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Messages - chadbrochillseventeen

Quote from: Seton41 on November 05, 2007, 06:56:47 PM
Regarding Adrian Peterson's performance...

As I was watching the game yesterday, I couldn't help but think about another game-breaker from recent years.  The two guys played at completely different levels (one in DIII and the other in the NFL), but what each represented within their given game is strikingly similar.  Anytime this player touched the ball, they could take it the distance while breaking tackles, changing directions, and winning a game almost on their own...

You might already know it, but who is this player of which I was reminded?

That's right - Blake Elliott

A little walk down memory lane...

Watching that 64 yard run yesterday against the Chargers seemed almost too similar to the Blake run against Mt. Union.

   More proof that Johnnies are delusional.  Comparing Adrian Peterson and his amazing performance to Blake Elliot... are you SERIOUS???  Thats like saying Carrot Top's Comedy Central stand-up is as funny as Robin Williams Live on Broadway.  I think I'm going to be sick...
Quote from: Seton41 on November 04, 2007, 04:18:55 PM
The amazing thing amidst all this discussion on Meidt and STO acting like a bunch of jacka$$es is that the Tommies lost to Hamline!    ;D

  I don't see why it is such a big deal.  If what FamilyGuyFan says about Ramler not wanting the entire STO squad there then I don't see why Olaf shouldn't have put up 100 on Carleton.  You can say that the score was classless but I don't see it.  What is even more classless is Ramler denying kids that may NEVER get to travel a chance to be a part of a game on the road with their teammates.  The MIAC allows these travel exceptions for a reason, to promote an even more fun and competitive atmosphere between certain schools.  If Ramler wanted to make a statement by denying these kids that chance then he and the entire Carleton athletics dept. should be humiliated like they were.  But, I guess we really shouldn't expect anything less than this from a former Johnnie. 

Just like tmerton said earlier in reply #36077 "It starts at the top.  And I'll bet the Johnnies do less of it than anyone else precisely for that reason."  Where did Kurt learn his strategies?
   I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to why the entire Olaf team did not travel to Carleton yesterday?  Usually in MIAC rivalries there are games when the entire team is allowed to travel, not just the usual 60.  I know Meidt is not a guy to leave players behind just because, especially when it is literally 2 minutes away.  I'm guessing this had to be a decision by the dirty Carls.  Discuss amongst yourselves  ;)
Quote from: chewey on October 08, 2007, 12:42:49 AM
This weekend was a gem for consistency:

1.  SJU pulls out a close game at the end.  Good teams pull out close games and this bodes well for the playoffs, if they make it there.

2.   Sell out crowd, and then some, at the Natural Bowl.

3.   Parking Nazis from the SJU Life Safety Services being properly ignored.  You have thousands of people at homecoming; some of those people are going to park on the grass.  Can they really expect everyone to take a bus from I-94?

4.  Alumni shakedown (e.g.   the $50.00 alumni dinner Friday night, among other items)

5.  Trash talking, second guessing, alibiing, opposing fans frustrated that their team lost (See Linfield 2002 and 2003).

SJU had some bad breaks and STO had some bad breaks; that's the game. So STO's #1 DB gets injured?  TS  SJU's Primus got injured but his reserve came in and played extremely well / Blackmore was not a full speed / SJU lost two great running backs this year even before the season began....etc.  Those things happen but you play the game anyway and sometimes you still win. 

I truly hope two MIAC teams make the playoffs.  I hope one is SJU.  I would hope both MIAC teams could go far into the playoffs.  Bethel's a great program but they have never seemed to be able to win in the post season and that does not shore up well for the MIAC.  If STO does make it, I hope it does not fall into the same funk.  STO's a great team and, this year, has the athletes that could enable it to do some damage in the playoffs (hopefully not to SJU).  I hope the MIAC teams are able to maintain a tough mental focus in the post-season. 

  I saw some cars being towed off campus as I left after the game. I must say I was pretty shocked by that!
Quote from: stanbob on October 08, 2007, 12:15:30 AM
Atta way KR!!! Now just another 20+ years of military service and you are set!!!  Just kidding, but that is how it happened to me.  Hammer, not sure what name you were going by last week, but how about the young lady involved rather than your star jock?  Oh I guess you ran between the woodwork, see you next year with th the STO hopes,

  She is totally fine.
Quote from: Thefreebird on October 07, 2007, 10:39:08 PM
Quote from: THE HAMMER on October 07, 2007, 06:53:11 PM
Here's honest and simple. Unless you're A) his parents B) Coach Meidt or C) a STO Dean, it's not any business of yours what has or hasn't occurred off the field nor any consequences that follow. If I am wrong in being upset about potentially harmful rumors of this nature being spread on this site, someone please let me know and I won't make a big deal out of anything like this ever again. If I am right, can we just drop it already?

Since when do you Olaf Clowns think you can stomp onto the board and become the voice of reason?  Plus I haven't heard anyone explain why he didn't practice.

    We are simply saying that this type of 'rumor mill'-ing does not need to take place. It is not anyone's business why he didn't practice. Besides that, leaving comments extremely vague as WW did could seriously harm a young man's reputation even though it may have only been a minor problem. If he did something wrong then I'm guessing he was justly punished for it. We are just saying, 'Think before you speak' because the things you say may have negative effects on other people. If you can't handle that then maybe you are not mature enough to be posting on here.
Quote from: Willy Wonka on October 07, 2007, 02:17:01 PM
chadbroch - When a current Ole student with multiple friends on the team tells me the Gant info, I'm more than happy to pass it along.

I'm positive none of the Ole posters will talk about it, so I'm more than happy to be the mouthpiece. Seems like rather fishy circumstances — and Meidt decision-making — eh? Maybe you should do some digging and find out the facts, if you're not going to believe anything I say? :-*

Frank - Were the Gusties THAT bad again yesterday?? Hosting SJU is NOT the way to fix these problems...

   Pretty sure I am much closer to these guys than your "friend". If THE HAMMER is who I think he is, he is also an extremely reliable source. You should not be saying things you have no knowledge about, especially when the way you phrase things could potentially harm a young man's life very severely. Grow up.
   Now, on to today. I thought both teams were very evenly matched. I did not see anything to say that either team is much better than one another and really, the score reflects that. Both teams played hard. I think a personal foul may have been a little harsh for the end of the game, maybe a 5 yarder. Anyway, congrats to both teams. Lets hope for an excellent end to the season.
Quote from: Willy Wonka on October 06, 2007, 05:41:13 PM
My limited net access had me sitting in the car listening to the Olaf announcers on the radio for the final 7 minutes after multiple updates from my sources. Sounds like I missed a doozy.

Gusties got down 21-rip early before rallying back to have the ball with a chance to tie late in the fourth. Instead, a 3-and-out allowed the Royals to send home the clincher.

Baby Biggins - How did that chant you loved so much last week go again? Someone smash, Bechdol kill? I trust you'll have that updated with a facemask call for next week's game against the Royals, who now appear to be the biggest threat left to SJU for the title.

Juicy STO Rumor Alert!!!
Our favorite non-gangsta Horace Gant was supposedly suspended from practice all week for, well, let's just say an incident with a female student on Olaf's campus. I'm glad Meidt had the balls to run the punishment through something that actually mattered, like the biggest game of the year.

Wait, what? Gant played the entire game? Weird...I'd never have expected that ::)

   This is the most unacceptable piece of trash ever to come through this board. Something needs to be done about posts such as this. Where did you get your info Wonka? Did you leave it exceptionally vague in the "well, lets just say and incident with a female" section. This is a low class as it gets. Did you think of the ramifications this post could cause? It is things like this and people like you that end up hurting lives of athletes. Now, I am not saying I know facts because I certainly do not. Regardless, until things have been properly sorted out (if they even need to be for all we know) you should keep quiet. Pat, you said things needed to stop with the Luberts comments (which I agree on), how is this any different?
Quote from: OzJohnny93 on October 06, 2007, 01:32:24 AM
Quote from: OleFan on October 06, 2007, 12:06:43 AM
Disclaimer:  What you just read is a joke.

[ed: I've edited out the jokes since they have been taken out above - and with that, I force myself to let go.]

I know I'm the resident "can't let an issue ever go" guy, but wtf was that?  I read the "Jay Leno" riff twice just to make sure I wasn't being an obtuse nut, but Jay would have surely bombed with that as well.   Where is the joke?  How inside to the STO program do you have to be to recognize why those lines had punch?

On to the second monstrously unfunny attempt at an (un)original joke followed by a claim to moral high ground?  We are no longer 14...

   OzJohnny, I am darn near as close as you can get to 'inside' the Oles while and I 1) Didn't get all of the 'jokes' and 2) Didn't think it was funny at all either. I don't think OleFan even has a clue where he is right now.
Quote from: OleFan on October 05, 2007, 03:02:59 PM
Olaf can win this game.  They need to take what the defense gives them.  If that means we only gain 3-5 yards a play then I will be happy.  Those plays might be open if SJU chooses to focus on the deep plays.  If you hit enough of those short plays then one might break free for a big gain.  It will also likely be in the middle of the field to counter the speed at LB.  Get a good drive moving the ball with small plays and the safties start to creep up, and the speed of the Olaf receivers could get open.  Haberman could be the key player.  His ability to run the football and break free in the middle should open the passing game for Penz.  Olaf must keep their game vertical whether it is running or passing.  One thing that impresses me about SJU is the ability to always have multiple players around the ball.


31-28 for the Oles.  The kicking game is the most underrated part of the game, and Fortman is the real deal.

   Growing up with Fortman and watching him kick for many years, I can assure you he is the real deal.  Though, with the recent posts by OleFan, I am shocked that there is not any comparison to a Texas HS kicker anywhere.  ;)
Quote from: chris56317 on October 05, 2007, 09:44:16 AM
Quote from: chadbrochillseventeen on October 05, 2007, 12:03:19 AM
83, windy and isolated T-storms on Saturday in Collegeville as it looks right now. Running game and D may be more of a factor then we were thinking.

The only chance for rain is overnight, by 10 A.M. the chance is down to 10% and partly cloudy.  It is supposed to be pretty breezy (15-20) but that won't be much of a factor down in the bowl.

  That is awesome to hear! Makes for a much more enjoyable viewing situation if there will be no rain.
83, windy and isolated T-storms on Saturday in Collegeville as it looks right now. Running game and D may be more of a factor then we were thinking.
Quote from: kubiack78 on October 04, 2007, 12:34:34 AM
Not being a MIAC geography major... How far away is STO from SJU and how well do their fans travel. I doubt any of that will matter but I was just curious.

   Its about 2 to 2 1/2 hours from Northfield to Collegeville.  The school is ordering buses for students who don't want to drive themselves to the game. Last game at SJU the buses had a decent turnout. We will have to see who gets on the bus and who drives themselves. I wouldn't expect a monster turnout from Ole students but I also wouldn't expect the visitor stands to be anything less than full.