Where the new coach turning the program around in one year and the facilities may have a positive impact on recruiting, the secret lies in the financial aid packages that Albright offered. In regards to other MAC schools, Albright threw around more money to entice more students to enroll in the university, whether it be athletes or not. (Not sure if it is true or not, but rumor has it that Albright is fiscally not doing well, so they are trying to get the most enrolled in the university as possible.) Also, they were able to get their packages out earlier then other MAC schools. I know when I was going through the process, why hold out for another school when you get a good package off the bat. Maybe these reasons are responsible for a big class.
But remember it is quality not quantity....That is if your good prospects don't fail out before they become impact players.
But remember it is quality not quantity....That is if your good prospects don't fail out before they become impact players.