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Messages - biddaddy 57

Concerning MIKE FLYNT 59 yr old at Sul Ross.

There is no media ploy. Mike is there to play football. Like many other players, he was injured and did not attend the game.

To get a good luck at Mike go to:

Mike's there to play football. If he weren't able to do it, he wouldn't be there and if any of you know Coach Wright, he wouldn't have him there. Mike had to prove himself just to get to two-a-days, which he did. With the exception of the groin pull he has performed well. From what I noticed it won't be Mike Flynt other ASC teams need to worry about. They'll need to keep their eyes on Davidson, Brown and Barber. Go Lobos. rw

Just a hunch, but you may want to attend the Sul Ross/Mary Hardin game. SR had over 600yds of offense against TL while holding TL to under 200yds.
Of course we all have our "ifs" but Sul Ross loses 3 fumbles, 1 int. and has 10 penalities "IF" not for 1/2 of that they woud've scored 60. TL didn't have a sustained drive of longer than 33 yds. I think it's going to be a good one. rw
I forgot to mention to ya'll that are interested that KVLF in Alpine will be broadcasting over the web this season. Great for those that can't attend the games.
Mike Flynt is doing fine in camp. They're up and at work by 8am and finish up at 9pm so there's not much time to do much.

He's staying with the defense and thinks he can make a good contribution there. He is indeed an inspiration to his teammates and hopefully that will carry into the season.

Sul Ross has 54 returning letterman and with Mike's inspiration might send them over the top. KVLF ran a short story on him. If you would like a copy just email me and I'll send you one. Coach and Mike will remain mum until Sept. 1. I'm going down next weekend to watch their final scrimmages and enjoy the mountain air. until then.
Quote from: umhbalum on August 15, 2007, 12:42:35 PM

Sounds like this could be made into a movie depending on the outcome....

I answered this before and I will simply cut and paste my answer then. 3/4 of this is b.s. about Mike Flynt, but he is in camp, that part is true. Read this and then those of ya'll that want to me on the update list then write me Thanks, rw

I read the email from "Erich" about Mike Flynt and wanted to clear up some "exaggerated" items. Since I've been right on top of this thing from day one and talk to Mike daily, I was stunned to see some of the comments and actions attributed to Mike, as was Mike.  I'm writing this at Mike's request as he is in Alpine preparing for two-a-days (better him than me).

As many know, I was Mike's roommate and close friend at Sul Ross and have remained so since college.

Mike was offered a scholarship at Arkansas but chose to go to Ranger Junior College following a love interest.  He then transferred to Arkansas and then back to Sul Ross. Our senior year BEFORE school there was an altercation at the dorm which became racial and Mike was asked to leave. It was not this single event that caused this. Mike (and myself) had been in several altercations while at Sul Ross and this was the straw that broke the camels back.

Mike was first an assistant strength coach at Nebraska and was one of the founders of the National Strength Coaches Association along with Boyd Epley. Mike WAS NOT fired at Nebraska because the incident sited NEVER OCCURRED.  Mike was offered a job at the University of Oregon and moved to Eugene. A few years later he took the job at A&M. Mike has never coached at Arkansas.

At the reunion we were rehashing old times when Mike mentioned that he would have loved to play that last year and the affect it had had on his life. One of the guys ( Stan Williamson) said he could go back and play the last year, but Mike didn't think he could.

When we left, Mike decided to make some calls to see if indeed he had a year of eligibility left. Mike made contact with Coach Larned and Coach made some calls and did confirm that he could play one more year.

The coaches at Sul Ross where not amused, however Mike flew down (as close as he could get anyway) and met with the coaches, who were impressed enough to ask Mike back to two-a-days. There was no 40 yard timing, no bench pressing and no comments from the coaches as to whether Mike would make the team. There was no offer to buy his own equipment and no comment concerning his ability at linebacker. By the way IF he makes the team he will break the age record by 13 years, not 18. Mal Dixon, age 46, was a place kicker for Farleigh Dickinson (Vancouver) I believe in 1973. Tim Frisby, was 39 years old when he walked on at the Univ. of South Carolina in 2004 and did make the team.

Mike is in Alpine to try out and he believes he can make the team but only through the grace of God. Mike and I both believe (as many do) that God has stood by us and watched over us since we began our friendship. Anybody who knows Mike and myself and some of our antics realizes that a greater power HAD to be watching over us...if not, then we really can't explain why we are still alive.

Mike invented a piece of workout equipment a few years back (2001) called the POWERBASE (you can see it at along with Mike) Mike has stayed in excellent shape and has been hired by the U.S. military to work out the special forces unit. He has also assisted the strength and training program with the local High Schools helping him in staying in remarkable shape. The Powerbase in now in High Schools, Middle Schools and elementary schools in 11 states and is endorsed by many professional organizations.

Only by the Grace of God does Mike retain his remarkable ability and health and it is God's hand who has directed this entire episode. Mike and I could write (and am in the process of doing so) a remarkable book about our lives and the many, many incidents, but the fact is we are where we are only by the Grace and goodness of God.

There is no doubt that at age 59 this seems a tad out of the ordinary but Mike is NOT doing this to "right the wronged" nor does he believe he "owes Sul Ross" anything. Quite the contrary. Mike believes God is guiding this mission and it's his job to complete it. Mike is in Alpine and has taken his physical, passed and is preparing for two-a-days (that makes me nauseous just thinking about that). If you would like to be kept up with daily progress then feel free to contact ME via email, fax or phone, which are listed below for your convenience. There will soon be a website that you will be able to visit to keep up with Mike's  daily progress and the 2007 Football Season at Sul Ross. I'm certainly planning on attending some games and hope all you will too.