About the disrespect of UWW by jumping on the W, I think this debate should rest, every game I have seen UMHB play they congregate at the middle of the field and get hyped regardless of who they play. As for disrespecting the military appreciation day, trust me UMHB is a mere 20 minutes away from the biggest military base in North America and probably the world we understand how improtant the military is to us. About not coming out for the national anthem, UMHB has a routine, and were praying during the national anthem, this is not a tradition unique to UMHB, I am made to understand that the Wisconsin Badgers do not show up for the national anthem. This is not the first time for UMHB to do this and it was not a psychological thing, they usually run onto the field after the national anthem is played EVEN at home games. But congrats to UW-W you were the better team on the day and deserve your number 2 ranking but please don't call us out for disrespecting the military, national anthem and UW-W without all the facts and if you are going to be yelling BULL S**T for everyone to here it kinda doesn't make sense.
I won't make any excuses UW-W beat UMHB 41-14 and that's all that matters, hopefully we will meet again.
I won't make any excuses UW-W beat UMHB 41-14 and that's all that matters, hopefully we will meet again.