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Messages - shakenbake35

Quote from: cobbernation on December 04, 2007, 08:28:31 PM
Anyone happen to hear what June Jones head coach at Hawaii said about the Heisman race?

His quote clearly stated that Colt Brennan is the best quarterback in the country and the only reason he doesn't get the hype is because hawaii is in the WAC.  He calls Tim Tebow a system quarterback.

He is also upset about their sugar bowl bid.  He wants a shot at OSU or LSU.  Does an undefeated team in D-1 deserve a national title bid despite which conference they play in?  Did Boise State's win vs. Oklahoma last year mean nothing?  I say this because if you play in the WAC, a D1 school you can't set the ultimate goal as to winning a national title because your team won't get the chance.  Is this a fair decision by the computer that picks which team plays in certain bowl games?

Does Hawaii have their own koolaid? ;D  Seriously though I do think it is ridiculous to go undefeated and not even have the opportunity to win it all.  Unfortunately from what I have read we may never see a playoff format at the D-1A level.

Repete Hawaii needs to either pay NC opponents to fly out to paradise or go there.  Either way a strain on the finances as well as decreasing the likelihood of getting better competition (supposedly, which I don't believe but have heard on more than one occasion, because better competition does not want to have the potential carry-over affect of the mass amount of travel to the next week)
Quote from: OzJohnnie on December 04, 2007, 06:22:31 PM
Quote from: shakenbake35 on December 04, 2007, 05:44:09 PM
While my dislike for Bethel has been well documented even I took offense to this.  Everyone who I know that dislikes SJU (and GASP!!! there are a lot of people who do) dislike them because attitudes like this post.  i.e. SJU is better just because they're SJU.  Wow! seriously drink more koolaid, donkey!

Trust a GAC alum to fly the flag of rationality.  No attitude of 'my school right or wrong' at that place.   Oh no.  It's interesting that you framed your attitude in terms of what you disliked, while I framed mine in terms of what I like.  No positivism in your life, I guess.

If drinking kool-aid means I take pride in an institution that consistently generates good men, not to mention good teams, then pass the jug.  If drinking kool-aid means I can see and take pride in the fact that SJU has a football program and institutional culture that is inherently better than anything else on offer in the region, then pass the jug.  But if giving up the kool-aid means I must admit John is a figurehead, an all mens school is odd and that SJU is less than the perfect fit for me, then no thanks.  You can keep your drinks.  I'm not interested, jackass.

Drinking kool-aid = Thinking you and SJU are better than others due to dominance of a Division 3 conference and periodic runs deep into the playoffs.

You err SJU are good at football congratulations I hope it helps you sleep better at night!!  SJU definitely was a good fit for you as arrogant jackasses like yourself would not have been a good fit at GAC or any of the other colleges I am familiar with.  Oh and as far as positivism goes, I am positive I loved my time at GAC and am glad I didn't go anywhere else.  I am also positive that my degree helped me get a promotion ahead of Johnnies, and once again I am positive your supposed sarcasm you at least partially believe making you a d-d-donkey. :P  And if I am totally wrong my bad but I don't think I am.

p.s.  Although Bethel would be my last choice I am glad to see a MIAC team representing the West.

p.s.s.  Good luck Bethel, you're going to need it.
Quote from: OzJohnnie on December 04, 2007, 02:51:51 PM
Quote from: onearmedscot on December 04, 2007, 09:15:41 AM
I just don't think he can admit BU is a better team this year than St. John's.

Of course a person can admit BU was the best performing team this season.  Even TDT isn't that disconnected from reality.  Is BU the "better" team?  Of course not.  SJU could take last in the MIAC and they would still be the best team in the conference.  Why?  Because they're SJU and SJU is better.  They do things the best way, even if they don't always have the better result.  They have players that are best people you can have in the game, even if they don't have the most athletic talent.

So did BU have the better season?  Yes.  Are they the better team?  Never.

While my dislike for Bethel has been well documented even I took offense to this.  Everyone who I know that dislikes SJU (and GASP!!! there are a lot of people who do) dislike them because attitudes like this post.  i.e. SJU is better just because they're SJU.  Wow! seriously drink more koolaid, donkey!
Quote from: OzJohnnie on November 17, 2007, 12:57:00 PM
Quote from: BU5758 on November 17, 2007, 11:45:20 AM
It's game day!!
St. John's in a close win.
Bethel stuffs Concordia and Steve Johnson finally "stomps" his monkey!
Still planning to be at Bethel for St. John's/Bethel on Dec. 1st.
Royals and Johnnies - Don't let me down!

Trust a Royal to think like this.  Johnnies letting them down.  Which team has consistently demonstrated the ability to win two in a row and make the regional finals?  It ain't the one-and-out Royals.

Anyway, Royals, don't let yourselves down and we see you in two weeks.

Pretty sure he asked both teams not to let him down ??? and I believe that BU did just beat the johnnies err no?  :-X  
Any other finals from around the conference yet?

Hopefully we can have two good MIAC runs in the playoffs. :-\
And yes I realize it will be all about the Johnnies game, but this is the one week where I hope they dominate so no worries.  However if anyone could sneak in an update of the GAC score it would be appreciated. :-\

Been a little absent this week, but am working and can't stream any of the games so if you guys could keep a score update that would be greatly appreciated!! ;D
The STO and GAC rivalry is definitely the largest Lutheran school rivalry as I know the schools are very often competing for the same kids ('cept we don't recruit Florida), are fairly close in location, and there is the competing heritages as well.  Although athletically the competition hasn't been the stiffest in any sport lately. :-\
Anyone listening to games online today (i.e. are supposed to be working)? ???
That honestly was a nice article '57. 

But wow, as one of those "goofballs" I certainly was proven wrong, with a couple sideline meetings from John the Jays were able to rally against their evil opponent and rise up against long odds! :o  I mean the simple fact that he was able to increase their morale to the point that they could overcome such an uphill battle is truly incredible!!! [end sarc]

John is certainly a great motivator, but that story did more to prove the point (which has always been) that he is a motivator/figurehead and not an actual coach who breaks down hours of opponent film, develops a game plan, installs it thru the week, and makes the play calls during the game that determine the outcome.  To me that has been the point, and I certainly am not in a position to rip on the all-time winningest coach, I am just making the point that actual active Coaches do more than motivate and speak for a program which is what I believe is John's current role.
Isn't reliablility in polls an oxymoron? ;) Just look at D1 this year, being ranked #2 in any poll has been more of curse than a blessing
Quote from: Garnet on October 30, 2007, 02:24:29 PM
last night I was watching the Foodnetwork show Diners, Dives, and Drive INs.  They went to a place Psycho Susans.  I thought about you Johnnies and wondered if any of you have been there.

I believe it is called Psycho Susie's and in NE Minneapolis, I've been there and it is some good 'Za

Quote from: cobbernation on October 30, 2007, 02:40:30 PM
Quote from: frankrickard on October 30, 2007, 01:34:34 PM
No talk about the big Gusties-Cobbers tilt this Saturday?

What's there to talk about?  Auggie Tech beat Gustavus...I hope the Cobbers will do the same.  I expect the Cobbers to put up 50 points for the 4th game in a row as well as over 500 yds of offense.

But we can talk about the game, what do you want to know?

You mean 50 points like last ye...oh wait it was a shutout nevermind!  Obviously we have a worse D than last year but 50 pts and 500 yards may be stretching just a tad. ;D
Who else is going to be catchin up  on their unedited hip-hop at the tech school tomorrow?
I'm not sure but the word's snowball and hell come to mind.
What happened to Tommi?  He seemed committed to playing devil's advocate. ???