host.
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 25, 2006, 11:38:52 AM
arforbes---at least someone in your family is thinking clearly :D

parkland--seriously PLU is well rested, big crowd, playing for the AQ, has the POY, the COY and 3 other all-conference players--- against UPS that was picked 4th in the league, looks to be exhausted has just 2 all-conference selections, playing on the road with very little crowd support.  ???

Swiss and Andrew are you two holding out any hope at all GFU gets an at large? 
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 24, 2006, 11:27:59 AM
Rimscott here, (actually Rimshot)---I guess the Loggers can count on you to be cheering for them when they play at PLU on Saturday?  Afterall you said you like underdogs.
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 22, 2006, 12:35:55 PM
i accept your reasoning---i don't really agree but i am always willing to listen to reason.  i also agree fans are a big factor---it is too bad the game times could not have been changed to help support both UPS  teams playing on that day. umm also could you change your name---too hard for me to remember how to spell it.

i see that Chapman knows who they are going to play on the first round game next wednesday---Cal Lu (back to back SCIAC titles).  great work!

MIAC board is running wild with all the chatter---seems there will be great games 1 vs 3 and 2 vs. 3---I think games are tonight---
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 21, 2006, 12:16:00 PM
Hey new guy/girl (okobo????)--BAD form.  You can't be a first time poster and come on to the NWC and rip our league.  If the NWC is so bad why is it ranked #2 in the nation by the Massey index?  I am stunned by your lack of knowledge.

Parkland--seriously I must have missed you not picking Liz Clark last season---I hope now you see the error of your ways.  She was amazing--she was the rock for that team and I am sure S.R. wished Liz had one more year left as I think the GFU team would have had a run for the title. And I am not just talking NWC title.

As for the POY, COY and All-conference someone deserving will get overlooked----they always do.  A few teams have at least 3 players that should get votes and some teams only 1 should get votes but I think the most interesting vote will be for the POY.
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 20, 2006, 11:04:29 AM

Why not? 
Well history has proven that 'many' do not think that the NWC is a strong conference.  Although NWC in my opinion has proven that they are strong---afterall playing in the Elite 8 game for 4 years running.  I guess you are correct about the extra bids---it just seems the NCAA has not given NWC 2 bids and now that the bracket is of acceptable size would they finally be willing to send 3?

I sure don't think anyone would turn down an invite to DANCE.
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 19, 2006, 11:21:21 PM
no kelsey and no laird---but i doubt whitman will tell you why---it is the play-offs.

seriously---now way will 3 go if whitman wins it.  UPS better hope they can take care of whitman---tough match-up

how long do you think whitman can hang on to the coin flip to fire them up?
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 15, 2006, 12:28:46 PM
thanks for the update on the whitworth player---i take it she didn't play last night either.

Whitman is making a great last 1/2 of the season run for the 3rd and final play-off spot.  In looking at all of the tie breaker stuff--is it true GFU must beat PLU in order to make play-offs if Whitman finishes 10-6?  As Whitman split with UPS and GFU didn't.  Maybe there are still too many possibilities---

I still come back to my orginal thought---wouldn't it be great if this was at least a 4 team tournament.

Does anyone have thoughts about if 2 will get to go no matter who is in the championship game?

Are the new West region rankings out?

Swiss--come on what are the Foxes chances this friday night?  Is your team ready to go---

Any Pio fans out there---what a great year for that program.

UPS-needs to recover from their poor performance eastside and take care of two teams quickly---to get ready for either GFU, LC or Whitman next Thursday.

PLU-will get to sit, watch thursday and host on saturday.
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 14, 2006, 12:43:42 PM
I just want to put my 2 cents in here---

I do think it important to realize you are all taking about seeds to the NWC tournament.  Any loss by PLU and sweep by UPS and the two teams share the NWC conference title.  Which is a great accomplishment for both teams. And which might help in NCAA bids.  Either way the Lutes and Loggers should be hoping all other teams in the west region drop games except those leading each conference race---like Simpson, St. Ben's (the MIAC---is a complete mess right now.

Regional records are very important at this stage--PLU picked up (1 or 2?) regional wins outside of conference and UPS picked up 5.  Also I think that the Lutes and Loggers may have better power rankings (not the correct wording) than other west region teams due to the records in the NWC.

I believe the NWC is equal to the MIAC---and better than the SCIAC and IIAC---and this is what might get 2 in the tournament. 

New regional rankings will come out today--or maybe tomorrow and due to UPS (W/L) and PLU (W/W) and Simpson (W/L) Lutes should be on top and maybe UPS second but not sure--could drop to 3rd.

In my opinion the only way 2 go to the tournament is if 3 beats 2 and then beats #1.  Or if 2 beats 3 and then beats #1.

I noticed that Whitworth was missing their leading scorer in the PLU game---anyone know what happened?
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 12, 2006, 08:36:31 PM

Just a side note---it doesn't look like the Loggers played defense this weekend.....compared to their last couple of games.  They gave up 41 points to Whitworth in the first half alone but stayed in the game by shooting the ball well from 3-point line according to story on the NWC site. 

At Whitman  the box scores shows--poor defense again and only scoring 53 points---along with the missed free opportunties at the line.

PLU played well enough to get a sweep on the eastside of the mountains--no other NWC team can say that....that is why they are in first place.  I see that the gloom and doom reports about Mann seem to be on the upturn.
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 08, 2006, 11:47:51 AM
Wow, I see things have really picked up on the board--must be a big weekend.  I am not sure where to begin---I am not sure if I can reply to all in the same order things were said. But here are some replies.

I haven't a clue what (ghr) is talking about not respecting PLU--hogwash how can you not respect a team that has done what they have done over the last few years.

PLU-won't lose out---do you really think Kelly and company would let that happen.

Healthy again--according to box score Laird played again for Whitman---that means everyone was back for those 2 games--and Lizzy's elbow doesn't seem to be impacting her as much.

UPS-what makes them so special---and what do they have going besides a 9 game conference winning streak---HELLO did you listen to your questions?

PLU-winning at GFU and winning at UPS----HELLO again---UPS winning at GFU and winning at PLU.

POY-coaches pick them----players decide them---
COY-coaches pick them---players decide them---

GFU-don't be sly about them (get it?)----they should not be overlooked.

W/W-are sitting and waiting for the Lutes/Loggers to come to own--they have no fear---they have great fans---they have great teams when they are wearing white uniforms.

Bottom line---don't take things personally on this board and don't say things personally---it takes away from the fans based chatter that should be funny (PP- and for you stat based chatter).  We all know we have our
favorite teams.

2nd bottom line---which coach can have their teams ready to go on the eastside?  who can manage to get a split, or sweep......or will one get swept?

I am sure I forgot something---ohhhh yes, LC---watch-out.  Wouldn't want to play them in the 2 vs. 3 game.