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Messages - Muskie1

Quote from: skunks_sidekick on October 09, 2007, 12:15:01 PM
Hi OAC ers everwhere!
Oh....and what's a fool-proof touchdown play to use when you don't have a line that can block well, but a decent receiver and QB?   ;D

Screen Pass
Not sure if its a fool-proof Touchdown, but it should work.
I haven't followed Muskie Football very long, so the new logo doesn't bother me too much. Not sure I like the fish on there, but....

I'm a simple man, so the block M was fine with me.

Muskingum just finished the remodeling of the Home Team Locker Room. I haven't been in many D3 Locker Rooms, but to me, these look pretty nice.
Did anybody happen to catch any of the Muskingum/Wittenberg scrimmage yesterday?  Just curious how the Fish looked?
Is there much Tailgating going on, at DIII Football games? I'm sure there is at MUC, but what about the other OAC schools? Muskingum?

I attended a few games at Geneva last year, and didn't see much tailgating. I'm looking forward to some of the Muskie games this year, but not sure what to expect.
Quote from: Pat Coleman on August 20, 2007, 11:07:13 AM
Welcome aboard. Don't let the overwhelming horde of Mount Union fans get to you. :)

How true. I know I felt the wrath of the Raider fans on my very first post.
All kidding aside, welcome aboard Big Muskie. Its good to see more Muskie fans climbing onboard.
As stated earlier by somebody, I think Coach Logan will do a good job. I think he will need a few years, to see the results, but once he gets his Recruits onboard and on track, they'll do fine.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Musky O
August 17, 2007, 01:51:11 PM
Quote from: SaintsFAN on August 17, 2007, 12:40:01 PM
Quote from: D3 Poster on August 17, 2007, 12:16:13 PM
I wouldn't expect the offense to have much of a learning curve from '06 to '07 since the head coach was offensive coordinator last year....

aren't MOST defenses ahead of the offense at this stage of the season?

Even though the Head Coach was the O-Cooridinator, doesn't mean the Offensive plan will be the same. This year, with Coach Logan in charge, he is implementing a Spread oriented Offense, so yes, there will be a learning curve for the players, learning a new system.
I wanted to attend Muskingums scrimmage on Suday, but will not be able now, because of a previous engagement.
From what I've heard, about the Muskies Practices, it seems the Defense is ahead of the Offense. This is not surprising, because of the New Coach and new Offense they will be running this year. It will take a little time, for the O, to get caught up with the D. I have not seen many practices, so I can't give first hand information, but this is what I've been told. Expectations are high on Campus and the Muskie Offense whould be more exciting this year to watch.
I'm pretty sure Muskingum has a JV Team(at least thats what the coach told my son during Recruiting). The Football team reports this Friday, 8/10.
Quote from: runyr on July 31, 2007, 10:36:08 AM
Good article on Bill Walsh:;_ylt=AvJhikThKAZ5jXwak9l_PxM5nYcB?slug=ap-obit-walsh&prov=ap&type=lgns

Anybody who thinks MTU should move up doesn't understand what they're talking about or is just slow upstairs (I didn't say stupid, thought it, but didn't say it).

I appreciate the warm welcome from everyone.
Look, I apologize for bringing this up. I am new to the site, and didn't have time to go back through the Archives, to see if this has been discussed. It was not meant to sound like a complaint. I was simply curious, if it has been discussed. I for one, am happy Mount is part of the OAC(being a Muskie fan). It presents a huge challenge every year, to prepare and play the Purple Raiders. After all, to be the best, you have to beat the best.
I'm new to the Forum, so take it easy on me.
Question: MUC has dominated D3 Football over the years. Has there ever been talk about them, maybe moving up to D2? I know there is a lot more to Universities than just football, but I wonder if moving up a Division was ever discussed, even if it was just for Football.