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Messages - CollegeFootballFan

Looking at the Cornell situation remote, the cold facts associate with the statistics and game summaries are the results. My only view is the results. Thus I asked the questions.  Therefore, the feedback based on actual exposure helps. Based on the results, things don't look good for the team. Earlier in the year there was a lot of talk about the freshman class.

Based on the feedback, the freshman class is getting playing time and may have not made the impact I expected based on the earlier post. Now, is it time for the team should invest more into the new players since the team is out of post season consideration. If a young player with potential hasn't been given enough time to get use to the college level football, I believe they should be given an opportunity to prove their value. I hear it a lot that freshman are not ready to play but I see freshman playing on Saturday's. I hear the feedback but I'm not convinced. I cannot believe none of the freshman can play at this level now. Some are bigger, faster, stronger and quicker coming out of high school. I know that's a fact. Therefore, when it's decided to move forward with experienced players that you know haven't beat the competition in the past, you've made a decision that carries a risk too. That's a coach's decision. Some small changes might make a big difference, give it a chance.

I also felt this team is on the bubble for quitting for the year since things started rolling down hill with the Luther game. Therefore, I hope my previous post provides some motivation. It's good to be positive; sometimes you have to face the truth to get better. Small improvements are goods sign but doesn't lower the expectations. It's American where winning is important. Don't accept losing, which will make it very difficult on the team mentally. Don't accept close loses, make the adjustments and win the close games.

I do not know who should be playing. I do know the team is not meeting expectations based on the pre-season hype.

I do know some kids are looking at the program because playing on a top conference team is not the top priority. It would help Cornell to show hope for high school seniors mature enough to select a school for reasons other than the win/loss record.

I believe this team can still win. I'm pulling for the underdog too.
Cornell Faithful,

I've been pulling for Cornell to make progress this season. I've made some bold predictions too.

Why were there so much enthusiasm, pride and predictions that Cornell would win games? What is different about this team from the last 3 years? What is wrong?

Looking at the results, Cornell is stuck in the pattern of giving up the leagues player of the week, the stat game for the leagues MVP candidates and highlighting the league record books.

If you back out the stats from the 2 non conference games, the stats show a history of the same pattern, failing to win.

It's time to win. You have 4 games to show any improvement, forget the first 2 games. I believe someone on the board summed those games up, 2 victories by 2 points and I'll add some good stats for bragging rights only. Stop speaking of moral victories in close games, you need to solve problems not use them as excuses for signs of improvement. It's the wins and losses that count and this team is losing and headed to another 2-8 season. .

If the team played its best players then that sends a message about the talent. If the team is not playing its best talent, then why not, you have a history and should have learned a lesson about the current talent, its 2-8 and haven't won a conference game. Its time to put your new talent (hope) on the field, it can't hurt; it's time to walk the talk. 

The losses are very painful to watch, listen and read about. It's going to be tough to recruit and keep young players.
Well, after 2 weeks of conference play, here's my power index.

The index is based on a teams ability to win the conference championship and/or make it to the big dance

1) Wartburg – defense wins championships, offense sells tickets. With Luther putting up lots of offense against Central and basically shut out by Wartburg, except for a real late touchdown. Luther could have made it a game in the second half but the Wartburg defense made the play. It's clear who's the top team in this conference
4) Dubuque – Started slow but took control later. I'll give you this rating this week. You can prove your value next week.
5) Central – very suspect after winning a close game against a Loras team that could have given Cornel its first conference victory in 13 attempts. Things are not clicking like a machine in Pella, IA. Looks like Central might not make the big dance which is very important for a dominent team to win in the big dance, Bragging rights in the conference only goes so far. A big fish in a small pond doesn't make a mark in a big lake.
7) Coe – Still on the bubble, could be around 500 in this conference, very close to moving down the index. Scored late on a weaker BVU team. I'm not convinced Coe can beat Wartburg, Dubuque, Central and Luther.
8) Luther – Luther has strength on offense, the defense has to be better to beat the top teams in the conference
10) Simpson – Simpson actually led against my second strongest team
11) Loras – Played a strong game against Central
13) BVU -
15) Cornell – Sorry Cornell, you have to win a conference game first to move up a notch, win 2 and you might not be last in the conference. Will reconsider after the  first win. I'm pulling for the underdog

The empty slots represent breaks in class
Quote from: DutchFan2004 on September 16, 2007, 05:40:38 PM
College Football Fan,

what do you mean that Central looks suspect?  Are you  talking about how they win?     

Central is suspect because they are the top ranked team in the conference, gave up a lot of points, won by a touchdown, and had a 220 yard rusher, 400 yards of offense and 200 yards on special teams. That's 600 yards of offense. Central lost a lead in the second quarter and Luther move the ball well at times.

Based on that performance, Central is suspect to lose a game or two. Lose to the wrong team and it could be over.

Since Central is expected to be the conference representative to the playoff the expectation is higher. With Wartburg looking like they might have it together and Dubuque looking strong, Central could loss.

I gave Central credit for winning. A win is a win on the books. We'll see how the Wartburt – Luther game goes. I might be able to left the suspect tab if I see some consistency.
Quote from: MNbeev on September 16, 2007, 12:37:53 PM
Quote from: Purple Heys on September 15, 2007, 07:10:07 PM
I hear you, but you lack 1st hand experience on watching the game the Rams played today.  They moved with impunity for the most part.  Again, to Loras' credit, they did what they needed to do and capitalized...hats off them.  But, in my opinion, this was Cornell's game to win...or lose.  They had their way with Loras' D.  Cornell's D work their collective a$es off but Mr. McGrew had a great game.
The Rams didn't protect the ball and didn't capitalize and That, however, is why the Rams are 0-1.  They will kick the (expletive deleted) out of Luther in two weeks.  I think Cornell beats Simpson.  Your Beavers are at risk as are the Kohawks.  Your BVD will be a challlenge.  I think the Kohawks are overrated.
My opinion.
And with all due respect, you are entitled to yours...

I know I didn't have the "first hand experience" of these fearful weapons that Cornell has.  Of course I have hand the 1st hand experience of this incredible unstoppable offense that cornell has.  And these weapons can be stopped...there are tougher defenses out in the IIAC then the Loras'.  Granted Loras does have SOME defensive standouts, but all in all a D lacking completness.  I am still trying to understand 3 wins, I still see 1...I will try to break down the games in my opinion for the season out look.

Luther vs Cornell - To many offensive weapons for the rams to stop, and a D the played pretty well against Central, granted without Schuring, but still it is central.  Loss

Buena Vista vs Cornell - Cornell at SL, -1 for the rams.  Also a beaver D that is tough against the wing-t, shut out last year, and held for 51 yards rushing.  Against a struggling O, but cornell's D, gets exploited some how by the pass.  Loss

Cornell vs Dubuque -  A bad team to schedule for HC. Dubuque on the raise, O and D improved.  Over and done, nothing else to say.  Loss. 

Simpson vs Cornell - Simpson, they are not the simpson of the past but, they play tough, and O and D that are not bad but not as good.  But dominated cornell last year.  If cornell is better and simpson is worse I will give this game a "it could go either way". 

Central vs Cornell - Loss, nothing else to say, Central is Central, to good all around.

Wartburg vs Cornell - Loss, read above about central. 

Cornell vs Coe - wow, you say the Kohawks are in jeopardy?  The are playing good football, again to many offensive weapons, and a bend don't break D.  LOSS

I know I wasn't there to watch Cornell play against Loras  ::).  And I understand of course your opinions about your team are going to be on the most positive side of everything, and you are entitled to that.  And all the other ram fans are going to do the same, "the rams are so good, so awesome, best offense in the world, coach dillion is amazing, they're going to change around and beat this team and that.  I am sorry but we have all heard it before.  And before you can start talking about 1-2-3-4 wins in the conference please can we see something first, "not literally" we all know I wasn't there.  But I hate to pee in your cheerios but lets be realistic. 

I will give you props for having confidence in your team, and any team can be beaten on any given day, but the rams have a tough, tough schedule for the remainder of the year, I do wish them good luck, it would be great to see them win some games but I am just looking at the games in a point of view that fits me.

I've been looking at it closer and I believe Cornell has the best potential because there is not much left but for Cornell to go up. Really, it's a win-win for Cornell.

Looks like those that follow the conference closely are positive and encouraging to Cornell. But they are not giving up respect until it's earned. Winning a conference game is a good/fair expectation to get some respect. Maybe Iowa is too close to Missouri because Cornell will have to show this board when it's ready.

After losing 13 straight conference games, let's be real, to be the best, you will have to beat the best. Cornell needs to beat one of the best teams in the conference to be legitimately past potential.

I have faith that Cornell has the potential. They just need to focus on taking care of business with the 2007 team. The talent will show itself. I hear it coming.

Looks like Wargburg has a dominate defense and a good balanced attack on offense

Looks like Dubuque might send a message this year

Central looks a little suspect in a strong conference

Coe looks to be on the bubble

The predicted top teams are on top teams after week 1 of conference play, give them credit.
Purple Heys,

Did't understand this, please clarify "There was also a TD saving play when Cornell's Freshman QB stepped in for series and was a lunging tackle from a 55+ yard scramble for a TD"
Based on my research, this conference is in for a surprise. I beleive the competition is a bit overrated, a few good players here and there will make a difference.

I'm going to take the underdog:

1. Cornell
2. Dubuque
3. Wartburg
4. Central
5. Coe
6. BV
7. Loras
8. Luther
9. Simpson
The NCAA is the governing organization with a higher level of jurisdiction. This is a quote from the NCAA transfer guide.

"You don't need a letter if ... In Divisions I and II, if you're transferring from a school that is not a member of the NCAA or National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), you don't need a permission-to-contact letter.
Also, if you are now in Division III, you may issue your own release (called a self-release) to allow another Division III school to contact you about transferring.

The self-release applies only to transfers from a Division III school to another Division III school. For a sample self-release, go to our Web site at"
Peoples Preseason Poll (PPP) – Top 5 Receivers in IIAC

Who will be the top 5 Receivers in the IIAC based on receptions, receiving yardage and touchdowns in the conference games? Please give names, college and explanation why.

Thanks for the advice.

Athletics is not the only consideration.  It's just one piece to the puzzle. This board specializes in football athletics. We wanted opinion to gather some background information. We did not mention the other considerations, there are many. We are looking for a match. Things are not simple anymore, they are complex. Now we must find a simple answer.

We want play in a college football program and win as a team. When one of us win, we all win. That's our motto. The program doesn't have to be a winning team now. We will face the challenges with character. We will accept the challenge to earn a position on the field. We are confident in our ability to play football. We don't want to be the best on the team, we want to be the best in the nation. Hopefully somewhere between, we will find happiness.

Let's keep the polls going, we can call it the preseason peoples poll

Let's get the predictions on record to discuss at the end of the season

Preseason Poll – Top 5 Quarterbacks in IIAC

Who will be the top 5 quarterbacks in the IIAC based on passing/rushing  yardage and passing efficieny in the conference games? Please give names, college and explanation why.

Let's get some predictions on record to discuss at the end of the season

Preseason Poll – Top 5 Runner in IIAC

Who will be the top 5 rushers in the IIAC based on rushing and receiving yardage in the conference games? Please give names, college and explanation why.
This is good information on the board now.


Based on the feedback, we will take a serious look at Cornell.

This is a very humble kid that has been told it's harder to succeed as you move up the pyramid. There are a lot less colleges than high schools in the country. I consider it a major accomplishment to play college football at any level. There is no easy level to play football at the college level nor should any expect to dominate the lower NCAA levels.

The kid knows he will have to raise his game to break into the line up at any school. The kids goal is to go to a school where he can play versus waiting until his junior/senior year to get playing time. Therefore, where every he goes, it's can only be a goal to play as a freshmen.

The D1 programs have 85 scholarship players and really only play around 30 in a season. That leaves about 50 players not getting an opportunity to play, do what they love, given they probably have invested 8 – 12 years to playing football.

Don't think that we are underestimating the talent/play at the DIII level, we are not. We have placed a priority on the education first and looking for a place to play.

However, if you are a talented player, you should enter camp with the goal to play now and adjust to the talent level when camp starts. This kid has the confidence and it shows on the field. There are some freshman that is ready to play DIII ball now. Sometimes it's difficult to get your opportunity to show what you can do when there are established starters. Sometimes the coaches are blind to new options.

I heard IIAC is one of the toughest conference in DIII. Is that true? What are the other good conferences?
Quote from: Walston Hoover on August 01, 2007, 08:53:06 PM
You've come to the wrong place if you want an unbiased answer.
That being said, I'll tell you all the good things about Wartburg eventually.
What's he going to study?

He's going to major in the natural sciences

Based on the feedback, we will pay close attention to the conference this season. The lower ranked team probably will have the best opportunity to play. Looks like the top teams have the biggest supply of players. Sometimes all it takes is a few key players to turn a program around. The kid beleives he can make an impact in the right program and situation. We will look at the Minnesota schools too.

Based on reading the post, looks like Central and Wartburg are the top teams and the winner this year will probably win the cobference.

What about the backgrounds on the other teams? Which will probably be in the lower level of the standing and why? What are the challenges for those teams? What's the deal with Cornell, why fewer players and picked for last by a couple of message board veterans?

IIAC experts, I have a kid that is considering playing in the IIAC. He's a late bloomer which means not on the broard/list for D1 programs and will have to compete with JC players at the end of his senior season. He's a versatile player, can play RB, TE, Rec, FB and QB, any offensive skilled position. He has experience and success in each position. He would like to focus on the education first with a good opportunity to play football.

Which IIAC school(s) offer the best opportunity to break into the line up and play during his freshman or maybe his sophomore year and why?

Looks like all have good educational opportunities. Looks like this conference has talent based on the post, who has the best opportunities to play football.