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Messages - digger

I also was there in the endzone and it appeared to me that they got the snap off.
I cant say that I heard the buzzer but I was wathcing the clock and it was close. Just assuming the refs were watching and listening also.
Can anyone tell me the web site that I can listen to CENTRAL beating the jonnies game.
Maybe yordi will transfer to coe for his last 2 games that way he can still beat cornell.  ( I couldnt resist either)
Yea its not every year you have central on the ropes.
So when you do you need to step up and finish--- Loras didnt.
That game and a few others to. So mabey the kids just didnt want it bad enough.
So should wartburg have to forfiet thier last 3 games?
lets see would loras look better at 2--7  or  3-6..
oh I guess it would not matter.
(just tryin to make myself feel better about a bad season  but it didnt really help)
The HAWKS-KO might like it though
Also just my opinion....  but he is only what 18 or 19 yrs old.
Kids do dumb things I know. But they are still just kids.  punish him and be done.
In the long run everyone will be better served once it is all done.
To punish him to severly will bring ill feelings out that probably would not
come out with a just punishment.  
My personal opinion (not that it matters).
More than a one game suspention is really more punishment than the crime deserves.
Mabey they should have suspended him right after it happend.
Then a one game suspention might have ended the whole thing. 
W. H.
I registered on 8/24 is that good enough.
sportsknight,  he is my twin brother's son  who died 10 years ago  and I geuss I just don't go see him like I probably should. (I see him on holidays and such but that's not often enough)
my nephew is a freshman at dowling  but not sure if he plays football I dont get to see him alot..
walston,  wow you never gave me any +k...
I have not seen them play..  but they sure have some very athletic kids on the team.
W. H.  Ilive in the middle.  Both are alot closer than Dubuque where i go every weekend. I also have a lake home fairly close to Storm Lake. When Loras plays B.V.  (in storm lake) its like close to home for me.
I only live a few miles from (B. V.) Storm Lake  I think it has alot to do with the condition of the town.