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Messages - BUguy

Quote from: sju56321 on December 15, 2007, 07:05:18 PM
I thought the 2003 refs were bad but these guys might be worse. Yikes!

This is the same crew BU had at ULax last year...they were brutal there as well.
Quote from: Lone Auggie Backer on December 08, 2007, 02:15:44 PM
with the commentary on Flannery - I was redshirted at UWEC my freshman year there. It was not honored in the MIAC as we do not allow redshirts (medical hardships, yes, but not pure redshirts).  Do the OAC teams redshirt their freshmen? How about UMHB's conference?  Is the MIAC the only conference represented in the final four that does not redshirt the first year players?

I believe Redshirts are not allowed anywhere in D3 now, exception for Medical hardship though....
Quote from: tmerton on December 08, 2007, 02:10:20 PM
Bethel held the ball for almost 11 minutes in the 3rd quarter to 4 for MUC - so obviously MUC scores 7 to BU's 0.  How frustrating must that be. 

But now they've seen the Mount and now they know - I expect this experience to be a positive one for the Royals overall.

Making it this far can only be a positive.  More practice as LAB stated and should help with recruiting.  Now we know how we stack up and how much farther we have to go.  I am extremely proud of what the Royals have accomplished this year.
Quote from: TC on December 08, 2007, 02:04:45 PM
Quote from: AO on December 08, 2007, 01:56:52 PM
re-read what tdt wrote about bethel not being able to compete on the national scene and replace Bethel with St. John's.  that's all I'm saying. 

I wasn't aware that Northwestern College allowed, let alone encouraged, recreational crack cocaine use.  How does TDT saying that Bethel is not a legitimate contender on the national level (let's face it, there is, at most, 3 of those this year) imply that St. John's is?  No one is saying that. 

This is not a shot at Bethel--they've taken a huge step in the right direction this year.  Now they've seen what the top team looks like.

I wish AO's posts would start with a disclaimer that he is from Northwestern.  
Quote from: Lone Auggie Backer on December 08, 2007, 01:58:31 PM
what year is #7 (QB) for Bethel?  Does he return and is this great experience for next year?

He is a Senior
Quote from: oldbethel27 on December 08, 2007, 12:52:19 PM
Can someone post the link to the video?  I cannot find it.

I can't get the link to work, but I don't want to at this point.
Quote from: VOJ on December 07, 2007, 10:46:24 AM
Quote from: DustySJU on December 07, 2007, 10:38:49 AM
Quote from: oldbethel27 on December 07, 2007, 10:33:39 AM
Quote from: DustySJU on December 07, 2007, 10:29:14 AM
BU;  It's called being a weenie.

A WEENIE calls people names in a chat room.

27;  I'm not the weenie, I actually attempted to secure a spot on a private jet to go watch the game. 

Take that.   :-[


I gotta wonder if you would have lost your good standing by traveling to watch the Royals...just kidding...I almost kinda would like to see it in person too, with CSTV would pick  up the DII and DIII semi-finals or ESPNU it would be good football.  I see the I-AA semi's are on tonight and tomorrow

I think CSTV is streaming the game online is a link with broadcast info.
Quote from: DustySJU on December 07, 2007, 10:29:14 AM
Quote from: BUguy on December 07, 2007, 10:26:33 AM
Spackler -

I got your PM and have no idea how to respond to it (still a rookie at this), but to answer your question...No, I can't make it to the game tomorrow.  Company Christmas Party >:(

I will be listening/watching online though...Its tough after being at or a part of every game for the last decade or so.  Its killing me  >:( >:(

BU;  It's called being a weenie.
I figured I would get that from someone...I can't deny it.  I would rather be in Alliance.
Spackler -

I got your PM and have no idea how to respond to it (still a rookie at this), but to answer your question...No, I can't make it to the game tomorrow.  Company Christmas Party >:(

I will be listening/watching online though...Its tough after being at or a part of every game for the last decade or so.  Its killing me  >:( >:(
Quote from: oldbethel27 on December 06, 2007, 05:45:19 PM
Quote from: Redtooth on December 06, 2007, 05:19:37 PM
Last week I stated on this board that I felt all the Bethel folks wanted was a little acknowledgment for pooping in the big boy toilet by winning a couple of games in the playoffs.  For those of you that have not ventured over to the OAC Board recently to see the latest the following passages from some of our favorites then go check out the responses from the MUC faithful....quite entertaining.

The bird's statement also proved that they are just begging for someone to pat them on the back....I love it, "Kick our a$$es before you write us off" LOL

Redtooth - I admit, those are some sad quotes.  Please note they do not carry the sentiment of MOST BU supporter, nor of ANY of the players & coaches.

And may I suggest that when pooping, instead of using merely toilet paper, consider using adult wet wipes (wipies) in addition... try it and you'll never go back to plain old dry toilet paper.  The method is: wipe, wipie, wipe.  Take the Wipie Challenge today.  If you got poop on your kitchen table, would you clean it with a dry paper towel?  Then why would you just use dry tp on your bottom?

Oldbethel27 - I agree with both statements.  Well said ;D
WOW!!!  Way to go Royals!!
Quote from: GoldandBlueBU on December 01, 2007, 04:24:29 PM
wetzell out with a slight head issue it sounds like.  Now our o will lack the qb run.

Einerson is a good athlete...he may be able to make some plays with his feet.
Quote from: GoldandBlueBU on December 01, 2007, 04:15:29 PM
bethel received to start the 2nd half...why?

Bethel deferred to start the game and apparently Central took the wind.
Quote from: VOJ on November 12, 2007, 04:29:43 PM

Can the Stamm go to a D lineman?  IF so...Gunderson is twice the guy Davis have to game plan for the All-American, no one game plans for an O lineman who holds alot

What?  Offensive Lineman hold?  Never? ;)

The Stam went to a D-lineman last, I don't see why Gunderson couldn't win it.  He is definitely a great player.  If I had a vote, I would vote for Tommy Davis.  He is a Stud!!