Frankrickard, I think you misread what I said. "If this kind of crap is indicative of life at Gustavus, I pity you people." Obviously, I don't think Willy is a reflection of an entire college. However, when he presents himself as a vocal alumni, his asinine comments reflect poorly on his alma mater. I think there are many people (probably including yourself), who don't deserve to have this guy representing them.
And if this were the way everyone "discussed" issues like Gant's absence, it would be a pretty slippery slope into constant mud-slinging. That kind of rumor and innuendo has no place in a football discussion. It's bizarre that you should invoke the memory of the Duke Lacrosse case while defending someone who employed the same tactics that destroyed those guys' lives. It isn't just what he's saying, it's what he is inferring. And it was patently offensive.
And Pat, I didn't mean to offend, but this is the way reputations are formed, and I think you'll agree that no one deserves to have their character and integrity assailed in that way. If people like Willy continued to use this great resource for the purpose of spreading innuendo, it would be well advised, at the very least, to shut them down.
And if this were the way everyone "discussed" issues like Gant's absence, it would be a pretty slippery slope into constant mud-slinging. That kind of rumor and innuendo has no place in a football discussion. It's bizarre that you should invoke the memory of the Duke Lacrosse case while defending someone who employed the same tactics that destroyed those guys' lives. It isn't just what he's saying, it's what he is inferring. And it was patently offensive.
And Pat, I didn't mean to offend, but this is the way reputations are formed, and I think you'll agree that no one deserves to have their character and integrity assailed in that way. If people like Willy continued to use this great resource for the purpose of spreading innuendo, it would be well advised, at the very least, to shut them down.