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Messages - mac_grad

Region 8 women's basketball / Re: SLIAC
December 14, 2007, 11:01:24 AM
Hey all, I'm fairly new to the boards and this is my frst time posting on a basketball board.  I no longer attend MacMurray but I'm still in touch with many people there, including many on the girls' basketball team.

I think that Mac has suprised some people so far this year early on, and rightfully so.  They do have a decent number of returning players and that helps them greatly.  However, the thing that has troubled Mac is their depth, and that is going to make them tired.  Hopefully good condition will help them sustain the long conference schedule.  The reason for the lack of depth is of course the recruiting schedule, but I have heard good things about both new basketball coaches.

As I hear more, I'll be sure to give updates!
Hey Gomer,

I was at Mac over the weekend, couldn't make the game but I will say one thing....

I heard cowbells all the way across campus   :P
Hey all,I have two comments and a question.

First, good luck Mac vs. Blackburn.  I honestly do think this is a game Mac can win.  Granted, Blackburn can put up points, but Mac obviously showed they can too wtih 27 vs. Eureka, so at least there has been improvement.

Second, the statements about Mac's field are right on.  From what I was told, they rushed the creatoin of the new field so they wouldn't have to play on the old one- in turn causing the new one to have bricks, glass, etc.  I know they have been working on it.  There is also a rumor/grassroots plan to move all of Mac's fields around except the softball field, but obviously that would be years in the future.

My question is about the new conference.  I knew teams were moving but I guess I am still confused: Can someone give me a break down of the two conferences the teams from the IBC will be in and other teams that will be in both conferences?
I've never made picks on here before, but why not, just for kicks?

Mac v. BU- I agree that Mac took a step forward last week, and I'll even venture to say they make a close game out of it, but I still don't see them winning except maybe against Blackburn- defense spends too much time on the field.

BU- 35  Mac- 12

AU v. Eureka- I'll take a wild guess that AU doesn't have to try too hard for this one.

AU- 49  Eur-10

CUC v. Lakeland- CUC is a decent team, Lakeland obviously knows how to hang with the best of them, I'll say Lakeland but it goes down to the wire.

CUC- 21 Lake- 28

CUW v. GC- Greenville showed it can handle the weaker teams, but the way it handled Mac in the first and second quarters wasn't very impressive. CUW rolls.

CUW- 52 GC-10
Well, it was homecoming weekend for Mac, so I actually got to see a game.  Most people have said it, but the scoreboard doesn't do justice.  It was 14-12 with just about 6-7 minutes left in the 2nd before it got away, but their first half offense looked really good.  They have a really tall quarterback, and the O-Line is blocking better then I've seen in a few years.  I think the defense just gets tired, but they laid some good hits out.  Coverage seemed weak, but GC dropped a lot of passes so the score could have been higher (not a dig on GC, just something I noticed...lots of times had a guy wide open and was either dropped or a hair overthrown).  Nonetheless, good first half, dissapointing second half.

Just a note...I talked to a friend of mine at Mac and was informed that as soon as that incident with the coach happened, he was suspended indefinitely.  I guess the CUW coach didn't really care that it happened, but the Mac coach wasn't going to accept it on his sidelines. 

I hope Mac can win out like everyone claims could happen, I don't think it's realistic but I can definitely see them punch one victory in.
I know I'm a Mac grad, but I think she has many things right.  First of all, I know about all the dirty play tactics of the past that people on this board always complained about, and from what I heard around campus, at least some of it was true.  But you have to commend a coach who's coming in and at least trying to clean up their act.  Secondly, I think this is what we can call "rebuilding."  This is a large scale comparison but look at MLB.  The Rockies and the Diamondbacks in the NLCS?  Nobody would have predicted that.

I know Coach Sweeney's not winning games but the fact that the freshman class is succeeding academically is astounding, considering that in years past half of all freshmen transferred because they thought they were gonna come in and be all-star football players, and then they didn't even play.  So no, I'm not saying an 0-10 season or a 1-9 season is a good thing, but don't completely tear them down.
I have to agree with Gomer on this one (rare, huh Gomer?!?! ;) ) Just because a team got shocked doesn't mean a total collapse.  And I love Mac but they are gonna need a year or two to build up the talent level before we see any shocking victories.  I'd take CUC in this one, surprised so many people are picking Mac.
Pat's right...Mike is the director of ALL public relations.  Also, the Mac website has "Director of Information Technology" and "Sports Statistician" still listed in its employment opportunities.  So we'll see how much Mike has his hands on the football website.
What's funny about the stabbing thing, which is not funny, but as usual, the Jacksonville newspaper reported it wrong.  It definitely says it's a current football player and student.  Sad how that towns information works...
I gotta back up rucker here. 

First, he is right, in the past, players have just complained and quit really early.  Many freshman didn't stay past the first semester because they assumed they were gonna be playing and then they realized they weren't all that.  So it's good to have a coach who has put an emphasis on academics with extra study tables and whatnot and is trying to turn these athletes into well-rounded young men.

Second, I have always heard complaints about the football field, but there we other parts of campus that were a lot worse (have you ever driven in that parking lot?!?!) that they have wanted to improve upon.  Yes, some of it is routine, but obviously some money was mishandled at the top so that's why Mac is in the state it's in.
I refuse to say she couldn't multi-task, because she held three or four other positions and did OK with them.  That position was thrusted on her by people who kept wanting to push the buck, and yes, the football page is horrible but so is the rest of the webpage.  Everyone on here makes comments about how the whole athletic program is going down the tubes, that is why I spoke of the whole sight. not just the football aspect.

As for the SID, although you're words weren't exactly nice, I will agree that you were right about the current SID and apologize for not being accurate.  Like I said, I have heard that a new SID has been hired recently but can't be 100% sure.

I am not sure exactly who is the current SID.  At one point in time, it was the women's softball coach, who also became the women's volleyball coach and the interim AD for a short time.  That being said, she was a very busy person.

Dave Urbanek is in charge of Pub. Relations, so I'm not sure if he is also the SID.  I heard that they recently hired a new SID that is going to re-do the whole website, but I can't tell you if that's 100% true or not.

I agree with everyone though.  The website isn't that bad looking, it's just very poorly updated.  I know that current students are frustrated with it as well and have tried to get it fixed in the past, so hopefully the rumors of a new SID are true.
I will add, on behalf of the SID, that she has many jobs besides that so that is not totally her fault either.  SID wasn't her main job.
Hey, I agree with both Rucker and lady.

As a recent alum in May, I know a bunch about the non-football side of things, the campus atmospehere if you will, and can tell you all about that stuff.

There has been a lot of harping on Mac administration, and for good reason.  In the past, the people from the top to the AD and SID just had little support for everyone.  The AD started out well and was pushed into some tough situations, but he also made some poor decisions.

I know that people are raving about this new President, and I believe she will make a lot of changes.  I hear she is very pro-active.

Also, in terms of cash, while Mac isn't rolling in dough, they have seen increased donations through alumni in the last two years, way over their goals.

So, while Mac has had hard times, the future does look bright, which can only mean good things for all its athletic programs.  The new coach for football is also stressing academics and responsibility, so hopefully the "dirty play" that everyone has complained of in the past will go down as well.