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Messages - GoldGlove

South Region / Re: USA South
August 17, 2007, 09:55:45 PM
Guess you are right CNU85.  So be it, good luck to that key starter....I hope they can survive without him.  Gotta focus on school first, baseball will end eventually. 
South Region / Re: USA South
August 17, 2007, 09:08:34 PM
That's ashame.  I guess everybody has their own opinions.  That is the first negative I have heard about that guy.  But I guess every coach has his naysayers/issues. Probably would be best for everybody if the unhappy player transfered.  Why, though, would he wait?  He's had all summer.
South Region / Re: USA South
August 17, 2007, 07:32:02 PM
Harsh words all around.....guess you can't win for losing.  Whatever, I guess we will wait and see what the future holds.  At least hokieone and samueladams were positive.  GO METHODIST....the program all others should fall in line with. :)
South Region / Re: USA South
August 17, 2007, 12:07:45 AM
Quote from: hokieone on August 16, 2007, 07:31:27 PM
His name is "Hedrick", not "Hendrick". Coach Hedrick is a very good baseball man. He came into a situation where players would miss practices for Greek functions, no off season program, etc., so it'll take a while, but I suspect he'll develop a very good program. Good location to recruit (close to Richmond), well-respected academic school, wealthy alumni. It could work. He's a very personable guy and will recruit well. If my guys weren't where they are (CNU), RMC would be my second choice.

Thank you, hokieone.  I am sorry for the misspelling of his name, I don't know him other than from playing aginst them over the past two years.  I agree with your comments, atleast from what I can tell from the other dugout.  His players seem to be happy and they play hard for him.  I know my coach swears that they will be the team to beat in the ODAC within the next few years.  He really thinks Coach Hedrick is doing a great job, and he isn't making life any easier on us at Bridgewater and VWC.

narch, you may want to take some notes from hokieone.  Obviously he is affiliated with CNU....and yet he has no problem complementing someone outside of CNU on a job well done.  In fact, hasn't CNU won more USASAC titles and regional titles in say the last seven years that Methodist? ;)   I would say they have alittle more going for them as of late.....and yet, still willing to be positive about what other, competing in-state programs are doing well.  I think RMC might even have been CNU this year.....but hokieone still takes the high road. 
South Region / Re: USA South
August 16, 2007, 01:25:18 PM
I am with SamuelAdams.....time to move on. 
South Region / Re: USA South
August 16, 2007, 10:42:33 AM
Quote from: narch on August 15, 2007, 09:22:34 PM
goldglove - first off, the smiley face is there for a reason...mostly to indicate that i'm being a bit of a smart-ass and joking around a little...i like to rib you odac guys who think that your teams play in a real conference :)

sorry to have offended you

BUT....if you truly think that tom austin "inherited" a program that was in better shape than the rmc program, think again:

in 1980 tom austin became the head coach of an 11 year old program at a 20 year old school that was in very real danger of closing because of financial struggles and low enrollment...not exactly the ideal recipe for great baseball success, and something i GUARANTEE the rmc coaching staff knows NOTHING about -

You are right......but then again RMC has always had a strong reputation.  I would actually think the struggling enrollment helped build up the baseball program b/c it enabled Coach Austin to get anyone he wanted in school.  Infact, isn't that still somewhat the case today?  Isn't your assistant coach paid to bring in X amount of players to fill spots both for the school and for your "JV" team?  Everyone knows that most of the USAS schools, including Methodist, are enrollment driven. Acadademic and financial stability doesn't seem to be an issue for RMC.

bruce shelly had done a fine job of starting the methodist baseball program, posting a winning record in 6 consecutive seasons (after winning 11 games in the first three years of existence), but this was still a young program and school in EVERY way - tom austin went 25-9 in his first year and has NEVER had a losing season, or for that matter, won less than 22 games (and that "horrible" season with a .595 winning percentage was in his second year as head coach) - that kind of sustained success doesn't just happen and isn't "inherited" - as someone who has played and is familiar with both leagues as you say you are, i would expect you to understand how difficult it is to win year-in, year-out, especially in a conference like the usasac.

I never argued Coach Austin's credentials.  His record and success speaks for itself.  Coach Austin did, however, inherit a team that in 1977 won 27 games, a conference championship, and appeared in the NCAA tournament.  Now, I realize that in '78 and '79 the teams came back down to earth, but they still were a .500 team that had been at high level with Coach Shelley.  Those 1977 freshman were seniors in 1980 when Coach Austin led them to a 25-9 record.  So it's not like them cupboard was bare.  Coach Austin has certainly sustained a well repsected program, but as you well know, once programs get rolling and gain a reputation for success, they pretty much can run themselves with the right guidance. Still, to win as consistently as he has, against the likes of Mike Fox, Abe Naff, John Harvell.....he does deserve credit for keeping pace in the top four year in and year out.

Now lets look at RMC.  Coach Hendrick took over a program in 2005 that went 10-28 and 2-16 in the "Lowly" ODAC.  The year before that, 6-22 and 3-15 in the league.  From what I can tell, Macon went double digit years without a winning record.  I don't even know if RMC has ever won the ODAC.  Talk about nothing to work with! I played against RMC in 2004 and they were worse than a HS JV team.  I also played against them in 2005 and 2006 after Coach Hendirck arrived.....NIGHT and DAY.  Now he has no business being compared to Coach Austin at this point, nor does his team, but you can't sneeze at what he has done in a short amount of time at RMC.  They may not be as strong 1-9 as most teams, but I can tell you that they are well on their way and should be competing for conference and regional level championships down the road.

last i checked, having players in professional baseball had little to do with producing winning collegiate teams, especially on the d3 level - it's nice when you get a guy who plays beyond college, but that's not the point of methodist baseball...oh yeah...there are a couple of former monarchs playing some indy league ball, as well (david hoffman and ryan brandt)

Disagree with you on this point.  You obvioulsy need some talent to play at the next level, and if you have several guys in your college program who have that ability, your team should be pretty succesful.  Look at the 1999 NCWC pitching least two or three of those guys had a chance to play some form of proball....NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!  Look at Emory, look at Kean.  Kids want to be in a program that they believe will give them a chance to play proball, regardless of the division.  That is why I chose my school.  So by saying "That's not the point of methodist baseball," are you saying that Coach Austin in his recruiting spill doesn't talk about all those from Methodist who have had the chance to play at the next level?  Having been recruited way back when by Coach Austin, I can tell you he does.

...and i acknowledged the "nice note about a dIII player having success" and said that i was rooting for him


South Region / Re: USA South
August 15, 2007, 10:18:06 PM

The ODAC has their own little section, the ODAC is an enemy of the USAS, post it there, did you expect people to throw a parade for him?

You are right.  I am sorry for getting in your business over here with USAS. Just trying to get some love for a South Region guy who is representing.....even if he is from the hated ODAC.

Where is Randolph Macon?

Richmond, VA
South Region / Re: Travis Beazley
August 15, 2007, 05:52:44 PM
Are you kidding me, narch?  I simply posted a nice note about a DIII player having success, and the fact that Randolph-Macon, a program that has been the joke of the ODAC for years, was actually back playing competitive baseball, and you have to respond in that manner?  If you want to go there, we can....last time I checked the only Monarch playing proball is on the same team as the Beazley kid and has over a 6.00 ERA.  I know Tom Austin has been at Methodist for centuries, but from your team history it seems like he inherited a much better situation when he took over decades ago than what the guy at R-MC took over two years ago. As someone who has played and is familiar with both leagues (ODAC and USAS), I can tell you that R-MC is a team that now can compete with anyone in this region.  I think they might even have been above .500 against the USA South last year. They may not be at the level of Methodist, Emory, VWC and Bridgewater year in and year out, but they seem well on their way.  Next time, try not to be so negative....makes you seem insecure. 
South Region / Travis Beazley
August 14, 2007, 11:19:45 AM
Has anyone noticed how well former R-MC pitcher Travis Beazley is doing in proball?  He is going off, winning five of his first six starts since being promoted last month to High-A.  He recently had a 19 inning scoreless streak and was just named California League Pitcher of the week.  He is giving a great name to the ODAC, the South Region and for that matter DIII baseball.  I would say that R-MC baseball is back on the map!
South Region / Travis Beazley
August 14, 2007, 11:16:30 AM
Has anyone noticed how well former R-MC pitcher Travis Beazley is doing in proball?  He is going off, winning five of his first six starts since being promoted last month to High-A.  He recently had a 19 inning scoreless streak and was just named California League Pitcher of the week.  He is giving a great name to the ODAC, the South Region and for that matter DIII baseball.  I would say that R-MC baseball is back on the map!