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Messages - bigerneatsboogers

* YOUR knee
i think everybody forgot that ONE play doesn't decide a's something that nobody has mentioned- WHAT IF IT WORKED? what would be said on here? i'm only speculating but i'm guessing something along the lines of "DUBJ THE LSU OF D3" or "OH MY GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED"
anyway i think everybody needs to chill, do i agree w/the call? maybe, maybe not. but are you guys going to judge coach's career on one play? if so maybe it should be krepps's qb sneak from the 1 inch line out of 5 wide? he continues to snag national recognition for a little ass d3 progrem and e.c. and bigern he gave us the best times of our lives, i personally don't think your busting on him e.c. but i could be biased , but bigern you need to bring it down, i'm not playing daddy to anybody on here because you're all grown ass men but bigern did he or did he not support you when you knee was shredded and you were rehabbing, just like me and e.c. had to sponge bathe you at scar's?? yeah it sucks the game ended like that but whaddyagonnado?...
bigern- if dubj wins their 1st round i'll def be in for the 2nd round matchup, i'll be in cbus this weekend so y don't u text a brother some updates as the game goes along eh?
i dont know who this jtmiller is that you speak of but he sounds like a stud.

you didn't answer the question concerning heath high, very disappointed.

and as far as playoff success is concerned i am talking about how far into the playoffs did that qb take their team? dawson and swallow have gone to the 2nd round and edwards took his squad to the 3rd round. surely you of all people know the competitive difference between the 2nd and 3rd round??

on a technical note...

when i say i caught balls from all 3 i only mean in practice. i never played a down. ECWarrior is my hero. i got #14 tattoed on my inner thigh...

here's my opinion on dawson,edwards, and swallow

-all three had unbelievable accuracy. edwards had the strongest arm followed by dawson with swallow bringing up the rear. i caught balls from all three, this is the order of arm strength, dawson's might have been a little underrated.

dawson- great qb, threw for over 10,000 yards. was a playmaker, didn't get rattled. if certain things occurred or did not occur during his senior year this discussion would be who is the 2nd best qb in dubj history behind dawson. however, this isn't about woulda, coulda, shoulda. limited playoff success but his sophomore and junior year he was untouchable. his senior year brought him back to mortality and left the door open for swallow to make his move.

edwards- over 7,000 career yards. could throw the ball threw a brick wall AND hit the scoreboard from the 10 yard line at cameron. could get rattled when hit. stoic on the field. no real emotion either way. was a good and bad thing. rocket arm is his claim to fame. AND the most playoff success out of any qb on this list to date.

swallow- making moves. accuracy MIGHT be the best of all three. all 3 were amazingly on point with their throws. tied with dawson for best touch passes. doesn't have the rocket launching arm but doesn't need it. he is better than edwards but i'm not putting him past dawson...yet. let's see how the playoffs pan out and not to mention next year before we take the crown from dawson's head.

top dogs:
1. dawson-(let's face it, if things continue as they are, he's just warming the seat for swallow.
2.swallow- barring an injury or a radical change of behavioral choices he'll be top gun soon enough.
3. edwards- i'd take edwards over either for a reunion im dodgeball tourney. ern i would pick a blind armless girl over you.

-ECwarrior what is it that attracted bigern to heath high again??
hi there long time listener first time caller and here's how i see it....

EC i would like to join your fan club but only as president or i don't want anything to do with it.

2nd of all- darkside you need to relax thiel had their flash in the pan success, congrats to you and yours for your little run there.

3rd of all- its dubj's conference, until they change the name w&j will always be the king of the mountain

4th of all- little ernski & EC pud said to tell you 2 and i quote: "you can tell those 2 i'll cut block them and WHOOP down they'll go"

lastly- ern nobody likes you