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Messages - FMR IBFC Champ

Quote from: GC_MC0509 on October 22, 2007, 08:41:15 PM
Old 40,

          Yeah I agree. MAC needs to keep this group together. I think with a little more maturity they could be a good I mean good team as in winning games. I know there was someone posting that MAC was a dirty team. That may have been years past but I know I have seen a change since Sweeney has been HC. You're also right when you say the administration are the only ones who can flub this up. I think with the new President, the program is covered. But then again, who knows! MAC will be on top with Sweeney running things. It will just take time.
I agree, the Administartion has to support the program or it won't matter what Sweeney does. Hopefully this SID works out, they have had some incompetent people handling this job in the past.
Quote from: GC_MC0509 on October 21, 2007, 07:42:41 PM
About the mac game...I know the scoreboard tells who won the game but if a scoreboard showed the progress a team was making, mac would be ok. These guys are starting to pick it up. Just some little mistakes here and there. They can be explosive when they get going. Watch out for #28 Tristan Jones! Mac will win out and go 3-7. I have faith in this "freshman" team.
I appreciate the insight on the Mac progress. Have not made it to a game yet because of geography.  Although winning out would be great, I think it is more wishfull thinking at this point.  Big thing for Mac(and I have said this before)is to retain these young Freshmen for next year. That has been, in my opinion, one of the biggest reasons why Mac has declined recently. Lets get these kids eligible, in the new weight room and restore the pride that Mac players once had. I have a lot of respect for Sweeney, as a person,taking this job knowing that the Mac admin has a lot of things to resolve.  It would be easy to pack it up and head somewhere else after the season. Hope that does not happen. Keep choppin Mac!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: cudub on October 21, 2007, 03:55:56 PM
Quote from: FMR IBFC Champ on October 20, 2007, 08:22:34 PM
Quote from: catch22 on October 20, 2007, 08:20:28 PM
Another score just in

Greenville 42  MacMurray 12

Just something else Cudub will bash Mac for.
Why don't you just relax a little bit.  Just a little friendly trash talking.  Don't be an internet thug!!!

Dude really?  Way to be mature about it.  Plus, I have stated several times, and even went back and read all of my posts, I have NEVER talked sh** about there talent on the football field.  You seriously need to read things before you make dumb comments.
Quote from: catch22 on October 20, 2007, 08:20:28 PM
Another score just in

Greenville 42  MacMurray 12

Just something else Cudub will bash Mac for.
Quote from: cudub on October 19, 2007, 11:22:40 PM
As I said before, im not trying to make this an argument about CUW, because...well just because i dont really want to get into that argument right now.  There not perfect, i know that, everyone knows that.  But, i know firsthand, and from other players from IBFC teams that coaches "practice" playing macmurray.  That practice includes the scout team talking trash, and taking cheap shots at the starters.  Starters have to practice just waking away.  Now, I just don't see a coach doing that to his team just for the hell of it. 

(and just for the record, if winning conference means absolutely nothing, then why is there even an Illini-badger football conference? why dont they just turn it into an Intramural deal?)
I didnt say it meant nothing, but it should not be your only goal.  Because, for the most part, the level of the competition is nothing to brag about. As a player you have no choice in which conference your school plays in.  But if the conference is weak then prove your a good team by beating playoff teams from other conferences.  When I played at Mac we did not get it done outside the conference either.  My argument is against people bragging about something they no reason bragging about.  Set your goals higher(all teams in the IBFC).  Get that playoff win for the IBFC before it is disbanded.  It will not erase the years of inferiority, but at least be a step in the right direction for the school that does it heading into their new conference.  If Mac is not in the playoffs then I root for the team from the IBFC.  The truth sometimes hurts!!!!
Quote from: cudub on October 19, 2007, 09:37:25 PM
I would like you to show me when/where I said anything about CUW and their respectability?  Nowhere, I have been speaking solely on the MacMurray program.  And no, I am not "kicking them when they are down".  I'm just kicking them at a time when they happen to be down.  This is the first year I have felt the ability to post on this board because before I was still affiliated with my team.  Do you see me on here talking smack about Euereka or Blackburn?  Or about GC having a down year?  I can not speak for mac in it's hay day, i was not around at that point.  Im speaking in the last 4-5 years, in my experiences, they are a dirty football team.  That is a fact.  And I would also like to point out that your best argument is talking crap about CUW, not defending your own school.  And your right, this conference is a joke at this point, but CUW at least went 10-0 and hosted a playoff game, CUW beat several non-conference teams in the last couple of years, and CUW goes about there business with class (as do most of the teams in the IBFC).  I don't want to get into an argument about CUW, because its not worth it, but all i will say is that we are doing more by going 7-3, in terms of respect, than you are by going 0-10.  But I would just like to say one more time, NOT ONCE have I spoke badly of MacMurray college's football abilities on the field.  I have only commented on their sportsmanship (or lack thereof).  I went to a high school that went 0-9 i know what its like, and it sucks, trust me i know.  But we still played the game correctly. 

ps.  "maybe the coach was defending himself"???  Really come on, that just hurts you credibility.  I used to have to "defend myself" against the sled in practice.
Who are you getting repsect from by going 7-3? Nobody outside the IBFC takes that  record serious. That hurts your credibility.  If your happy with being just the best in the IBFC then  more power to you. I would think that your pre-season goals begin with a conference championship and end with a deep run through the playoffs. If not then then your just wasting time. That was my mentality as a player.  Mac also once went 10-0. Like I have said before that means nothing unless you win a playoff game. Your comment about hosting a playoff game, that only means you were supposed to win and you didn't.  That also hurts your credibility.  For the record, I was not trashing CUW just pointing out that their background has blemishes like anyone else.  You said you  were speaking solely on the Mac Program.  What is there to say that everyone on this message board does not already know? To me that post was a shot at Mac. My opinion. Your facts are wrong about Mac though, they may have had a dirty "player" but he does not represent the whole team. Of course I am going to defend my school.  Any alumni with pride would. If you read my earlier posts I also point my schools flaws. As always you are entitled to your opinion but when you state so called "facts" make sure they are that, facts and not opinions.
Quote from: cudub on October 19, 2007, 07:10:26 PM
That video and that attitude are EXACTLY why people on this board, and people around the conference talk crap about macmurray.  You can talk all you want about how the grades are improving and the institution is becoming better, and that is all tremendous, because your right at this level the game is not the students entire life, they are there to get an education.  But this is a football message board where football issues are discussed (usually), and when it comes to Highlanders football.....Well I can not respect that program or its coaches until they can prove themselves worthy of that respect.
lets be clear on why people talk crap about any school on this board.  They do it when teams are down. Nobody ever said anything like this when Mac was dominating the conference(or any other team when their winning). Its easy to point the finger when your school is winning and another school is not.  You have a point with the video(if it was intentional, could have been protecting himself, who knows) But the fact of the matter is people were talking crap about Mac before this video came out. Besides who needs respect from CUW fans. Do you not have more to focus on or to  play for than a video from a CUW vs. Mac game?  Check your history of your players and coaches character (cedric simmons) before you call someone else out.  Just worry about winning the IBFC, and attempting to look respectable in the post-season, or your season was waste like any other team from the IBFC. Do something about that. Worry about getting respect from outside this conference before giving repsect to Mac.  Face reality, your bashing and self patting on the back is only credible within the walls of the IBFC because nobody else in the nation cares until the IBFC does something to a great team from outside this conference.  Whats more important bashing a Mac team that everyone knows is down(captain obvious), or talking about more important issues like the respectability of this conference which currently does not exist.

Respond to me!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: old 40 on October 17, 2007, 07:39:54 PM
Good points. Lakeland is also in the same predictament, IMO. A new football stadium, turf and weight room would attract more athletes. Lakeland has made some movement to upgrade their facilities, weight room but  lack a top notch stadium with turf. IMO, AU lacks all 3 and with the current administration philosophy I don't see improvement on the horizon, which is to bad. You are right ptownhero, they(AU) need facilities.

Look at CUW they have an state of the art weight room/cardio room and just put in turf, with a new stadium with track coming. Look on their school web site under future Athletic expansion to see their plans.The first school to have everything will take the leadership role of the NAC in Football.

Anyone else have thoughts? Gomer? TruCountry75?

I don't totally disagree with that that statement but I look no further than 1 mile down in Jacksonville at Illinois College.  For those who do not know about IC check out their muti-million dollar Bruner Center on their web site. They have not dominated anybody lately( or scheduled Mac for a football game).  Facilities do not always translate in to wins, but I guess they can't hurt a team either. There are more components than facilties to dominating a conference year in an year out.
Quote from: Gomer Pyle on October 15, 2007, 07:45:23 AM
    Just to add a little to your post ref: Thomas More.
    Mac came as close as one can to a win but lost in the last .......14
    seconds. 14 seconds!  That information is in the game write up.       
    But as the line goes, close but no cigar.
    One long lasting memory for you is the "RING" and the 1st conference
    championship for Mac.  Plus, the 1st NCAA play-off game, albeit a loss.
    2002: If you were still there, a banner year.
     The  1st un-defeated football season( 10-0) in Mac`s history. Another
      ring. Another NCAA play-off game.....albeit another loss.
    You have a lot to be proud of and the memories will last you a life time.

I appreciate it Gomer, I just want to see Mac turn it around. I have read your complaints from the website to the recordkeeping etc. I agree with those complaints 100%.  Mac as a school has issues from admissions to SID but I still can't bring myself to bash them on this platform.   The alumni (especially those who were athletes) need to express their concerns to Mac Admin to let them know that some of the things we have seen are unacceptable and need to be corrected.  There are a lot of Mac "haters" who post here and I certaninly don't want to give them more ammunition.  As I always I still enjoy reading your posts.
I agree with what do I know,

Nobody in the IBFC has the right to be compared with anything outside the IBFC because they have never done anything outside of the conference.  Hence the "0" playoff wins and the terrible record against good teams from outside the conference.   I know Mac almost beat Thomas More and Cuw played a tough game but that does not count for anything.
Quote from: WhatDoIKnow on October 14, 2007, 09:20:32 PM
Fatal - AU had opportunities to win the game yesterday, but certainly did not deserve to win the game.  As a neutral observer, it appeared the AU coaching staff got outcoached from the last few minutes of the first half through the game winning field goal?  What type of coach does not put points on the board (field goal) during overtime when the opposition hasn't even had the ball yet?....Wait I know, a coach who needs to go!

For those who say he didn't have confidence in the kicking the field goal from the 10 yd line, which is an extra pt, then he should have maybe went for 2 in the first OT.  Just a thought, but some changes need to be made on the AU staff.

Old 40 - I would not say AU has a good defense when it comes to D3 football, but they have a good defense when it comes to playing the teams in the IBFC.
Mac is doing all that it can with a young squad.  The fact of the matter is things needed to be cleaned up at Mac, and hopefully they are now.  Don't knock the fact tghat Mac players are making grades.  One of the biggest problems at Mac has been good players flunking out or getting in too much trouble off the field.  That has been what has kept them from being consistently at the top of the conference.  Even when Mac won the conference back to back this was an issue.  Remeber Freshmen first team OL Maurice Smith back in 2002, where was he in "03, All Conference center from '02 same scenario, 6'6 reciever Mack (booted from team), All conference punt returner-DB Jared Grant(grades), the list can go on and on.  I know because I was a member of those championship teams.  Mac dug themselves this hole and hopefully they can come out of it the right way. No one could expect Mac to do much of anything this year given their current roster.  So as far as I am concerned hold Mac accountable from now, under the Sweeney regime, not the past.  Sometimes change is for the better.