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Messages - not so rowdy bomber

Rowdy wants to know whose going to be at Butterfield on Saterday?  er... today?

see you in Z-lot!
Go Bombers
Ehhh Bombers!

Not much to report from Butterfield as far as improvements, other than the barrage of emails from Ithaca's Alumni office asking for donations and announcing their fundraising completion for the new athletic center, which NSRB thinks they will be naming Dragonslayer Stadium whenever they decide to break ground.

In the mean time, NSRB hopes someone does some recruiting to fill the ranks of the FDC, which have grown thin since the founding members have departed South Hill.

starting to get very exited for Bomber weather... you can almost TASTE IT!

just wanted to congratulate you on the big Gator "W" and your boy Tebow.
class act. 
thank you redbirds for making NSRB very exited.  another pleasant surprise to uncover later Saterday night.  Hope the bombers are learning from their mistakes last weekend during their bye and not just spending their free time in the library.

hartwick.  thank you thank you. 
Hey pep.  hows the band, and the Bandwagon... any more updates?  with all these home games coming up,  not going to be putting many miles on the 'ol bird.  Whats the latest mile tally at?

in other good news... Syracuse didnt lose today

yeah, so what, so they didnt play today either

Quote from: ICemanJK on September 15, 2008, 09:19:30 PM
Quote from: not so rowdy bomber on September 15, 2008, 08:42:54 PM
Rowdy wants to know who has the parking pass for Z-lot and who will be bringing what to the game.  FDC needs to get their asses organized... we're already 2 games in!!!

someone i.e.  MIYH needs to make Rowdy an Admin on the FDC Facebook group so that he can contact everyone  (yes, NRSB is gettin' salty).

good "w" Bombers.  FDC is expecting to see the game stepped up alot more.  Confidence is key... we'll be there Saterday to back ya up. btw, any really tall WR's this year?  Rowdy wants to bring back the "Throw it to _____, he's tall!" wicked bad.

So ready for some toe-touches, some herkies, and booga boogas, throw in a couple safety dances, and a "PLETHORA!" of "WHERRRRRE's hEEEEEEE gOooooooinnnnnnns?!!"


Rowdy, can't say it's been easy getting troops rounded up considering iceman isn't in Ithaca anymore.  And the weak showing two weeks ago didn't help.  We had a few newbies ask for shirts which is good.  ice is expecting a PLETHORA of new recruits this Saterday.

As for the cheers...don't know if the "throw it cause he's tall" is gonna work this one with bostics size out there.  ice had to take over for the "WHERE'S HE GOING" issues there.

We seeing you at Butterfield this weekend?

10-4... NSRB will be there
Rowdy wants to know who has the parking pass for Z-lot and who will be bringing what to the game.  FDC needs to get their asses organized... we're already 2 games in!!!

someone i.e.  MIYH needs to make Rowdy an Admin on the FDC Facebook group so that he can contact everyone  (yes, NRSB is gettin' salty).

good "w" Bombers.  FDC is expecting to see the game stepped up alot more.  Confidence is key... we'll be there Saterday to back ya up. btw, any really tall WR's this year?  Rowdy wants to bring back the "Throw it to _____, he's tall!" wicked bad.

So ready for some toe-touches, some herkies, and booga boogas, throw in a couple safety dances, and a "PLETHORA!" of "WHERRRRRE's hEEEEEEE gOooooooinnnnnnns?!!"

Rowdy will be in Ithaca next weekend for Homecoming... at least thats the plan.

NSRB is headed to the Dome in just a few hours to watch Jo Pa juice G-Rob and the Orange.  At least we can enjoy watching The Coasters play on the quad and check out the new Ernie Davis statue... not a total loss on the day.

-Nittany Lions put up 100+ points today
-Jo Pa has the Marching Band play the second half, and still wins 48- Zip (oh... too soon?  too soon.)
-The Carrier Dome will be a Penn State "White Out" and will now becoming their new training facility once they litteraly own the Syracuse today.  Darryl Gross will also being wearing a PSU T-shirt and will be sitting in their fan section today along with Nancy Kantor.

-Greg Robinson will be coaching Newfield Pop-Warner Football by next weekend
-Due to "Title 9"... or some crazy excuse, Syracuse will actually do away with football after today and bring in Mens and Womens Hockey.

Go Bombers!  Juvy, make it happen today and bring the guillitine to the Kings.
JK IceMan... must be pretty happy so far with them Broncos eh?  NSRB figured Da Rayda's would be a bit more of challenge... but Cutler is deadly outside the pocket.

As for e8 posters being happy... Rowdy thinks each team can take some good from the games, but over all NSRB agrees... probably no one is 100% pleased with the outcomes.


ROWDY takes OOOOOOOooooonnnnneeeee game off... what the hell happens?!!!!  

somebody out there better tell him what happened and get going on the recruiting process for FDC... reports early on suggest it was a pretty empty stadium with weak cheering...  

good to see the Bombers come together in the end.  Yankee stadium was quite impressive i might add.  the wedding went off in Monument Park and ended just before the monsoons hit.  Even as a Mets fan... NSRB was humbled.

Go Bombers-
so NSRB has been MIA... working for a state authority has its limits. like no being on the computer unless its work related... sooo unless Supa starts talkin' transit or the kommish rattles off some facts on buses, (i.e. Allison Diesel Electric Hybrid Transmissions) Rowdy here will be on when he can.

as for Private skools manning up and jumping on board in the E8... lets throw Wells in the mix.  They now allow the gentlemen to go to school there... I can see a Cayuga Cup in the near future...

ehhhhh Bomberrrrrrrrs!
NSRB was up to South Hill over the weekend... no sign of the team, but it sure nice to be back on the hill.  Should be making an appearance come Homecoming.  Rowdy would be there this weekend... but his cousin is getting hitched at Yankee Stadium in Memorial Park and does expect Bomber-faithful to keep him updated throughout the game with txt msg highlights.

Quote from: superman57 on May 27, 2008, 09:12:12 PM
Quote from: Spark57 on May 27, 2008, 08:05:25 PM
I guess an intelligent answer was to much to expect.
dude you get intelligent answers to intelligent questions

nice. supa... very nice.  + (-K)!


To be quite honest, NSRB feels a bit embarrassed to say that he has not taken the trip to Mayberry yet, perhaps this is the year... if the gas prices ever decide to stop... $4 a gal is tough on the wallet, even to go watch the Bombers.  And TY for the invitation...  I hope the AU Pepband can handle this Bomberhorn, the IC Pep band couldnt... hence the move to student section to help establish the FDC.

KS, sounds like quite the ceremonies.  NSRB was a little discouraged at the ever growing smaller population of folks that turn out for Memorial Day, parades, ceremonies, and the few people that actually know what its all about.  Its rather discouraging when the high school and middle school bands are released promptly after the parade to go have their hotdogs and run around, or go home, while the vets and the chaplins are talking about why its so great to live in this country.  NSRB, put in some time playing Taps for 4 ceremonies on Monday, and then played the funeral for the former town mayor who passed away over the weekend who was a WW2 and Korean vet in both the Air Corp and the Airforce yesterday morning.  Certainly makes you appreciate things a little more after hearing their stories.

Some props to SU for taking the cake at the Lax Nat'l Championship... too bad the other CNY teams like LeMoyne and Cortland and OCC coudlnt handle the heat at the finish... maybe if Ithaca had beat'n the dragons in Post season, like they did in the regular season, the Bombers would be raising a trophy right now.
Quote from: AUPepBand on May 15, 2008, 09:59:59 PM
+K KS....a poem that is often read at Alfred Rural Cemetery during our annual Memorial Day service. Pep remembers as a Cub Scout lad marching in a solemn parade into the cemetery where the Memorial Day service was held every year. About ten years ago, Pep, realizing nothing was done anymore to help us "remember," invited the community to gather at the cemetery flagpole and a number of folks contributed to a memorable service including "Taps" played by an Alfred prof who had annually (many times in solitude) continued a tradition of playing the piece on Memorial Day.

Pep is pleased to report that a Memorial Day service has been held every year since with anywhere from 75 to 200 citizens in attendance....and recitation of Flanders Field is often included.

Pep, thats very considerate of you to take on that.  We need more folks like you around here... if we did, maybe this country would start getting its' act together a little better.

NSRB has been playing "Taps" for military funerals, including both his Grandfathers, many friends, many American Legion and VFW Vets funerals in Central New York and almost all Memorial Day services since he was 13 or 14 including 3 performances on Monday.  Always been kind of a given, for NSRB to do it for those guys.  NSRB feels pretty honored to be asked each time.