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Messages - millie

McM ya'll played a great game...too bad the clock ran out when ya'll were behind...glad to see that the behavior today was better then Sat...i hope that LC will continue to represent the ASC with class.
after reports of the HPU and LC game, I would like to take this opportunity to ask the fine people of Texas not to judge my entire state of Louisiana by the actions of a few...i am truly sorry
mcmfan, i agree that the east has become stronger this year (which is great for the entire ASC) but no way will I ever underestimate the west...and for the east to do so would be a BIG mistake...granted that HSU has not been the usual power house...we in the east would be fools not to take them serious...the west has tournament experience all the way to the very top!!!  It has been shown every year that the west knows how to play the tournament....let the games begin and "let the good times roll"...I just hope it will be fun...
Well, it is official Louisiana College will be hosting the ASC tourney this year, after beating Mississippi College in over time. It was complete with cutting the net down and even signing autographs after the game.  Welcome to the great state of Louisiana and the piney hills of central Louisiana.  For those of you who complained about going down I-20 to Jackson Miss, hold on to your hats.  Someone needs to ask if the can replace the lights that are out in the scoreboard, the  3's, 6's and 9's kinda look alike.
Maybe it is not the long road trip..maybe props need to be given to MC' team and coaching staff...too often people blame bad shooting (for instance) on the venue, or the long trip or any number of other things and sometimes it may be the good defense of the team being played...just a thought...
I am outta to get ready for Christmas...have a good one...see you next year
I knew last night what ya'lls reponse would be...they are coming off a long road trip..that 1 trip every 2 years is the same trip that MC and LC make several times each year (and don't use that as an excuse). Someone has to be the longest...that would be us and Alpine (our favorite place in TX)..we are part of the conference and until we split the conference you will have to make the trip every other year...(i don't really know why if a trip to Miss is so hard why you would subject your girls to a trip to CA)...I really expected , like 4 or 5 years ago to have a conversation about the currents in the dome being a factor...the only currents in the dome were the air cond...
On a positive note (it is Christmas by the way), I can see  HPU has a very good team...they are fast, quick, and i am sure they can score, they can get open for the shot, don't know what the shooting % was, not too good i would think, but i am sure they were just off...i am sure they will be back up in the polls.........
BUT by no means, should you be so pompous as to take lightly the east, yes they have not won a championship in many years...but some time some place, when least expected...this is starting out to be a strange year..there are teams in the east beating (or coming close) teams on the west that have never been taken serious...
Yes, you are right polls mean nothing   unless you want to use them for your argument.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Thank you so much Sabine...I hope ya'll take your 1st round loss and use it to fire up your girls and go a long long way in the tourney...It amazes me the amount of talk from the West on this board now that the east has lost...think maybe a month ago the west was scared?  LOL  I'll  wager that if UTD is still standing tall in the tourney and HP has lost out that the boards go silent once again....hope ya'll can win it all (will do wonders for the east) that is unless the comm. gives MC a 3rd Pool c bid.
McMfan...I too do not understand all of the numbers OOWP and OWP's...I know that they are stats and that is a course that I would rather forget in my college days...I agree that a good dose of common sense can go a long way in this world...even as a MC fan who wants a bid in the worse sort of way I could agree with you IF there had not been so much discussion and number manipulation and justifications when the first regional rankings came say I was over whelmed by the OOWP' is an understatement but we listen but I took my lecture knowing full well that I still didn't understand...until McMurry was not in the regionals any more and then the justificactions all seemed to change and we are now pushing to get HSU and HP in the regionals (yes I know they were in the finals..) Now it seems that the OOWP and OWP's don't mean anything.

This is just a question...not an this board used as a petition (in a roundabout way) to politic to get certain teams in....meaning we can't call the committee but do they read these boards to see what the public thinks....just wondering
I can solve a lot of the problems..lets just let MC go D2...the the Texas teams will not have to travel (1 time  per year) and MC will not have to cross the great state of Louisiana how ever many times they have to go to Texas in a year.

O.K. before you junp out there and say we can't compete..I would beg to differ with you...the girls are bigger and tougher in D2..MC would have athletic schlorships (which it doesnot have now... this would allow the $18,000/year school to get the bigger girls), would be closer (most games in the Gulf South West are played in AR....even if they were in the East they would play in AL, GA and the panhandle of Fl...which are all closer than the West side of the ASC). So while we are petitioning to split the ASC lets see if we can convience the powers that be at MC to go D2

McMfan, you are right and I don't think the ref would have called the foul if he had heard the buzzer...especially the head ref to be overturned by the other ref from across the floor
First off GOLDNIZ1...DO NOT YELL AT ME!  I ask Ralph a question about the end of the where on my post was your name mentioned! Were you on the floor or did you see the monitor and what makes you so smart the you know the exact time that the buzzer went off? It is my understanding from fans that saw and were at the game that at the end that the ref turned to the HPU  coach and ask "why did she do that, it was so stupid?" I was not putting blame, it just needed to be looked at at the end of the I blame no one but ourselves..if MC had taken care of business we would not be having this conversation...Just like if the west would have taken care of their business in the regular season..this would be a moot conversation...stronger division..that i don't know...battle tested...for can not teach or coach tourney experience...and remember HPU was last years N.champions

were you at the game?  I would like to know about the end of the game...the foul that WAS called by the head official on HPUs girl on our point guard...on the final shot...the ref called it and the did not go to the monitor to look at the replay...what is the t.v. monitor for?????????????? they sure used it on our girl as to weather her shot was in front of the 3 point line or behind the line in the beginning of the 2nd half....
I was not at the game, but watched the live feed and have talked to friends that were at the game....
If you get get beat...but you hate for it to be taken out of the hands of the kids........
Hello Ralph and other oldies..
Its been 3 or 4 yrs since I posted but have had very close eye on whats been going on...almost got stirred up on several occasions to post but calmed myself and did not...o.k Ralph or Pat or whoever wants to answer this question...If the polls are going to have a impact on the NCAA tourny...(and for years we have heard , oh they have been ranked in the regionals and in the top they deserve........) Then how in blue blazes can Mc Murry not only be ranked in the regionals but ranked ahead of Mississippi College....when McM is not even in the top 25???? (and yes I know McM beat MC..happens all the time, records aren't the same)
Could it be that the powers that be can not stand NOT having a team from the west ranked and this is from past history and not performance?
I have watched this year and I have not known if I should laugh or get many years have I watched this board and listened to the blowhards from the west ignore the entire other side of the conference...and this year the boards are silent...I just wish Golf Nut was arround to see this.......I am surprised that they have not discontinued this board for lack of use....
Ralph, thanks for staying arround even if you don't have many people to talk to.
Sorry...glad we were within 8...don't know where that came from
I have been silent for the past couple of years but listening and watching in the background...
I just wanted to offer CONGRATS to HPU...It was an awsome run (and I am glad we were within 8)  After you got out of conference you made it look easy...maybe the competition is in the ASC and no one knows it.......
knight...i have not been in hiding since MC loss...had a very busy weekend...youngest daughter announced that she is getting married...had to put bball on hold...there are other things more important than basketball if you can believe that.

as for the committee...knight you do not get to "try to convience" the after the game is played...that is dumb...just have to wonder is the out come would have been the same if the top team got to host...IMHO i don't think so...

NCCHOCTAW put it best......oh well...

we are still proud of our boys....may be next year