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Messages - mtnman

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 26, 2008, 11:56:25 PM
logschok logshow

i found this web site adn thought i would have some fun and poke a round a little.  it seems to me that you both are bitter. i am not sure at what.  i asked why the current team was strugling and why we had to depend on freshman when we were picked number 1 by the coaches.  all i got in return was bridg bashing. 

i will leave you with this-he was and is always good to me. all the players i treated seemed to really like him and playing for him. he was intnse,but you to seem to be out to ruin his name and all he did for ups.

good luck with that.  i wish ups well. i get the feeling that if coach lunt keeps strugling,it will be the players fault or bridgs fault or at leest you will make up a story to clame such. i thought your story bout him throwing his wedding ring went to far.

push on, 'logger' fans.


Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 25, 2008, 01:49:06 AM
anyone see whitman play?  how did they play?
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 25, 2008, 01:45:30 AM
sorry logshow...  i guess i dont pay attentoin to the little things.  i do know that evrybody seems to be making excuses ALREADY for a logger team that should be really good.  logshock talks more about the coaching staff now as being personable than how they are xs and os and you seem to care more about my spelling than figureing out why the loggers are under-achieving now...  lc played corban and beat them by 30 points and we struggle and beat them by 10?  what is wrong with coach lunt?  our team has ALOT of guys left from bridglands last year=antwahn and jason started all 20somethin games that year?

what gives?  what is going on down there?  so i cant spell (you say), i know when a team is underacheiving...what is wrong with us - if you are so close to the program (logshow/sjock), you tell me.
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 24, 2008, 10:13:13 PM

long time no talk.  im not sure what you mean by our loggers not bein expereinced?   we only graduated tailor marsh and have everybody else back onour roster???  we should be ok, shouldnt we?  we were picked #1 for a reason by the conference coaches.   i do not think we will have to rely on the freshman like you say. antwahn, jason, robert  krauel are all 3 all-american all confrence players, are they not?

why are you down playing us?  i dont understand.  we got 5 or 6 first place votes because we have alot of guys back this year and should win it
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 08, 2008, 12:06:34 AM
log show

i am really excited for foster (jason).  i think hes really good. i always remember him being very nice to everybody.  whitman?  i am a ups supporter through and through.  i like bridgland and respect hiim for making ups a winner, but my allegances are to the loggers.  i will be interested to see how he coaches against ups
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
October 31, 2008, 05:46:42 PM

"bridgland arrogant... for voting whitmen number 1"

you probably would have used ARROGANT last time if he said he would take ups to 3 straight conferance titles and 44-4 record to

scary thing is what if he knows something we dont?  i guess i would have said imposable to if he had told me 3 straight nwc titles and 44-4 record over that time

i for one admire his confidence. i would also say that ups is probably thankful for his confidence after what he did for men's sports at ups


Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
October 31, 2008, 05:23:23 PM
hmmm.  logshock, you seem pretty upset.  maybe YOU should join us boys for a beer or 2...

let the games begin.
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
October 31, 2008, 02:49:51 PM
kevin write gone from ups... you know it is never a good thing player does not return (a GOOD player) - some one told me that once .  i also dont see jordan thuston or clif snider on the roster any more either... bridgland must have come back from teh dead and 'brutal realitied' them and made them leave team! (sorry i got that term from logshock)

oh.  by the way.  IF bridgland did vote his team #1, what is bad about that?

i will protect bridgland...alot of negativity coming his way for what? from logger fans too...not me i apprecaite what he did for my ups
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
October 31, 2008, 02:38:42 PM

"Expecting eastern wash and ups an ugly one?"  i would expect our loggers to give eastern washington a good game.  we have the whole roster returning dont we? antwahn and foster are 1st all conf players and eastern is not very good from what i can see.  what happended to kevin wright?  he was really good when i watched him...  maybe coach lunt was too hard on him? dang.
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
October 30, 2008, 06:05:06 PM

yes.  i imagine it would take a special student athlete, a dedicated one, to make it in a program, which from what i remember had the highest winnng % in the country at one point.  i guess winning comes wth a price tag - and if a player doesn't want to pay it, he wont last.

boo hoo.  at least im retired adn have a hour or two to get on here now - whats your excuse?  is it intermission between intremural games?

what a baby.  my guess is we or i wont hear from you after bridglands seniors graduate this year ever again.  i am with you tho, its not fun to follow a losing program. guess we can thank bridgland for bringing people, and an intrameral all star to this board.

boo hoo.

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
October 30, 2008, 11:21:09 AM

i am a ups fan, always have been and have been since bridgland was at ups.  i became good friends with him and even went to his wedding.  there were are at least 20-25 current adn ex players at that wedding. so i am not sure where you are getting your information frm. i doubt it that players former and current would make that trip, the wedding was in california, if they didn't love him.i worked in teh athletic building for over half of my time there and can tell you that if the playrs were that unhappy playing for bridgland, they woudlnt have won or kept getting awesome talent year after year. by the way, looks like we're heading straight to the bottom of the nwc if coach lunt doesnt start recruiting soon...
as far as your comments about his communication skills or being 'personible', i don;t think you can be a good coach without good communication skills, or recruiting skills.  to  me it seems like those go hand in hand.  as for the womens coach, suzy, i am sure she likes it a lot better with bridgland gone because she was always in bridglands shadow-she doens't have to worry bout being 2nd fiddle anymore.  in my time there the women ran that place.

will leave you with this: it seems like you are a disgruntled player or something that never seemed to cut it with bridgland and like being friends more than winning.  doesnt ups offer intramurals? or you could just have the players coach the team so that no one ever yells at them or pushes them?   it appears you werent part of 3 straigt nwc championshps -get over it and live in the present.

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
October 30, 2008, 12:30:43 AM
i worked at ups for a long time and was around athletics for over a decade there.  bridgeland was the best i ever saw.  now doubt he was intense, but what i gathered the players that played for him would have killed for him if he needed them to. if i recall, coach lunt was bridgelands 2nd or 3rd assitant adn joined the team after he had already won 1 conference crown and contributed to the last 2. i am sure coach lunt is improving yearly, but i dont see a reason to bash bridgeland or make up stories.  as a communicator or whatevr--all i know is that athlteics was dead before he arrived at ups and now they win
whitman...nobody would have ever thot they would have been any good at bbal...  i worked at ups for long time and never thot they had even a chance.  logshow, is bridgland appling, or? i tell you what... if bridgland goes anywere in the nwc, people better lookout.  pepperdine...wat were they thinking? logshow seems to know
Localcoach - thanks for the info -- how is the school perceived?  could the mbb program challenge miac's best if right person hired?  what do you think? thx
what's gonna happen at St. Mary's now?  Trewick gone... Hire...?   ???