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Messages - Fear the Poet

Luckily, my son played in the glory years of two 4-5 seasons haha (mixed in a 1-8 as well)  On a serious note, Whittier College has been wonderful to our family and we met and have kept many friends from our son's time there.

We love the school and the people.  The football program pains me, but I will keep hoping for them to one day turn the corner.

Go Poets
Coach Hammer coming home to meet Wabash this weekend. That must be a weird feeling for him.

Best of luck to Coach Hammer and his Gators.

also, we send our prayers to the Austin Weirich family and the entire Wabash community
I was scrolling and saw a mention of Dahlby having health problems? Does anyone have any information?

thank you

Quote from: badgerwarhawk on January 05, 2016, 04:57:20 PM
Quote from: Fear the Poet on January 05, 2016, 04:13:49 PM

BJ Hammer named Head Coach of Allegheny College.  Best of luck to Coach Hammer

I mean no disrespect to you or your Poets and you've probably already encountered this but every time I see your log in name it absolutely cracks me up.  The Milwaukee Bucks "Fear the Deer" is funny enough but "Fear the Poet."  That's on a whole different level. Carry on, long live the Poets.

haha, believe me, I laugh at it every day. "We will kill you with our words" ;)

at least our nickname is better than Santa Cruz?...ok it's close

BJ Hammer named Head Coach of Allegheny College.  Best of luck to Coach Hammer
Congratulations to Coach Hammer and his family.
I loved the new star wars movie as did my two big and mean male football player sons. None of us felt threatened or offended at all. :)

Call me crazy, but we encourage strong woman at our house. Well, actually, if we didn't, my wife and daughter would beat the hell out of us.
Im super excited for Coach Neale. Seems he will be a guy to focus on recruiting high school kids and develop something at Whittier.

Quote from: ExPoet on November 19, 2015, 01:44:59 PM
You are right- I am just venting. But, I was an athlete there and involved for a while with the school there after. I am just sad for the program. I've seen many FB coaches coming and going and it's not good for the student athletes or the program. Until they can get a group to completely back up the program it can't change. I don't like seeing coaches rotating in and out of programs and the Athletics departments not going a little further than that...
I didn't want to sound too harsh. I have been reading the boards for a while and when I saw Stratton is gone- it upset me. That will be the 5th coach for that team since 2000.
That's my 2 cents

I feel your pain, brother. I love the college and want desperately for it to start a move in the right direction. I have no answers on how to do so. It must be so hard to recruit against the other locals at this point.

The afore mentioned BJ Hammer I thought was in a tough situation at Whittier. He is a proven Coach both before and after.

Quote from: Purple Heys on November 17, 2015, 06:31:26 PM
Maybe they consider hiring a young, energetic coach looking to build his resume.

I like this idea a lot. The question is where do we find this guy? I love Whittier College and hope the program can be rebuilt.

Quote from: Chapman 96 on November 08, 2015, 04:42:25 PM
Jellerson? He was forced out because Stratton and Clark told Coleman (the ad) that Jellerson called Coleman's wife a fat f##king pig..which was untrue. But instead of confronting
Jellerson, he launched an "internal" investagation, without Jellerson's knowledge and only spoke to two disgruntled coaches..Statton and Clark (two coaches Jellerson wanted to get rid of) and a couple of disgruntled players..and that's how Coleman and why he fired Jellerson..Whittier always kept it hush hush because Coleman didn't want his wife embarrassed. And your right old dawg Jellerson did bring in darn good players and left Stratton with 90 plus players.
Now the last 2 or 3 years an average of 50? Fear the Poet?
2012 4-5
2013 1-8
2014 2-7
2015 0-8 and one of the worst football teams in the entire country! Looks like Coleman and Strattons chickens came home to roost!

I don't know about any of that alleged drama at Whittier. All I know is that Coleman, Rizzo and the gang treated my son and family incredibly well and we are thankful. His last year was the 4-5 2012 year, after taking a few years off. He played under Hammer in 2007 and 2008 and came back in 2012.

Go Poets!

I was certainly not a fan of Jellerson, but kind of hard to blame him since my beloved Poets have been down for a very, very long time. I think they have only won more than three games a couple times in the last 15 or so years. I sure hope they can find a way to turn the program around. There are some good people working hard behind the scenes over there.

Go Poets!
what the hell happened? LaVerne and CMS battling it out? This isn't your momma's SCIAC this year..except for my Poets :(