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Messages - KeSt

Frankrickard, I think you misread what I said. "If this kind of crap is indicative of life at Gustavus, I pity you people." Obviously, I don't think Willy is a reflection of an entire college. However, when he presents himself as a vocal alumni, his asinine comments reflect poorly on his alma mater. I think there are many people (probably including yourself), who don't deserve to have this guy representing them.

And if this were the way everyone "discussed" issues like Gant's absence, it would be a pretty slippery slope into constant mud-slinging. That kind of rumor and innuendo has no place in a football discussion. It's bizarre that you should invoke the memory of the Duke Lacrosse case while defending someone who employed the same tactics that destroyed those guys' lives. It isn't just what he's saying, it's what he is inferring. And it was patently offensive.

And Pat, I didn't mean to offend, but this is the way reputations are formed, and I think you'll agree that no one deserves to have their character and integrity assailed in that way. If people like Willy continued to use this great resource for the purpose of spreading innuendo, it would be well advised, at the very least, to shut them down.
I enjoy reading these posts, as it is the best place for MIAC football news and discussion. I had never considered posting until recently. I could not help but register so that I could echo the sentiments of "The Hammer." I don't know who "Willy Wonka" is, and I don't care to know. You should be ashamed of yourself man. The mere thought that you would spew this 3rd person rumor and conjecture, and then have the gall to defend yourself as a "mouthpiece," is unbelievable. A mouthpiece for what Willy? Vicious and unsubstantiated rumor? Campus gossip? Who the hell do you think you are?

"let's just say an incident with a female student on Olaf's campus"

Do you have any idea about the implications of the rumor you are trying to create? Is this a fun game, trying to drag someone's name through the mud because you used to play for an opposing Division III football team? Unless you have conducted research yourself, or have personally verified an account of what has happened in this (or any) incident, you have no right to pass judgment on Horace, Chris Meidt, or anyone else. And yet you go on to say that you agree what you did was wrong "if he's done nothing wrong."
Well thank God that it's guilty until proven innocent in your world. If this kind of crap is indicative of life at Gustavus, I pity you people. And if this is really the way this website is going to be used, it should be shut down. I'd rather go without the enjoyable and harmless football-trash-talk, than see good people slandered.