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Messages - THE HAMMER

After trying to get caught up on the last 15 pages or so I have a few things to say...

1) I'm not sure if everyone here is aware but Meidt was the O-coordinator at BU NOT the head coach so linking him to "similarities" between the play of BU and STO is a little out there if you ask me. Usually, the head coach implements their coaching philosophy into a program not an assistant.

2) The starters from STO weren't sitting by halftime like Koefed and the Johnnies because STO was only up by 1 point at halftime.

3) The pass from Penz to HG was thrown when STO was up by 4 scores at the beginning of the fourth. I don't feel the game was fully in the bag at that point. If you need proof, look at the 32 point come from behind victory STO had against Luther back in 04. That comeback didn't really begin until the end of the 3rd quarter/beginning of the 4th when Luther was still up by just over 3 scores. Given the way CC had played STO up until that point (dominated them most of the 1st half) and the quick scoring nature of the game, I don't see how the game was completely in hand for STO like everyone says. I've seen stranger things happen.

4) Still not impressed with RJ Jackson or the fact that each year his bark is bigger than his bite, but Frank is a damn good receiver. The announcer for CC made me want to cut my ears off. Listening to him was like watching a special on the A&E channel. I think it's the first time I've ever heard an announcer use metaphors to explain a football game.

5) Stanbob - yes, I do know what I'm talking about. With over 100 players on the team roster each year for the last 4 years you may want to consider the idea that perhaps it's not the same players getting in trouble over and over again. Meidt would cut a player like that faster than you could blink. I've heard him say it and seen him do it on a few occasions.

6) CC and STO have travelled all of their players for that game every year I was there in the last 4 years. I'm not sure if other schools do this but I know CC and STO did until this year. For the record being able to travel, even if it is only 2 minutes away is a BIG DEAL for many players. For some seniors, this would be the only game they'd ever get a chance to travel to so I could see how not allowing it all of a sudden could upset a few people. Meidt also had 3 QBs. Knowing him, he would bring 5 QBs to each away game if he could manage to work it out for the depth chart and travel roster.
First, I never said it was right. In fact I said it isn't...look again at my post. I'm simply saying that I hate the fact that people act as if STO is the only team in the MIAC with trash talkers on it. I promise you Meidt does take action. I've personally been up at 5am to make sure that players run hills for their actions on a couple of occasions. I'd love talk about it tomorrow but for now I'm going to out because I'm feeling a little lame sitting in front of a computer while my friends are having a good time.
I figured that there would be a long list of posts about the STO-CC game. I was there today and I will say that the superfan drama is a little more than just STO fans being jerks. First off, if you're going to talk about fans being jerks, then maybe you should also talk about how the CC superfans ran by in a group early in the game and a couple of them began to flick off our whole crowd. Then, you might also want to recall the CC fan that punched a friend of mine in the face as he was running a lap around the field with the STO superfans. The security response was to tell the STO superfans that the laps were now off limits despite the mark on my friends face from getting sucker punched. I will say that security made the right call, I just feel that they should have told the CC superfans that the track was off limits as well instead of replying "they can because they're the cheer boys".

In terms of running up the score, you can think what you want about it but know that the last few scores in the 4th came from backups. You can't blame them for taking it to the house if it's there. CC was airing it out still so they may have felt they were still in the game and they should have. They should give their best until the last whistle blows. The bottom line is that the it is the job of the defense to stop the opposing offense no matter what the score. I was on that Olaf team back in '05 that got absolutely blown out by SJU in Collegeville. It was our fault on defense for not stopping them, not the fault of their offense for continuing to play and score TDs. I never once thought less of SJU because of it.

In regard to the roster and lack of QBs, the second string QB is out due to his knee and this year the CC head coach only allowed STO the 55 player travel roster limit instead of the full team agreement that the schools have had in the past.  For the record, they brought 3 QBs...Olefan get your facts straight before you start posting.

Finally, in terms of the STO program being a bunch a classless players and coaches, I guess you're entitled to your own opinion. But lets be real for a you really think that no other schools in the MIAC do any trash talking? Furthermore, do you honestly believe that Meidt encourages trashing talking? Do you think he tells his players that it's okay? Take it from me there are always consequences...ask any Ole player from back in '03 about the 30 sprints we ran one practice after the STO-CC game that year because of trash talking. My point is that it's football and anyone that has actually played knows that there are many things that get said on that field on BOTH sides in any given game. I'm not saying that makes it right but lets not act like STO invented trash talking because I can recall incidents from every single team I've played in the MIAC, ESPECIALLY in heated rivalry games like the one in Northfield today. Every team has its trash talkers, let's not judge a whole group because of it.

Quote from: familyguyfaneightyfour on October 18, 2007, 03:48:10 PM
I like the Oles chances this weekend.  The main reason that they had trouble stopping the run against concordia is because the defensive scheme was terrible.  LB's on the QB/DE's on the FB?  not the best way to stop an option team...  I don't know much about bethel this year, so I'm assuming that they are still going to run the ball 90% of game on offense, and blitz like crazy out of a 3-4 on defense.  The Ole o-line is very good, and I don't think that they will have many issues with blitzes, and I think that the defense will be ready to stop the run.  The LB's are great for the Oles this year. 
On a side note, it has been pouring rain in northfield the past week and a half, and isn't supposed to stop for another day or two.  Could make for a sloppy game on saturday.

Ha this was so frustrating to watch...I think I died a little inside just having to witness it. It was like one of those stupid plays on Madden where everyone slants/blitzes to the outside.

Johnnie faithfuls - interestingly enough, I did read an interview with Gags in the Pioneer Press this past Tuesday and he did say that he didn't know how much coaching he actually did anymore but he could've just been having fun with the interview. I'm not saying he's a figurehead but I got a kick out of the fact that he at least knows people think that about him and has some fun with it. 
Quote from: familyguyfaneightyfour on October 14, 2007, 01:30:31 PM
Quote from: Seton41 on October 13, 2007, 10:20:53 PM
Quote from: Horan's Heroes on October 13, 2007, 09:53:15 PM
Quote from: familyguyfaneightyfour on October 13, 2007, 05:39:18 PM
Sloppy game for the Oles.  Offense put up a ton of points, but the D struggled at times today.  The Cobbs offense played better than I expected, and their defense struggles just as much as the Oles' did...
As for the "controversy" around the 2-point conv. ...
I was standing in the back of the endzone where the cobbs were trying to score in, and the helmet of the ball carrier was on the line when his head hit the ground.  He had the ball tucked into his midsection at that point, and it was NOT over the plane of the goal line.  Conversion was no good.
Glad to see the Oles are keeping the playoff dreams alive.  HUGE week coming up for them.  They need to stay tough through Bethel week.  I have faith that they can keep the train rolling.

I was at the side of the endzone. Right on the goal line. The official that had been missing calls for us and making up a personal foul said "the ball crossed but his knee was down before". The problem I have with that is he was on top of the pile. Perhaps forward motion? But no, he went with the knee thing.

I have never seen a ref overturn another one one three separate occasions. Anyone see Olaf's last TD when there was a blatant block in the back on the 5? If you weren't there, it was a breakaway and one man left to beat... he squares up, and gets popped from behind with the line judge 3 yards away watching it. Seriously now.

I was really impressed with the Cobs offense today. I was kind of upset Deonte Hutchins was out.

I'd say "side of the endzone" trumps "back of the endzone"

From my angle it didn't look like he made it over.  I'm sure that some pictures will come up eventually that will clarify this.  It doesn't matter all that much at this point though, Oles still get the win, cobbs have to take the loss.  Good luck to the cobbs the rest of the year!  They played pretty darn well yesterday.

Not to take away from the Cobber offense but the defensive scheme STO was running was just plain stupid. Apparently the DEs were responsible for the fullback while the LBs were supposed to scrape over the top to the QB leaving the dives, traps and bellys wide open. I don't know why CC stopped giving it to the fullback because running against that kind of scheme, dives were good for ten yards a pop as the LBs were vacating the middle. Why you wouldn't have the LBs take the FB and the DEs take the QB against and option team I just can't figure out. I will give it up to the QB for CC...sick athlete.
Wonka...I'm not even going to respond to your posts on that topic anymore because this is just getting old.

Cobbernation...Concordia can expect to face a STO team that has a high powered offense capable of both scoring fast with the passing game or grinding out the clock with a hard-nosed running game and a powerful, skilled O-line. On the defensive side they have a big, fast experienced front. I would say the only place that could be considered a weak point would be their secondary simply because they are a little young in that department but they make up for it with their athleticism. Concordia isn't traditionally a passing team so this may be of no help to them but I haven't had the chance to watch Concordia yet this year so I could be wrong about their passing game.

Quote from: frankrickard on October 09, 2007, 01:42:31 AM
Apparently I need to dedicate my life more to being a nerd so I can make a lot of money and get chicks.

Hahaha, insane.
Ah....I figured that's what you meant but I wasn't sure. Unfortunately, I can't say because it's just not my style to discuss other peoples affairs especially in a public forum like this. If it were something that was made known to the public from the start I might consider talking about it. I know that could be considered a copout on my part but I personally just don't believe it's right. Sorry.

Oz...well said.
OleFan...I never called you in particular a prick I just said not everyone from STO is like you. What I was referring to was the "doctored photoshop" comments and how vaguely inferring that someone would alter them to prove a point is a little extreme. I'm not saying you accused anyone of doing that but just bringing that up can be enough in a situation like that. As a whole it just seems a little out there to me but I'm no photoshop pro so I guess I can't really say.

Stanbob...haha I'm not sure what you mean. I've never heard that saying before. Can you explain?

Freebird...I never said I was the voice of reason. In fact I deliberately asked whether or not I was out of line in being so upset by this and even offered to shut up about it if I was. That's so nice of you to assume that though. Maybe before you call us clowns, you should take the time to fully read the posts so you don't make yourself look like one in the process.

Stanbob...I didn't mention the young lady because nobody is spreading rumors about her on here. She is also a friend of mine and if someone started posting things about her with nothing to back it up, you better believe I would make a fuss about it as well. How's that for woodwork? Oh, and my username last week? It was Guest just like all of the years before that. I've read these forums for a while without being a registered user and never had any desire to post until I saw this subject.

Frank...I agree that we shouldn't judge all Gusties for the actions of one or any school by the actions of one for that matter. I don't think all Johnnie fans are pricks and I definately hope to God that you all don't think that everyone from STO is like OleFan.
Here's honest and simple. Unless you're A) his parents B) Coach Meidt or C) a STO Dean, it's not any business of yours what has or hasn't occurred off the field nor any consequences that follow. If I am wrong in being upset about potentially harmful rumors of this nature being spread on this site, someone please let me know and I won't make a big deal out of anything like this ever again. If I am right, can we just drop it already?
Not sure if I posted correctly being a first timer and all but there are a few things I want to say.

First, the STO, SJU game was one of the greatest games I've ever witnessed. I have to agree with WAHOO that STO has the better athletes but SJU is great at doing what needs to be done to pull those close games out. In regards to the facemask, looking at the pictures, it was the right call but still very depressing. Still a great game to watch, I'd love to see a rematch in the playoffs.

Second, Wonka I don't know who you are are what "friend that has multiple friends on the team" you have but the reason most Oles won't talk about your rumors is because this is not the National Enquirer. We are here to talk about the greatest game ever created not he said she said gossip. I guess you missed that memo. However, I will tell you a few things as a recent STO grad, player, friend of HG and actual friend of multiple people on the team. The rumors and BS that spread on that campus are insane. Apparently, your friend didn't inform you that many of the things that get spread on that campus are usually assumptions and almost always untrue. It literally is a worse social atmosphere then high school in this respect and athletes (usually football players) always find themselves with the biggest targets on their backs. Furthermore, no matter what you think of Meidt as a person, I can promise you that he would not allow HG to stay on that team if such an incident occurred. He may not be the most liked coach in the MIAC by those outside of his program but when it comes to off the field problems, he makes sure that players take responsibility for their actions and are dealt with accordingly. Maybe YOU should do your own digging if you're going to play reporter. Leave that kind of trash off of this site.