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Messages - HuffyLegend

(This will be my farewell post.  My time here has been enjoyable to say the least.  I am now moving on to snowier pastures.  Richard Roomes for the next Obama; Jake Gilbert for the next Ric Flair)

Psychologically speaking, I believe the gentleman from Greencastle is suffering from the same malady that struck John Edwards, Post-Jordan Pippen, Srappy-Doo and Van Hagar.  Simply put (so he will understand it along with the educated elite that comprise most of this board), it entails the feeling that one is not relevant, even though they are achingly close to someone of great relevance.

It is incurable.  It will never leave his (or her, we need to remember that some of their women are more invested in the success of their football program than their boys...the boys  did chose to go to Depauw remember) psyche.  Every post will have at least a small semblance of the same angst that uttered the phrase "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha."

Michael Jordan has more rings than Liberace...and he failed as a coach.
Being  a player on a championship team does not always equate to being a great coach.

Who would have picked Lou Holtz based on THAT criteria.

Either the guys has great passion for winning, or he doesn't. 

Remember, US Grant & George Patton did not light it up at the USMA, but they got it done on the field.

Papa Smurf was in the Big Blue Band (he played the oboe)...yet he had those guys in tip-top shape whenever Gargamel sprang a trap!
wait for it....
Wait for it....
We lose to Manchester...Joe White is held to 2 catches...and I get to listen to Wabash "men" complain about the hands team?  The Lords acting like a bunch of Ladies?

1st...any Nick Saban PoP Warner wannabe who actually has a hands team needs to turn off the NFL Network, stop watching "The Program" and ask his kids if they even care that he was the back-up Guard on his 3-7 HS team.  I believe the quote was "every Pop Warner coach knows you don't put your QB on the hands team."  
2nd...I haven't met too many Pop Warner coaches who could win games at a school with high academics, no scholarships and NO girls.

Then I need to hear about the woes of guys are still winning games, and yet you find time to complain!

Wooster...three years removed from the championship and the playoffs and you find time to complain!

When you guys have walked the stands in a pair of maroon shoes, cheering on the Quake...give me a call.

Until then, another winnable game this week vs. Anderson.  Here's to Joe White going Randy MOss on those guys!!
Thanks for the welcome!

Pardon the excitement...but the new palace of football and the great play of Joe White has us giddy!!  He is the real deal...and will be our next pro prospect!
Not much talk about my Quakers!!  Close game versus the up and coming Engineers of ROse!  Joe White making his case early for Offensive POTY, plus the unveiling of one of the best D-3 stadiums around!

We have Manchester this week.   Should be a walk for the Quake...even as we live life without Rummell.

side note...Leonard as Lou Holtz is really funny.  Crayton will have his boys ready.