I've been a 'Cat fan for decades, but never seen us play like we did against Puget Sound yesterday. Bewildered would be putting it mildly. We seemed uncharacteristically unprepared and undisciplined. Wildcat fans are accustomed to our usual abundance of inexcusable personal foul/unsportsmanlike flags. But the sloppiness and apparent lack of preparation and engagement yesterday was out of character. I'm glad we won in a thrilling finish, but can't help but wonder why we appeared so nonchalant? It was as if we were sleep walking through a late season game against a highly motivated opponent. But we would have rather not even been there. Odd. A real lack of engagement, awareness, whatever?
I've always been proud to be a Wildcat. But, yesterday made me queasy. Anyone have any clues?
I've always been proud to be a Wildcat. But, yesterday made me queasy. Anyone have any clues?