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Messages - justafan02

Quote from: baselinejam on April 01, 2007, 10:44:05 AM
Other evidence- W&L is 50th in the D-3 Directors Cup, the only ODAC representative ( maybe we should leave; we're too good for the ODAC ;))

Actually, they are not the only representative.  VWC is #44 in the Directors Cup, with not as many full time athletic programs.  Men's basketball and Women's soccer def. helped this with Final Four showings this year.
Quote from: jdubyadubya on March 30, 2007, 08:22:01 AM
Tigerfanalso - what do you mean "picking on the Marlins." I'll drop any future comments right now by saying that you better watch out because VWC is going to have a hell of a football team this year.  :) ;D :o ::)

VWC's football team won't win many games, but I guarantee they go undefeated.
Quote from: Pat Coleman on March 26, 2007, 12:22:32 PM

I think this board had gotten over it. Last post on this subject was three days ago. Why are you restoking this??

I'm beginning to understand why TOD made those posts to begin with.

Why?  Well, I don't check the board EVERY day during the offseason.  If someone is going to take a shot at my posts...I have a right to say something correct?  Sorry to react defensively but I do feel your post was a sarcasatic jab on top of my sarcastic hook...
Quote from: The Observation Deck on March 23, 2007, 08:37:22 PM
I'll say this, too, since it doesn't appear this is going to die.

This is what I do--the name says it all. I read a lot of boards but rarely post unless I have an observation that needs to be made.

I think the conversation would end if the Virginia Wesleyan supporters would simply admit that this was a mistake, it was unfortunate, and move on. Unfortunately, there's far more excuse-making from those who have drunk the Marlin kool-aid (and by the way that does not sound tasty) and it merely prolongs the discussion.

We all know kids are kids. We all know losing is hard. Yet, somehow, other years the kids who lose manage to stand up and shake hands. This is the crux of the discussion.

It was a mistake.
It was unfortunate.
Admit it.
Move on.

Thanks from all of us who are forced to read the drivel from Norfolk-Virginia Beach.

I am pretty sure I said it was a mistake, admitted it and tried to "move on".  However, many on this board keep taking the knife and digging it deeper and deeper and deeper.   I'll keep on backing the Marlins as long as you keep turning the knife....

You are right.
It was a mistake.
I admit it.

Quote from: oldfish on March 23, 2007, 10:36:49 AM
I am really in awe of the effort that many of you have put into ripping VWC since the championship game.  Please allow this to act as my brief rebuttal to some of the criticism.

1.  Die hard fan - How can you begin to say "I'm not willing to cast stones" when that is all that you have done.  If you believe that the VWC program is developing players who lack character, sportsmanship or integrity I will most certainly challenge you on that point.   To make the damaging and hurtful  accusations (or insinuations) that you have made about the VWC players/program due to a few minor incidents is certainly irresponsible on your part.  I would expect more from someone who is so self-aware of their own flaws.  There are many components of "character" Diehardfan.  Apparently Tae Kwon Do doesn't teach compassion or understanding.  I don't think that I am speaking out of turn when I say that there will not be any hard feelings if you boycott all VWC games from now on as watching them effects your delicate sensibilities.

2. Vigothepathetic- I will take a "ridiculous" Coach Macedo any day of the week.  Besides being an excellent basketball coach (I'll let his record speak for itself) and mentor for young men, I know that he has the utmost respect from his peers in the ODAC. 

3. Algernon- I find it hard to believe that a few of VWC's players not shaking hands after a tough loss amounts to a "major" mistake.   I just assume that you use a different criteria for labeling your mistakes in life.  Minor then major...colossal or extraordinary above that, topped off with stupendous.  So a "major" mistake really isn't that bad?

4. Jacketlawyer - I really don't have anything negative to say to you...I usually like most of your posts.  This is very surprising to me b/c you went to RMC.   One question, do all Maconites (anyone from RMC) sleep in their blue blazers? (BTW...this was my sad attempt to be sorry jacketlawyer)

After thinking about not posting on this topic again....I must say...this may have been the best post I have ever read.  Thank you

NO ONE mentioned the fact that during the last 15-20 seconds of the game TON TON BALENGA.......shook EVERY Amherst players hand or patted them on the butt to give them congrats on their championship.

He did this down to the last ticks on the clock.

HMMMM....wonder why no one pointed that out.
Quote from: baselinejam on March 20, 2007, 01:13:17 PM
I saw the Marlins play twice. Their pregame entrance struck me as a little over the top; 2 lines encircling the court as they do a lap by lay up lines of their opponent. The loud and and boisterous group huddle etc. By itself it might be insignificant. Then I hear about an Marlin players outspoken behavior at he ODAC hoop dinner (unsolicited info that I heard from multiple sources). On this board we learned about attitude problems. Now the unfortunate  display of poor sportsmanship at the end of championship game. Any one item you'd probably let it go; but as you hear & see more and more;then maybe things aren't so pretty in VW land.  We can all do the "PC" thing, saying it's a great team" and "they're just kids" etc. At the end of the day, teams will do what their coach wants them to do or will let them do.

Ok, Ok, Ok... if you have a gripe about the end of the Championship game...fair enough.  However...we are bringing up ODAC dinner hearsay and pre-game stuff???... Come On!!!  The Marlin's are down so let's kick them....if it was such a big deal you should have mentioned that when it happened...not after the fact.  Give me a break.

Look, the kids lost the National Championship...and SOME of the players not all...sulked on the bench (as we all would have to an extint)....should they have shaken hands...sure...but to nag about other stuff now and pin that on them to me just means you're trying to rattle things up etc....

The original point was made...everyone agreed to an extint now let us move on and start to enjoy the great season the ODAC had....

Congrats to Ben Strong!!!
Quote from: diehardfan on March 19, 2007, 03:42:47 PM
This has to be said, even though I know it's going to get me into trouble. Please bear in mind here that I'm an unbiased fan, and a Virginia native, so I hardly would have minded if VA Wes won.

With that said, I thought it was incredibly classless for the Va Wes players not to get off their butts and stand up and shake the hands of the players on the Amherst team. The Amherst team spent a whopping 5-10 seconds celebrating before lining up to go over to the Va Wes bench, only to have to do things like pat the guys on the back from Va Wes who, aside from a few exceptions, barely acknowledged their presence. I understand that it sucks not to win. But there's really no excuse for that.

You know you have a point and I know what your are talking about.  The only part that really bothered me was that the down the line guys or guys that didn't play at all, just sat on the bench.  That was the worst part.  Outside of that Amherst showed a ton of class...
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
March 19, 2007, 08:05:14 AM
Congrats to Ameherst.  As a Marlin faithful and ODAC fan...your kids were very impressive.  I wish we would have played better.

Your point guard was poised and unrattled all night.  He is something.  Very quick and great decision maker.  Did he make a mistake all night?  And how about your freethrow about a dagger!!

Enjoy the celebration of being National desearve every bit of it.
Well....Amherst desearved it!   Their point guard was poised and unrattled.  The kid made it look easy and I don't think he made a bad decision all night.

Congrats to Amherst!

Congrats to Ben Strong!

It is going to be tough to continue to go to VWC basketball games and not see #30 down low.  It has been a thrilling four years for Mr. Adair and he will def. be missed.  He IS the best player to ever put on a VWC uniform and hopefully his career will continue overseas of some sort.  Brandon, you will be missed.
That Horseshoe is still up the Marlin's butt's.  Man, what a gritty performance....

Again, Can Brandon Adair be much better??  STUD!!!  Ton-Ton...battling with the broken nose and Tucker was HUGE!!!

Let's see if we can get another trophy!!!

Great article on Ton Ton Balenga and the Marlins on the front page.  Great Job Pat!!!

Go Marlins!
Is anyone else involved in the free D3 Hoops Pick'em?  I did it out of chance to see what would happen.  I am not very into the national scene, infact I don't know much outside of the ODAC.  However, I have a shot to win the thing (in the top 10).  

Somehow I picked VWC, Amherst and Wooster to go to the Final 4.  I think the guy in the lead picked  Washington U to win it all.  In theory, if VWC finds a way to beat WU...I might have a National Pick'em award....

That is why the ODAC should be a Power Conference....our Pick'ems!!!
All I will say is that it will be a good game.  I refuse to put foot in mouth trying to predict the winner of the game (a lesson learned from an ASC poster earlier this week).

If any of us can honestly say that we as athletes and fans never booed, said a harsh word about an opposing school, rival, player, coach, referee, cheerleader, band director, ticket taker, the little old lady who gave you the finger because you were rooting for the opposing team.....then you can cast the first stone my friend.

It's not a perfect world and neither are we.  There are lines drawn and lines crossed.  What you think is obscene, I may think is funny.  What I think is classy, you think is not.  The kid I look at as mentally tough on his opponents, most look at as a bad kid.  The fact of the matter is, you won't impress everyone and you won't discust everyone.  These are all opinions and definitions in our own mind.

I heard a professor say in college:  "I can't define obscenity, but I know it when I see it."

I think this is true for class, sportsmanship etc.  I am guilty as anyone, but who are we to judge?