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Messages - Beefstreet67

TGP, I know of only one man who wasn't afraid of Craggers, but I'm convinced he was a robot.  He's a very intense individual and you never know what to expect from him.  I was talking to him one time and congratulated him and the defense on their first shutout in 2 years or so, and all I got was "I guess we should have done this sooner"  I won't even get into what he said to me when I jumped offsides inside the 10 yard line.  ahhh memories...haha
Just some corrections to bring up TGP, or maybe better said observations I've had.  While Cragg certainly has a reputation of going for it, I'm not sure I can fully support this as far as offense is concerned.  I can think of several times in the last 2 years where we were begging dewall to go for it, and he was ready to go as well.  Only to be overruled by craggers.  Then again, I think Union 04 still means a lot in most people's minds.  I guess one thing can sure be said about him, is he's unpredictable.  Is that what makes him so dangerous?
Finally got my first chance to comment on the tough loss today.  Sounds like we're lacking some necessary discipline, and as the saying goes "turnovers kill."  These are the kinds of losses that really hurt, but it's a perfect time for a kick in the butt to get them back on track.  Keep workin guys.  I can't wait to see the League opener against RPI.
Thanks for the welcome guys, I've been reading the board for a few years now and figured now would be a great time to start contributing.  Anyways, I'll do my best to not let my biases cloud my judgement, haha.  Go bart  :D
Looking forward to another tight year of competition in the liberty league.  This is my first year out so to help curb my withdrawal symptoms, I'll be at most of the games.  Hobart should be strong this year as always, with an experienced defense this time around.  While the offense might be young and have a steep learning curve, I expect much from all of them this year as well as the next few years these guys will have.  Best of luck o-linemen, hope dewall isn't bustin you on the ropes too much.