Is it Saturday yet???
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Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 22, 2008, 11:46:57 PM #2
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 20, 2008, 11:46:44 AMQuote from: Klopenhiemer on October 20, 2008, 08:52:07 AM
Hey guys I am back. I spent all last week in Baltimore for the National Park and Recreation Show. Then I headed to Iowa City to catch the Hawks game on Saturday. Last week was a blast, we did not have to be on the floor working the exhibits until noon every day so the nights were filled with "entertaining" customers. In other words, wrecking your liver!
Tough loss for the Beavers on Saturday. Sounded like a typical Luther vs. BV win. Hard nosed game that came down to the wire. I am not selling off the BV gear yet, as there is still a lot of season left. We still hold the cards as Luther has to beat Wartburg and win out to stay on top.
BV is in the same spot at 04' and I hope I am not disapointed at the end of the season. They have Cornell and Waldorf. If they lose either of these games it will be a big disapointment. They also have Central at home and Coe on the road.
I am confident that the Beavers will come back this weekend and pound Waldorf and be ready for the following weeks game.
Congrats to all the winners and lets hope the board keeps moving. Great post 5WOL....I thought the same thing for a while. We talked so much during the off season that I figured this board would be rolling during the season. With 4 weeks left in the conference season lets make it the best.
Hey Klop....are you employed in National Park and Recreation area? I'm thinking about doing a masters in Leisure & Recreation Administration but jobs aren't looking good as Fed and State are cutting and closing many parks. Any advice??
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 16, 2008, 08:26:59 AM
Thx Doolittle, the FSU/NCS will be entertaining although I would rather see the BYU/TCU game. I tried to find archives of Luther FB games but didn't see any archived. That doesn't mean they are there...I'm only on my fist cup of liquid ambition. With Luther@BV this week...which is about an 8 hr drive for me I doubt I will be trekking the golden roads of the heavenly state this w/e. Hey Doo...I came across a watering hole that made me think of you...even though I don't know you. In SW Wisconsin in a town called Lancaster.... on the town square is a place called Doolittle's Pub & Eatery....any relation???
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 16, 2008, 07:56:12 AM
Is it Saturday yet?
I'm jones'in for a college FB fix.

Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 14, 2008, 09:21:04 PMQuote from: doolittledog on October 14, 2008, 08:32:27 PMQuote from: Purple Heys on October 14, 2008, 07:31:23 PM
Anyone going to the DBQ/Rams game?
My wife tells me we are going to her parents and picking apples
When I tried to plead my case for going to the game this weekend I was met with a "hmmfff" and a scowl from her. Apparently I have been getting my way too much recently and it's time for her stuff for awhile. I'm still trying but I suspect I will be in rural Clutier on Saturday thinking of ways to sneak into the house and get on the internet for 2 or 3 minutes at a time to find out the score of the game
I do love my wife by the way, despite all my moaning and groaning about life. I am lucky to have her!!!
Maybe it's time for an IPhone
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 14, 2008, 05:00:52 PMQuote from: Thunderbolt on October 14, 2008, 02:42:18 PM
I will say that I like the attitude of this group, and they are starting to develop a personality. They have obviously bought in to Durnins teaching and there is hope. We have talked about the lack of depth and defections early on, and they have overcome injuries at running back and in the Oline so far. The attitude seems to be, just plug in the next guy and keep doing the same thing. We'll see how that works against good teams on the road.
You hit it exactly on the head Thunderbolt, these kids come out of the locker room believing that they are gonna win. But as LC notes, we still have yet to put two halves together. Also, injuries have forced other guys to step up. I personally think that a team that subs more will consistantly be better over the years. However, most coaches are forced to win NOW and not to think about building the team over 5 years. Think about telling a HS player that starting his soph year (unless he is a man among boys) that he will get reps in home games. Honestly, any team that gets up 3 scores, especially in the 2nd half, should be subbing 2nd, 3rd and 4th team players, if only for a down or series. That gives real, varsity game time and offers teaching moments for the coaching staff. It also creates camaraderie which just keeps snowballing over the years. I am however for allowing a kid to stay in if he has a shot at a record...up to a point where injury is more likely. No need to have starters out there in 4th Q up by 21 pts. I howevr, am not a coach nor have I ever been, and I didn't even stay in a Holiday Inn last night.
Also I have to say that this year may end being the most exciting in recent IIAC history. That BV/loras game was one of the best I have seen...even with the occasional and apparent rectal exploration by the camera person. My top 2 favs would have to be the win over Central this year and the win over Warty a few years back. The next couple of weeks will tell.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 11, 2008, 01:50:47 PMQuote from: Klopenhiemer on October 11, 2008, 01:30:53 PM
Does anyone have any information on wheather the Loras vs. BV game will be streaming or will we have to rely on live stats?
Hey Klop....Loras website has streaming on main athletic page about half down the page. I have it up and it looks great.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 11, 2008, 09:04:54 AMQuote from: 5 Words or Less on October 10, 2008, 11:06:53 PMQuote from: Klompen on October 10, 2008, 03:28:29 PMQuote from: Alfredeneumann on October 10, 2008, 01:35:46 PMReynolds is very good, I wish he had wanted to stay a little closer to home. Interesting article. I have also developed a lot of respect for Coach Durnin in the few articles that I have read about Luther football. It sounds like he is fair, honest and respectful in his comments. I think Luther got two good recruits this year, but only one of them plays.
WCF Courier Article on Luther QB Chris Reynolds
Sounds like this kid is one CIML player I wish that didn't want to play in the IIAC.
I was thinkin' ... "Secret Weapon"
Actually, neither Reynolds or Durnin are the secret weapon. I think it was pretty clear after camp that Reynolds was going to be good. And Durnin's record speaks for itself. The secret weapon I was referring to has not been really shown yet.
Good luck to all IIAC teams...and hopefully no one gets injured.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 05, 2008, 09:22:42 AM
Thanks coocoo
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 05, 2008, 09:07:52 AM
I was kidding coco....I was nowhere near the camera yesterday....but I was jumping up and down alot. There are always alot of alums up there for homecoming and I suspect that someone kept stepping on the cables.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 05, 2008, 08:44:55 AM
Sorry Central fans if the video streaming didn't work as well as had ben expected. Hope you saw part of the game at was a great game from the Norse point of view
Sorry oldNorse.....the video streaming was my fault....too much jumping and fist pumping up there. I will try to hoild my emotions in better next....but I doubt I will.
Sorry Central fans if the video streaming didn't work as well as had ben expected. Hope you saw part of the game at was a great game from the Norse point of view
Sorry oldNorse.....the video streaming was my fault....too much jumping and fist pumping up there. I will try to hoild my emotions in better next....but I doubt I will.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 04, 2008, 10:24:41 PM
Just got back from the North country. What a glorious day at Carlson Stadium!! I am so impressed with our defense. We did have a few near misses but in general when we had to have a stop we got it. I just about came out of my shoes on that interception for a TD. I think I scared a few of the 'older' alums up on the observation deck. Most of them were talking about fund raising away.....geeeeeez. When I got to the field I shook Reynolds hand and gave him a hit on the pads. This kid just keeps getting better and better each week. If only my Cyclones could have held on....but they do seem like they are improving.
Only one thing left........GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!
Only one thing left........GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 01, 2008, 04:19:30 PM
opps....on the typo...speech. I also forgot to add to the list...get a ghost writer and pen an insider and throughly uninformed book of the state of America.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
October 01, 2008, 04:16:12 PMQuote from: TrainsEqualCrowdNoise on October 01, 2008, 03:01:22 PMQuote from: Klopenhiemer on October 01, 2008, 02:41:19 PMQuote from: Klompen on October 01, 2008, 09:51:15 AMQuote from: Charlie Kohawk on September 30, 2008, 11:36:18 PMPrivate colleges are going to face a very challenging year. Increasingly high school counselors and financial planners are telling students and parents to get the first two years at a community college. Private colleges have done well to maintain enrollments against that environment, add the pressures of this economy and we could see financial struggles hit our alma maters like never before as more and more families will see that as the only choice and not even give our schools a fair chance to compete. The regents will also likely see a bump from this. Of course the flip side is that in a down economy more students opt for college when the job market is tight.Quote from: warthog on September 30, 2008, 10:22:22 PMGreat question. I guess I'll be keeping my college job (unless those same officials show up on campus again).
So what does this economy situation do to private colleges as they attempt to recruit students at $30,000 a pop?
What kind of job can one expect without a college degree? They could go to a technical school and learn a technical trade. They could join a union such as the carpenters, plumbers, iron workers, ect and go through their apprentiship program. They could go to some other type of scpecialized school that might deal with fire, automotives, or anything else that does not need a tradional 4 year degree. All of these still require some type of financing other than the Union Apprentiships. Those guys have to buy tools so that is their cost of tuition. With the lending markets being tight right now its going to be especially tough on everyone. If a student does not go to college of tech school they can plan on saying would you like fries with that or paper or plastic sir for the rest of their lives.
With a tough job market, it just makes it that much harder to get a job regardless of whether or not you have a degree. I will disagree with you that people without degrees should plan on working fast food, as there are plenty of jobs that do not require a degree or where a degree is just recommended. Things being so tough puts an extra emphasis on who you know, and just getting your foot in the door. My brother went to a technical school to become a carpenter and entered the Union as an apprentice, and still he was laid off a month ago and is currently doing odd jobs for private contractors just to bring home money. If he didn't have contacts with these private companies, who knows what he would have to do to find work. I also know some one who just graduated from high school, that was given a job as an administrative assistant, but only because the person who hired her was a long time family friend. So I think with things being the way they are, it becomes even more so on who you know, rather than your qualifications.
Or they could run for a seat in Congress, take kick-backs, monies from special interest groups, give prepared speaches, and generally BS their way thru life.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
September 29, 2008, 06:05:04 PMQuote from: DutchFan2004 on September 29, 2008, 05:54:50 PMQuote from: Klopenhiemer on September 29, 2008, 05:30:58 PM
And why is oil $95 a barrel and I am still paying over $4.00 per gallon in Chicago? When oil hit over $120 a barrel I was paying close to the same price
I will leave this for someone to give a conviluted answer regarding supply/demand and the cost to refine
Not to rub it in but we are down to 3.29 for E10. Can't buy E85 in town here but last time I filled up with E85 it was 2.51.
opps...screwed that quote up. ouch! ouch! ouch!......another reason I rue the day I left Iowa...or should I say heaven.