logschok logshow
i found this web site adn thought i would have some fun and poke a round a little. it seems to me that you both are bitter. i am not sure at what. i asked why the current team was strugling and why we had to depend on freshman when we were picked number 1 by the coaches. all i got in return was bridg bashing.
i will leave you with this-he was and is always good to me. all the players i treated seemed to really like him and playing for him. he was intnse,but you to seem to be out to ruin his name and all he did for ups.
good luck with that. i wish ups well. i get the feeling that if coach lunt keeps strugling,it will be the players fault or bridgs fault or at leest you will make up a story to clame such. i thought your story bout him throwing his wedding ring went to far.
push on, 'logger' fans.
i found this web site adn thought i would have some fun and poke a round a little. it seems to me that you both are bitter. i am not sure at what. i asked why the current team was strugling and why we had to depend on freshman when we were picked number 1 by the coaches. all i got in return was bridg bashing.
i will leave you with this-he was and is always good to me. all the players i treated seemed to really like him and playing for him. he was intnse,but you to seem to be out to ruin his name and all he did for ups.
good luck with that. i wish ups well. i get the feeling that if coach lunt keeps strugling,it will be the players fault or bridgs fault or at leest you will make up a story to clame such. i thought your story bout him throwing his wedding ring went to far.
push on, 'logger' fans.