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Messages - ONUBearbacker

I think this weekends game will be a great one! The 20-3 ONU v. NCC score is deceiving and not indicative of how well ONU's defense played. They took a 3-0 halftime lead and NCC scores were the result of turnovers with great field position. ONU's defense held NCC's offense on 3 goal line stands for no points. At that point, I felt very good about the ONU team. Now I could easily blame the rain (and believe me I mean, heavy and constant rain) on the turnovers, but the same did not hold true for NCC. You got to take care of the ball no matter what. If we can hold onto the ball, I believe we can play with Mount. Also, Ro Grigsby will be back (held out for precautionary reasons) to catch many Simmons passes.

I hope both teams bring their A games so we can se what I hope to be one of the greatest games this season. And of course, here's hoping the Bears come out on top!
Quote from: onyxrook on September 10, 2008, 01:56:44 PM
For the few going to the North Central/ONU game, is anyone planning to tailgate?

Yes - ONU Parents Club is having a pre-game party at Bar Louie (across the street from the stadium). Looking forward to a strong showing by the Bears! I think this is going to be a great game to watch.
Reality check:

Great insight on our Bears. One small correction: it's Andrew Benchic not Adam, and you are so right - both he and Loco are not the saviors, but both bring incredible leadership qualities to the team. The ONU defense will be able to play with anyone.

If ONU can figure out the offense, it could be quite an interesting year. Simmons has a year under his belt and if RJ Meadows can return to form they will be a force this year. I'll be there at North Central IL - can't wait 'til the season starts!
ONU's media guide is out. Looks like an exciting season for the Polar Bears.


You are a youngster!

C-J c/o 1978 and ONU football parent... 2 Polar Bear sons (1 Jr., 1 Fr.) and one very financially depleted parent!!!!


You're right that the Rams aren't competitive with CJ anymore, its not as big a deal for me.

That must have been back in my day! I'm a C-J alum, one of the early year classes.... can you hear my old bones creakin?????

My fault, RC....I TOTALLY forgot you attended Chaminade-Julienne.  I will no longer accuse you of being knowledgeable.   ;D

Hey now... I resemble that remark!!!!  ;)

Reality: Anyone that is a C-J alum and a Polar Bear fan is ok in my book! *fist bump* GO Eagles! Go Bears!
Having been to every game, I will say this with as much bias as any ONU parent, ONU's defense will keep them in the game.

My biggest concern is ONU's offense. Meadows is a very good RB, but the first year they played MU, he was a relatively unknown freshman. Meadows is now well known in the OAC and MU will focus on shutting him down. ONU's offense has struggled against even mediocre defenses, so as much as I pray for a miracle, I don't see ONU's offense beating MU's defense.

I am certain it will not be a blow out as some have predicted. I do wish Dean Paul would consider the freshman QB. He has shown poise beyond his years, and Pankratz has not shown enough reason to keep him at the helm.

Much to my chagrin, I predict:
MU -  35
ONU -17

ONU scrimmages at Adrian today at 1:00 p.m. If anyone knows how it went, please let me know. I'm curious to see how my Bears look. Isn't Adrian supposed to be pretty good?
Quote from: cwru70 on August 14, 2007, 08:21:28 PM
Treatment might be painful, but would you remember?  (is that too sick?)

*Holding my fingers up in the boys scout pledge* I swear I got an envelope in the "junk mail" pile that was from the Alzheimer's Support Society asking for a donation. In the envelope was a packet of seeds... Forget-me-nots! Now that is sick if you ask me!
Let's hope he went to a co-ed HS....

Imagine the turmoil of going to an All-Boys HS with a name like ASSman!
:D :D :D :D
Just found out from my son that the Polar Bears will be sporting new black uni's this year... black with orange trim. Let's hope they play as good as they look!  ;)

Anyone know about the ONU freshman class? I'm curious to see what to expect coming in. I heard they are focusing more on quality, rather than quantity, so numbers will be down. That be actually be a good thing.
Quote from: hscoach on August 07, 2007, 12:54:48 PM
Quote from: ONUBearbacker on August 07, 2007, 12:15:19 PM
Thanks! Looking forward to seeing photos and stories on all the OAC schools.

Welcome to the board!  Always nice to see newbies.

Not sure how long you've been around lurking, but here's an OAC Preview from earlier this summer:

Thanks! Pretty thorough preview with a few exceptions:

Addition of 6'8" 300# OL Michael Hunter - basketballer turned(returned) to football. Hunter was a BGSU football transfer that gave up the gridiron to play hoops. Coach Paul convinced him to play his Sr. year. Could be interesting....
Several incoming sophomores that played selective roles last year but will now be impact players this season. Specifically, LB's Gabe Washington, Jose Santiago and Jake Myers.
Gunter being back is really going to help the secondary.
R.J. Meadows had a bad case of dropitis last year. If he's cured, the Bears will be back in business. Trevis Stephens is another power RB that could be part 2 of a 1-2 backfield punch.
Wittwer at WR was also not mentioned. He along with Delk will be Pankrantz go-to guys. I think the Bears are going to surprise people this year. I can't wait until the start of the season!
Thanks! Looking forward to seeing photos and stories on all the OAC schools.

You are right. They do not report until the 16th for returners and the 17th for newbies. Team meetings and such on the 18th and practice begins on the 19th. 1st game is not until the 9/8/07.

I noticed the Hanover helmet. My #2 son is being seriously "courted" by their coaching staff. Not sure whether he'll be a Panther or yet another Polar Bear!

In either case, I'm quickly becoming D3football parent extraordinaire!