Week 6
Eureka - 0
Lakeland - 41
Lakeland misses extra point and Ronald Reagon still can't believe his college decision.
CUW - 34
Aurora - 11
Coach Gabe and Dr. Quinn start to forget about North Central...and win the conference again with ease
Benedictine - 13
Greenville - 27
The Hemanwomanhaters defeat the Coopatroopas.
MacMurray - 35
Curf - 12
Believe this "Believers": You cannot stop the run and Eureka threw for more yards and to more receivers than your so called "Spread Offense"! Question: Is it possible for the Cougars to spread their butter worse than they "spread" the ball?
Cougars still think they are better than they are and the Highlanders will rush the ball like a switchblade through melted butter and this is the bright spot on the Highlander's radar as they defeat the sad seniors, homesick floridians and the rest of the believers in front of their home crowd. The Believers better be scared because they can't stop the run or spread the ball.
P.S. Are the Highlanders good? No, but they are staying at a Holiday Inn tonight.
Support this Believers: Coach Preis leads curf to another 2 win season!
Eureka - 0
Lakeland - 41
Lakeland misses extra point and Ronald Reagon still can't believe his college decision.
CUW - 34
Aurora - 11
Coach Gabe and Dr. Quinn start to forget about North Central...and win the conference again with ease
Benedictine - 13
Greenville - 27
The Hemanwomanhaters defeat the Coopatroopas.
MacMurray - 35
Curf - 12
Believe this "Believers": You cannot stop the run and Eureka threw for more yards and to more receivers than your so called "Spread Offense"! Question: Is it possible for the Cougars to spread their butter worse than they "spread" the ball?
Cougars still think they are better than they are and the Highlanders will rush the ball like a switchblade through melted butter and this is the bright spot on the Highlander's radar as they defeat the sad seniors, homesick floridians and the rest of the believers in front of their home crowd. The Believers better be scared because they can't stop the run or spread the ball.
P.S. Are the Highlanders good? No, but they are staying at a Holiday Inn tonight.
Support this Believers: Coach Preis leads curf to another 2 win season!