(This will be my farewell post. My time here has been enjoyable to say the least. I am now moving on to snowier pastures. Richard Roomes for the next Obama; Jake Gilbert for the next Ric Flair)
Psychologically speaking, I believe the gentleman from Greencastle is suffering from the same malady that struck John Edwards, Post-Jordan Pippen, Srappy-Doo and Van Hagar. Simply put (so he will understand it along with the educated elite that comprise most of this board), it entails the feeling that one is not relevant, even though they are achingly close to someone of great relevance.
It is incurable. It will never leave his (or her, we need to remember that some of their women are more invested in the success of their football program than their boys...the boys did chose to go to Depauw remember) psyche. Every post will have at least a small semblance of the same angst that uttered the phrase "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha."
Psychologically speaking, I believe the gentleman from Greencastle is suffering from the same malady that struck John Edwards, Post-Jordan Pippen, Srappy-Doo and Van Hagar. Simply put (so he will understand it along with the educated elite that comprise most of this board), it entails the feeling that one is not relevant, even though they are achingly close to someone of great relevance.
It is incurable. It will never leave his (or her, we need to remember that some of their women are more invested in the success of their football program than their boys...the boys did chose to go to Depauw remember) psyche. Every post will have at least a small semblance of the same angst that uttered the phrase "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha."