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Messages - NoNeedToHideMyName

Am I impressed....yes.  Am I I want to see a string of wins and I'm still waiting on that d to hit. but good job.    
Quote from: baseman201 on October 18, 2008, 01:31:09 PM

ouch man....ouch

Tough love...tough love...they have an explosive offense now and all the talent in the world....they're just not playing like they want to win every play. 

Hopefully, I can be proven wrong today. 
CUC over Lakeland 21-10....if they can learn to tackle
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Frustrated
October 17, 2008, 01:37:57 PM
Honestly, I was 100% sure I put everything that has to do with D-3 football behind me once I stopped playing. But as an alum I have to wonder what is going on over there at CUC?

Why can't they stop teams from running the ball all over them. I'll admit every team I was on at CUC was a joke on offense. We had joke receivers a joke of a QB and no o-line. We played 90% of each game on defense.... but we could at least tackle.  When I was leaving is when the new coach took over and everything appeared to be on the up and up.

As blunt as possible these kids on D look soft. They don't hit, they let tiny running backs make them look foolish. I've had to leave each of the games I was at out of frustration. I understand a loss (trust me) but to let a running back tee off on a linebacker is a joke. This team will never be good no matter how many kids from Florida they get if everyone is afraid to lay someone out. I know people from the team look at these what's going on. Why aren't you hitting? All that speed and no collision is a shame.

Maybe you should man up (i.e. grow a pair) and tackle someone. You will never win a game giving up 250+ rushing yards every week. #52 you know who you need to pick up your defense because you're a joke right now. I expect to see more than 5 solo tackles from you per game. 
I wouldn't write CUW off just yet...Simpson is not a bad team at all. Take a look at their conference and where they historically sit in the final standings.  They are in the mix with Wartburg, Central and Coe which are all pretty good teams in a pretty strong conference.  CUW is still the team to beat in my opinion it's not like they were knocked off by a team that was 0-10 last year. Unfortunately, it will not get any easier next week when they play North Central.   I look forward to watching each team scratch and claw for wins I don't think there will be very many in conference blow outs this year.   
CUC 33 - Blackburn 14 (the score was something like that)
Augustana vs MAC :                       Augustana 49, Mac 0
CUC vs Blackburn :                         CUC 35, Blackburn 14
CUW vs Simpson :                          Simpson 28, CUW 21 (Simpson pulls it out at Bill Buxton returning to 03 form)
UW-Whitewater vs Lakeland          UW 49, Lakeland 21 (This may be a bit of a stretch)
Eureka vs Knox  :                           Knox 28, Eureka 7
Aurora vs Wisc. Lutheran               Aurora 35, Wisc. Lutheran 7
Elmhurst vs Benedictine :              Elmhurst 42, Benedictine 14 (I'm not feeling the Benedictine hype just yet)

No real surprises this week. Good luck to all teams.
I'm pretty excited about the season kicking off this weekend.  It should be a much tighter run to the top of the conference than we have seen in recent years.  Does anyone have any predictions for this weekend?