Well just to let the post board know MLamont was right about who i was I am James Bartelle and I play for Curry. The reason I posted on here wasn't to start trouble it was to just reconize some of the things that i've done that I felt I didn't get credit for, but not looking at the big picture I didn't see that I was. In a way I feel i'm still not respected but maybe that's something i need to earn. I been through alot of things but it's no reason to come on here and write things that are going on in my program and my personal life. I've had some good days and bad and most of you stood by me and some didn't but that's just the way some things are. I do apologize for sturring up things and will never post on here again. I don't know what I think sometimes my mind goes blank and I just do stuff out the ordinary, but this wasn't for the best of me it was the worst. I guess I cry out and seek attention because i've been overlooked my whole life. I fought to be where I am and proud to say i'm almost making it but i'm not going down the right road by doing this. I respect my team and Coaches this wasn't to hurt them it was to make me feel like I belong in a certain group or discussions to be overlooked doesn't feel good but that's just somethings you have to deal with in life. As for the game that we was discussion i wasn't putting down my team at all and I don't like for other people to think that I was it was just saying what was on my mind. My team played their heart out without me and well with me and yea I was sick against Colby-Sawyer but i made the decision to take myself out so i wouldn't hurt the team i thought I could play but I couldn't, and made it up the other two games. I'm not a bad perosn so don't look at me as that and we are a great team, but sometimes I just lose sight of things that are important for my own benifit. Like i said before I'm sorry for the mess that I caused and if i don't play the rest of the year it's my fault i have to deal with that because it was my doing that brought this upon myself. Keep doing what ya'll doing but i'm done. One thing i ask though wish us Luck.
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Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
February 13, 2006, 05:58:51 PM
Well if I was him maybe I would give you a clue on what's going on but as far as me contradicting myself I didn't say Curry lost because He didn't play I just said that's the only game that he didn't play that they didn't win since he's been back stop trying to think that you know that i'm who you say i am. I keep up with kids that I take a liking to and that I help but it goes to show if you give to much credit to someone then you must be him oh grow up I just stating he's a good ball player. Lamb is the best player on the team hands down as a matter of fact he's the best player in the CCC Bartelle just needs to notice that and next year he may just be the go to guy so MLamont a.k.a Steven A. Smith or bill Walton which ever you are stop assuming we all know what that does.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
February 13, 2006, 04:54:15 PM
well Mlamont for your info I wasn't tryin to give him all the credit or any as you would say i'm just saying the haven't been beating since he's been back so don't try to come at me like I was giving him al the credit and the whole and 1 thing was a response to roy_williams not you so if you have negative comments keep them to yourself because who cares what you have to say.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
February 13, 2006, 12:34:49 PM
hey Roy as for what you posted about Bartelle he played with And 1 for the past 2 years, and they are practically begging for him to come and play full time after college on the oppsing team. He really gave that team a problem and made their little show into a serious game after raining 3's all day on them and dunking on one of their key players, but he has talent, but he needs more discipline as a team player and I promise you if he can start playing within the program he and get his head right could go pro. Curry is a very good team with a excellent coaching staff I think they could pull it off this year, and not to put him over the team but if you all notice Curry is Undefeated since Bartelle's return(you can't count the Colby-Sawyer game because he didn't play) but when he's on the court scoring the haven't been beating yet that might be a sign of a CCC Championship for Curry. We just have to wait and see
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
February 03, 2006, 10:16:17 PM
Well as for the Dana Barros and Bartelle thing yea he does tutor him and they work out at curry and over the summer. Curry should be ok, but you have to look at it like this that's the first time they really played zone so you can't expect it to be perfect the first time they try it. I feel that they will do whatever they need to do to get the Job done. Wynn knows what he's doing and i see good things in the long run
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
January 25, 2006, 01:50:42 PM
Well hoops fan the answer to your question is Bartelle was out due to grades, and they expect him back soon I think.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
January 25, 2006, 11:39:33 AM
Lamb and Bartelle work great together and your wrong he is a leader it's just that he really doesn't have great followers. This season isn't over and I personally think that they will turn it around. Bartelle needs to remember that Lamb is the number one option on the team and makes it easier for him to get his shots, but your right when they work together then they would be unstoppable, but until bartelle gets back which I hear might be next week against Salve then we will see how things look for Wynn and the Colonels.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
January 20, 2006, 11:06:15 AM
Well for the news you wanted about Bartelle. He is still in school, and is still with the team. He was with the team last night at the ENC game on the bench but he is sitting out due to academics, and I don't know for how long or if he is even coming back this year that's all I know for now.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
January 16, 2006, 12:36:56 PM
ok thanks
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
January 16, 2006, 12:25:15 PM
ok I looked but I still don't see it I see the quote but not modify or delete. Does that mean anything.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
January 14, 2006, 07:02:14 PM
The last post was an accident how do you modify or delete a post you don't want. There's no option that I can see
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
January 14, 2006, 06:38:44 PM
Well for what i'm understanding he had a full scholarship to Florida A&M but lost it due to a case he was involved in that the charges got dismissed on his behalf but the school revoked his scholarship. He's good but the thing is he isn't getting the chance to really show himself. There's people all over the city of Boston who knows this kid and what he can do even Wynn.]
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
January 12, 2006, 07:45:26 PM
well for one I know his High School Coach, and very close friends of his Mentor Al MCclain the all-time leading scorer at UNH. I know the kid personally to and he is a great kid, and has great pontential, and he can help this team greatly. I'm the one who suggested to him to go to curry because I used to play there myself, and I know alot of people there and I know what's going on with everyteam at Curry not just the Basketball team. as for the Suspensions I can't tell you what it was for because it is in house but the suspensions are already known to most schools. Also lamont I don't knock you for thinking I was him but I don't say anything when all that is mentioned on here is Andrew St. clair or Gordon College or whatever i'm giving respect to where it's due and he hasn't gained yours yet like he has alot of people aorund the City but you will Respect him at the end of this season mark my words.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
January 12, 2006, 05:30:02 PM
you know what you are so right and I agree with you on that. there's no argeument there I just hope he does get things together because to waste talent like that would be a shame, but some sources tell me that half the Curry team won't be playing against Anna Maria due to suspension don't know why but this is his chance to step up and really help the team Good Point Hoops Fan it is an team thing.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Commonwealth Coast Conference
January 12, 2006, 04:29:33 PM
Well for what i'm understanding he had a full scholarship to Florida A&M but lost it due to a case he was involved in that the charges got dismissed on his behalf but the school revoked his scholarship. He's good but the thing is he isn't getting the chance to really show himself. There's people all over the city of Boston who knows this kid and what he can do even malcolm but what i'm saying is the Coach Wynn has his favorites and he's not one of them. i promise you this when he get that chance he will explode and then you will see what I mean.
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