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Messages - Sec. 13 Sea Raider

Just wondering what it is that is coming? Whatever it is, we are still waiting. Whoever said nobody would put up 30 points against SJF is still alive, because it was 52 but the margin was 42 more. I hand it to the drummer boy though, perhaps he would have had more fun playing in the band. He should have been removed from the game. I guess scoring against the backups is a reason to celebrate. The embarrasment would have been complete if the drummer would have come out and tackled him. Good luck next year and please let us know when it is coming!
Good to see some light humor for a change, but let's not forget there is a game this weekend. The showers are on and working, except there is only COLD water. They would make for a great cheerleading squad though, wouldn't they?
I never said he was a bad coach, nor did I say they were bad players. What I did say was I thought MUC brought a bigger dinner to the table than they could eat. I wish them the best of luck in the future. You saying that they will never get above the top 4 does not show much faith in them. Remember stranger things have happened and you never know what it might be. I wish you well and hope you have agreat Holiday.
Great comments RaiderPa!
I thought the TCNJ kids played their hearts out, but just did not have enought to hand back to MUC. I felt their coaching staff was overwhelmed as much, if not more than the players, doing the best they could. Your comments on some of our more disgusting, so called big fans, are well deserved for those individuals. There are plenty fans that would help in the process of removing them from their seats, if any opponents dad would decide to take that route. They are the one true embarrasment to our program. When you start calling out some players number, who is already hurt be the score and his inability to correct it, that is pretty darn low. I saw some of the "cheap shots", but let the zebras take care of that. If they want to help these kids out, they need to get off their hind ends and cheer for them, instead of making their snide little remarks at the opposing players. I also talked to some of their fans prior to the game and found, as you did, they came here to support these kids and felt they did just that. I think TCNJ will be around next year and wish them the best of luck.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even you, sorry mine upsets you.


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, especialy the players that can't get home. If I had a way, I'd cook the turkey for every one of you. Looks like TCNJ is bringing a big, bad defense this week, which could give us a test. Last week it was a big, bad offense that gave us a test. I think the Raiders can pass the test again, even though we do play in a powder puff conference. SJF keeps telling us they are coming, but they have to pass the test as well and they play in a reaaaaaaally tough conference. I hope they look far ahead of us, especially since we play in the powder puff conference and are not a threat anymore. See you all at the game, should be lots of parking spaces since school is on break and I don't see TCNJ bringing too many fans. Maybe they will and I will be surprised.
Thanks Mt.Fan,

Before each game there is always an awful lot of mundane balony put out about both teams that oppose each other on Saturday. The only true measure of a game however, is how well each team performs when they face their opponent on the grass. The officials were lousy, both teams made some mistakes and it was a great day for football! Why focus on what has already been decided, which can't be changed. We should look forward to next week, the next time two teams will meet on the field, allowing the score and their individual performance to determine the outcome.

Ithica came to Mount and gave us a very good game, one that very few expected. There are a few of us that realized it was not a cake walk, although most folks could not accept that thought. Congrat's to Ithica for a very fine season this year and probably a better one next. If they can each look in a mirror and say they did their best, they should walk with their heads high, carrying pride on their shoulders. Playing against you can only make us better. I have not seen many negative blurbs about them on the OAC board, nor do I expect to, unless it is from some other team.

Raider fans should be thankful we have such a good football team to follow, along with all the bounty this great nation has to offer on Thanksgiving Day. I will look forward to see all of you on Saturday. Have a great Thanksgiving!