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Messages - bionbrit

First off congrats to the calvin team...2nd before i go on a little rant there is not a team in the league that the albion players respect more then calvin now or for the last ten years (thats as far as i go back)Dear Calvin fans please be happy with the win... Crying about the officials and posting pictures of Albion players holding makes me want to vomet. I was there last night and was there  three weeks ago when calvin came in and shot 35 fts to albions 15 on albions home court. PLEASE STOP CRYING. You absolutely know when you are playing a KVS team it is going to be an absolute slug fest. I didnt hear anyone come in here crying about poor johnie boy when he shot 21 fts at Kresge.  PLEASE STOP THIS!!! Your team was the best team in the MIAA this year. Winnging an out right MIAA championship and going 4-0 against albion and hope is unreal.

Congrats to KVS see everyone in the tournament... Hopefully Tommie Brey is
reffing the semi finals so all the hope people can come cry about him too.

Rule britania I hope whoever you are you bring back the days of Greg Ashabi... this board needs some fresh air
Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
January 07, 2009, 10:51:50 AM
4- Albion over Adrian- got to go w/ my boys for the first game
3- K over Alma- Blow out
2-Calvin over Trine- close game at half V.S clears the bench at end
1- Hope over Olivet- I hope I'm wrong this one could be close

4- Calvin over Alma- Calvin wins the tip scores and thats the ball game
3- Albion over hope- Brits get big win in the Devos 46-38 slugfest
2-  Adrian over K- just because
1- Olivet over Trine- Nice win for the vomets on the road
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Pool C
February 27, 2008, 08:48:52 AM
Pabegg- I really like this info

Quick question. If Albion was ranked over Heidelberg in the GL region last week, why would Heidelberg be in a class above Albion in your anaylsis. Do you think the berg will jump Albion in the rankings today, or does it have to do with John Carroll being a better loss/win then Kzoo?  Thanks for the info. Also if /when Albion wins tonight do they move into the can absorb a loss to Calvin and get in catergory on Friday?
I wasn't at the game, just reading the last 3 pages of timeout and ref discussion.

You have to give the refs a break... If the score was 18-16 at halftime I'm 100% sure that the two teams were beating the snot out of each other. It is much easier to ref a game where neither team is playing much D and the game is in the 90's.  If you went back and watch the film I bet you would have seen a foul on just about every possesion. This is the case in just about every game in the MIAA especially a hope calvin albion game. These games are ALWAYS very physical.  Would you have rather seen an 18-16 half where the refs stayed out of the way. Or a 36-34 score that was just a glorified free throw shooting contest. I'm sure they missed a call, but ATTENTION HOPE FANS REFS MISS CALLS IT USUALLY EVENS OUT THROUGHT THE COURSE OF THE GAME!!!

Now to coaching! MIAA FANS ARE LUCKY. I would challenge any league to come up with a better list of coaches. I would say it is one of the main reasons that the MIAA can be a premier DIV III league despite all the SCHOLARSHIP schools that we have in this state.

My take on the timeout situation(again I wasn't there)... The largest lead by either team was 5 points in the 1st half. Most 1st half timeouts are taken when the big MO is shifting one way or another. I can't imagine this happened in an 18-16 game. Another reason to take a timeout is if you don't like your teams energy or effort. Again from the recaps of the game it sounds like the defense was swarming, and the rebounding was about equal. So I doubt either team had bad effort.   Both teams are deep. In a game where everyone is struglling both coaches were probablly trying to figure out if there was a spark on the bench anywhere. This is a better answer to solving offensive woes than calling a timeout. Also as many of you have mentioned both teams had been off for a long time. I'm sure both coaches were just tyring to race to see who could get the kinks out first. You can't do that during a timeout.

Lets say GVW or Turner calls a timeout early because they missed some shots. Then a couple plays later there is a loose ball and a player calls a timeout in the scrum to get possesion. Now you have burned two. Then someone hits a few 3's and the lead extends to 8 or 10 which could easily have happend. Now you have wasted 3 timeouts in the 1st half.

Rumor up in Alma is that the scots are in contract negotiations with Chuck Dailey. Chuck is all set to come but he is negotiating/holding out with the A.D trying to get two full time assistants instead of one. They are said to be Brendan Sura and Brendan Malone. Also Chuck is trying to convince Mike Abdenhour that working with the Scots instead of Alma is a good career move. More to come on this story later.

Seriously what could be taking them so long? I feel bad for their players.
Its a tough argument, if you base it on points then those two guys from Adrian and Steve Brooks are all on the top 10, but to me its more then scoring. Travis Depree barely had 1000 points as well should we take him off?  For me winning gets you a lot more points. The only guy on my list that didn't win atleast 1 league title most had multiple was Rhinehart. So maybe you could swich him and Schaffer t and if I really took the time to compare numbers maybe I would, but o well. Yes Qualye didn't start until his senior year, they also didn't start winning until his senior year. I've heard over a dozen time the guys on 04-05 Elite 8 team give credit to qualye and chris hawkins for things they did to get the program rolling that year.
Quote from: MIAAFAN3002 on July 05, 2007, 06:36:39 PM

I like your list...but I disagree with not putting schaefer and walter on the list. 

Both of those guys were studs but who would you take off? Like I said I shocked myself not having schaffer on the list he was for sure #11.
Quote from: MIAAFAN3002 on July 04, 2007, 02:39:19 AM
SAC...i loved your top 10 teams.. so I thought I would give you my top 10 players since  1999...I am sure people will disagree but its still fun to debate.  Here are my top 10 players in no order..

1.  Aaron Winkle
2. Jeremy Veenstra
3. Don Overbeek
4. Micheal Thomas
5. Travis Depree
6. Brandon Crawford
7. Dan Walter
8. Brian Schaefer
9. Steve Brooks
10.Dirk Rhinehart

honorable Mention:  Brett Quayle,  Dan Aultman,  Anthony Jones( he is top 10 for sure if he doesn't transfer) Stephen Cramer,  Ryan Klingler

I am sure people will disagree but those top 10 really left a lasting impression of me when i saw them play.. I would love to see other posters top 10 players.

I like this topic. But there is no way Aultman isn't in this list. And I think my Albion bias has him to low.

1. Winkle (didn't see as much of him but heard all I need to know)
2. Veenstra (I always picture him at Albion vs. Hope with about 5 mins left after Overbeek scored a couple in a row yelling at the KVS that he would guard Overbeek and he shut him down and took the game over)
t3. I tried to rank Crawford Depree Thomas but I just couldn't come to do it
6. Aultman: see above
7. Overbeek: A lot of respect for the big fella, he took a lot of grief from the Krazies but I just think the other guys above are that good
8. Qualye: Him Brooks, and Rhinehart all played the same position graduated in the same year. I saw Qualye get the best of both of them and he won a championship his senior year
9. Rhinehart: I've talked about him in earlier posts that this guy was a tough cover
10. Cramer: I always felt he could have done what he did in this years tournament earlier and more frequently in his career. If he had he would be A LOT higher.

Close calls (no order)
Schaffer: Doing the list in my head before actually putting it down it shocked me that he didn't make the top 10. (Some good years in the MIAA)
Walters: Really good but not quite as good as Aultman or Depree at his same position
Brooks: Really good but not quite as good as Qualye, Rhinehart, Cramer at the same position
AJ/Barnes/Massey: Man if they could have kept these 3 and I remember a 6'8 kid from Detroit that had a cup of coffee with Alma
Schilts: He loved raining threes from the V-Ball line in Kresge
Phillips: I mean the guy was an A.A

sorry still haven't figured out how to do the cut and paste and it show who's post I took it from.
Hope had won 100-35 in the most lopsided victory in decades.  Truly a night when one team couldn't miss, and the other couldn't make anything.

I remember being at the Albion game when this score was announced I remember people looking at each other saying that has to be a women's score. That was K-Zoo's best team in years led by the brothers from across the pond.

he MIAA Tournament would be hosted by Albion, and the semi-final pitted Hope and rival Calvin.  A near sellout witnessed a great battle as Hope prevailed 82-81 in OT as Jeremy Veenstra scored 29 and league MVP Don Overbeek scored 28.

This game made me really appreciate the rivalry. Jeremy Veenstra took over! If he had just a little help from his teamates or the refs (he got hammered on the last play) they would have been playing Albion the next night. Calvin fans didn't Veenstra need emergency surgery on his eye the next day or is that just a rumor?

I don't know if people or Sac's computer will agree with me or not but I think 2003 was one of the best if not the best year as far as depth went. Take out Alma and all of the other 6 teams were pretty good. Adrian had Brooks and Walters. They were 1 and 2 in the league in scoring.  Had Schafer not gotten hurt that year how good would they have been? Despite their one bad day in Holland and it is easily the best K team in years. They had 7 seniors one of Albion 2 L's in the league came @ K  and I've always felt that Dirk Rehinardt is the most underated guard in the MIAA sense the turn of the century. Don't forget Calvin led by Jeremy Veinstra went 7-5 in the league.

This senior class had
C. Carlson
D. Overbeek
B. Qualye
D. Rehinardt
D. Walters
S. Brooks
J. Veenstra 

I would take that team and roll into any D2 gym and some D1's
I'm a long time reader of this site but first time poster. Obvisouly I'm a huge Albion fan. Sac your top 10 poll is awesome.  I would think most people at Albion would agree that the 2003 Brett Qualye led Brits were better then the 2006 Albion College Crawfords. The 03 squad started slow then won 18 of their next 20 set what was then the school record for wins. I also love the fact that the 05 brits are not on your poll yet. Anytime a team has two first team All Americans and the second leading scrorer in school history you have a pretty squad. I think that just shows how good Calvin was that year.  Kind of forgotten about on the 05 team was starting pg lonny fulse and back up post Brian Champine. Lonny started every game for the Brits in 05 and Champine really came on strong at the end of the year. Its to bad they both only worked out for one year. I would have liked to see the 06 team with those two guys. A paint with Champine and Crawford would have been scary.